A Tiger in the Zoo: Class 10 English Important Questions and Answers

If you're a CBSE Class 10 student studying English, you may be familiar with the poem "A Tiger in the Zoo" by Leslie Norris. To help you prepare for your exam, we've compiled a list of important questions and answers that cover the key themes, central idea, literary devices, and meanings of the poem.

a tiger in the zoo class 10 important questions answers

SubjectEnglish Language & Literature
Chapter NameA Tiger in the Zoo
Chapter No. 2
TypeImportant Questions and Answers
Book NameFirst Flight

"If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward."

- Martin Luther King Jr.

A Tiger in the Zoo Class 10 Important Questions and Answers

Q. No. 1) Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

He stalks in his vivid stripes
The few steps of his cage,
On pads of velvet quiet,
In his quiet rage.

He should be lurking in shadow,
Sliding through long grass
Near the water hole
Where plump deer pass.

(A Tiger in the Zoo)

i. Which of these activities is mentioned in the extract as something the tiger should do in the jungle?

a. roar at visitors

b. stare at people

c. wait for his prey

d. drink clean water

Ans. Option (c)

ii. Why does the poet describe the cage as having 'few steps'?

a. to draw attention to the stairs in the cage

b. to show admiration for the size of the cage

c. to convey the importance of protecting tigers

d. to highlight the restriction on the tiger's freedom

Ans. Option (d)

iii. The contrast indicated in the given extract is between __________.

a. the tiger's reality and the tiger's ideal situation.

b. the luxury of a zoo and the simplicity of a jungle

c. the tiger's actual feeling and how the tiger should feel

d. the silence of the tiger in a zoo and his dominance in the jungle

Ans. Option (a)

iv. Select the option that describes the tiger in the lines below.

Lurking in shadow,

Sliding through long grass

  1. sly
  2. scared
  3. dominant
  4. light-footed
  5. eye-catching

a. (1) and (4)

b. (3) and (5)

c. (1), (2), and (4)

d. (2), (4), and (5)

Ans. Option (a)

v. Which of these has the same rhyme scheme as the stanzas in the extract?

a. Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!โ€”
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.

(A Psalm of Life by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)

b. Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.

(Dreams by Langston Hughes)

c. "I cannot go to school today,"
Said little Peggy Ann McKay.
"I have the measles and the mumps,
A gash, a rash, and purple bumps."

(Sick by Shel Silverstein)

d. We listened and looked sideways up!
Fear at my heart, as at a cup,
My life-blood seemed to sip!
The stars were dim, and thick the night,

(The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge)

Ans. Option (b)

Q. No. 2) In the poem A Tiger in the Zoo, what does the tigerโ€™s โ€˜quiet rageโ€™, indicate? It indicates that the tigerโ€™s anger is

a. forgotten.

b. provoked.

c. suppressed.

d. opposed.

Ans. Option (c)

Q. No. 3) Multiple Choice Questions based on an extract

He should be lurking in shadow,
Sliding through long grass
Near the water hole
Where plump deer pass.

i. According to the extract, the poet wishes for the tiger to be โ€˜slidingโ€™ through the foliage as this would

a. assist in keeping the prey unsuspecting of the predatorโ€™s sound.

b. aid in camouflaging the presence of the predator before it rushes in.

c. help the predator pounce on the prey comfortably without getting tired.

d. Support the predatorโ€™s vision as it eyes its prey.

Ans. Option (a)

ii. Which fact DOES NOT connect with the significance of the water hole for the tiger?

a. Many tigers chase prey into the water and hold the victimโ€™s head underwater until it drowns.

b. Prey feed in the water on water-lilies, and often wander into the middle of the water hole, where they are vulnerable and easy for the tiger to kill.

c. Prey that has quenched its thirst ensures consumption of hydrated meat for the tiger.

d. Chasing the panicked prey from shallow to deep water where the tiger grabs it.

Ans. Option (c)

iii. Pick the option that DOES NOT use โ€˜lurkingโ€™ correctly to fill in the blank.

a. The thug was _________ in the alley late evening, for unsuspecting passers-by.

b. The hyena was __________ in its den after a good meal.

c. The detective cautioned her team about the _________ dangers likely to impact the case.

d. The prejudices __________beneath the surface create misunderstandings.

Ans. Option (b)

iv. โ€˜shadowโ€™ here, refers to the shadow of

a. the tiger.

b. long grass.

c. water hole.

d. deer

Ans. Option (b)

v. Pick the phrase that DOES NOT suggest that the forest in the extract is lush.

a. long grass

b. the water hole

c. plump deer

d. lurking in shadow

Ans. Option (d)

Q. No. 4) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.

โ€œHe should be lurking in the shadow,
Sliding through long grass
Near the water hole
Where plump deer pass.โ€

i. The poem, โ€œA Tiger in the Zooโ€ is written by

a. Leslie Norris

b. William Blake

c. Peter Niblett

d. Robert Frost

Ans. Option (a)

ii. The tiger should be lurking in the shadow

a. for his prey

b. for taking rest

c. for leisure

d. for scaring others

Ans. Option (a)

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iii. The deer frequents the water hole to ________________________

Ans. For drinking water.

iv. The phrase โ€˜lurking in the shadowโ€™ here means ________________

Ans. stay hidden, not coming to the forefront.

Q. No. 5) But heโ€™s locked in a concrete cell,
His strength behind bars,
Stalking the length of his cage,
Ignoring visitors.
He hears the last voice at night,
The patrolling cars, โ€ฆ

i. Choose the image that best describes the condition of the tiger based on the given extract.

a tiger in the zoo class 10 question answer

a. Option (1)

b. Option (2)

c. Option (3)

d. Option (4)

Ans. Option (b)

ii. Which option correctly lists the reason for the tiger โ€˜stalking the length of his cageโ€™?

a. Animals tend to cover large distances and burn a lot of their energy by hunting for prey, in their natural habitat. Zoos deprive them of such stimulation and they are restless and bored.

b. Animals are scared of visitors gazing at them in their unnatural surroundings. Zoos are places where animals are far removed from the privacy of their natural habitat.

c. Animals dislike human noises in the city and react to them aggressively. Zoos are often located in cities or outskirts.

d. Animals require human love and care and miss this when in captivity. Zoos are places where they walk around mechanically to attract human attention.

Ans. Option (a)

iii. Which option identifies a patrolling car correctly?

a tiger in the zoo class 10 question and answer

a. Option 1

b. Option 2

c. Option 3

d. Option 4

Ans. Option (b)

iv. The main contrasting idea suggested by the extract is that of

a. strength and weakness.

b. nature and culture.

c. beasts and mortals.

d. confinement and freedom.

Ans. Option (d)

v. Choose the option listing the most likely reason for the tiger to ignore visitors, according to the extract.

a. He is scared of their constant stares.

b. The visitors donโ€™t provide him with any food.

c. He knows that none would help him out of captivity.

d. The visitors donโ€™t speak to him kindly.

Ans. Option (c)

Q. No. 6) Read the extracts given below and attempt by answering the questions that follow.

But heโ€™s locked in a concrete cell,
His strength behind bars,
Stalking the length of his cage,
Ignoring visitors.

He hears the last voice at night,
The patrolling cars,
And stares with his brilliant eyes
At the brilliant stars

i. The fact that the tiger is โ€˜stalking the length of his cageโ€™ tells us that he is

a. restless.

b. reckless.

c. resilient.

d. reverent.

Ans. Option (a)

ii. What is the rhyme scheme of the given stanzas?

a. abcb; abcb

b. abcb; abcd

c. abcd; abcd

d. abcd; abcb

Ans. Option (d)

iii. These stanzas bring out the contrast between

a. zoos and cities.

b. strength and weakness.

c. freedom and captivity.

d. visitors and patrolling cars.

Ans. Option (c)

iv. What is the caged tiger NOT likely to say to the visitors?

a. โ€œStop staringโ€.

b. โ€œSet me freeโ€.

c. โ€œJoin me".

d. "Go awayโ€.

Ans. Option (c)

v. The tigerโ€™s โ€˜brilliant eyesโ€™ reveal that he

a. hopes to be free and in the wild, someday.

b. is looked after well and is nourished and healthy.

c. enjoys staring at the bright stars each night.

d. is well-rested and hence, wide-awake.

Ans. Option (a)

Q. No. 7) It is said that an animalโ€™s eyes have the power to speak a great language. Explain with reference to the tiger.

Ans. In the poem "A Tiger in the Zoo," the idea that an animal's eyes have the power to speak the great language is portrayed through the depiction of the tiger. The poet highlights the tiger's confined existence within the zoo, emphasizing the sorrow and longing evident in its eyes.

The poem describes the tiger pacing its enclosure, its eyes reflecting a sense of captivity and yearning. The phrase "The world outside the bars" suggests the tiger's desire to roam freely in its natural habitat. Despite being physically caged, the tiger's eyes express a deep longing for freedom, which it is unable to convey through words.

Q. No. 8) How does the poem point to the cruelty of animals in captivity?

Ans. The poem "A Tiger in the Zoo" points to the cruelty of animals in captivity through its depiction of the tiger's confined and restricted existence. The pacing of the tiger within its enclosure and the sorrowful longing in its eyes evoke a sense of captivity and suffering. The contrast between the tiger's wild nature and the restrictive environment of the zoo highlights the inherent cruelty of depriving animals of their natural habitat and freedom.

Q. No. 9) The poet celebrates the strength of the tiger in this poem. Counter the statement.

Ans. In this poem, the poet does not necessarily celebrate the strength of the tiger. Instead, the poet focuses on the plight of the tiger in captivity. The poem highlights the contrast between the tiger's innate strength and its restricted environment within the zoo. The pacing of the tiger and the sadness in its eyes depict a sense of confinement and longing for freedom. Therefore, rather than celebrating the tiger's strength, the poem draws attention to the cruelty of keeping such powerful creatures in captivity.

Q. No. 10) How does Leslie Norris use vivid imagery and metaphorical language in A Tiger in the Zoo, to effectively depict the confinement and oppression, experienced by the captive tiger?

Ans. Leslie Norris uses vivid imagery and metaphorical language in "Tiger in the Zoo" to effectively depict the confinement and oppression experienced by the captive tiger.

The use of the words "vivid stripes" and "pads of velvet quiet" creates a powerful image of the tiger's physical beauty and grace that is restricted within the confines of the cage.

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The contrast between the tiger's natural habitat and its captivity is highlighted through the description of its expected behavior in the wild such as "sliding through long grass" and "snarling around houses" and its actual behavior within the cage.

The metaphorical language used in "quiet rage" and "ignoring visitors" conveys the tiger's frustration and anger at being confined.

The last two lines, "He hears the last voice at night, the patrolling cars, and stares with his brilliant eyes at the brilliant stars," depicts the tiger's longing for freedom and its natural habitat.

Finally, the poem explores the psychological impact of captivity on the tiger through the use of vivid imagery and metaphorical language.

Q. No. 11) Do you think the tiger in the poem had lost its natural instinct due to captivity? Support your response with evidence from the poem.

Ans. Yes, based on the evidence provided in the poem, it can be inferred that the tiger has lost its natural instinct due to captivity. The poem describes the tiger's restricted environment within a concrete cell, where it is unable to engage in its natural behaviors. The lines "He should be lurking in shadow, Sliding through long grass Near the water hole Where plump deer pass" and "He should be snarling around houses At the jungle's edge" emphasize the tiger's natural habitat and instinctual activities, which it is unable to carry out in captivity.

The phrase "But he's locked in a concrete cell" highlights the confinement of the tiger and suggests that it is deprived of its natural surroundings. The poem further portrays the tiger's indifference towards visitors and its focus on pacing the length of its cage, indicating a loss of interest or motivation for engaging with its environment.

Additionally, the tiger's behavior of staring at the brilliant stars instead of actively participating in its natural habitat implies a disconnection from its instincts. This suggests that the tiger's natural instinct has been suppressed or diminished as a result of being held in captivity.

Q. No. 12) What do you think the tiger would say to you, as a visitor?

You may begin like this:

Please stop staring. You have no ideaโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ(continue)โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.

Ans. Please stop staring. You have no idea of the life I once knew, the vast wilderness that was my home. I was meant to roam freely, to stalk through the shadows, my vivid stripes blending with the long grass as I approached the water hole where plump deer grazed. My purpose was to survive, to live in harmony with the untamed beauty of the jungle.

But now, I am confined to this concrete cell, stripped of my dignity and robbed of my instincts. I am reduced to pacing back and forth, the few steps of my cage the only path I am allowed to tread. My once quiet rage has turned into resignation, as I am forced to ignore the calls of my wild nature.

You, as a visitor, may come here seeking a moment of fascination or entertainment, but what you fail to realize is the immense suffering that lies behind these bars. Imagine being locked away from the sunlit forest, from the gentle rustling of leaves and the sweet scent of freedom. Imagine the weight of captivity pressing upon your soul, leaving you with only memories and dreams of what once was.

Q. No. 13) Write the appropriate response comprising at least two reasons to present a counter to the following:

a tiger in the zoo question answer

You may begin this way:

Thatโ€™s just one-sided. Zoos are beneficial too. Firstly, they โ€ฆโ€ฆ.. (continue) โ€ฆโ€ฆ.

Ans. That's just one-sided. Zoos are beneficial too. Firstly, they play a crucial role in conservation efforts. Many zoos actively participate in breeding programs and conservation projects aimed at preserving endangered species. By providing a controlled environment and expert care, zoos can help protect vulnerable animal populations from extinction. They also contribute to scientific research and education, raising awareness about the importance of biodiversity and wildlife conservation among visitors.

Secondly, zoos offer opportunities for people to connect with and learn about animals they might not otherwise encounter. For many individuals, especially children, zoos serve as a unique and valuable educational resource. They provide firsthand experiences that foster an appreciation for wildlife and promote environmental consciousness. Zoos often organize educational programs, guided tours, and interactive exhibits that offer insights into animal behavior, habitats, and conservation challenges. These experiences can inspire future generations to become advocates for the welfare and protection of animals in the wild.

While it is true that some zoos have faced criticism for inadequate living conditions or lack of enrichment for the animals, it does not mean that all zoos should be banned outright. Instead, efforts should be focused on ensuring that zoos adhere to high standards of animal welfare and continually improve their facilities and practices. Proper regulation and oversight can ensure that zoos provide suitable habitats, enrichment activities, and proper care for the animals in their care.

Q. No. 14) Imagine the tiger writes a diary entry conveying how he feels helpless, angry, and frustrated in the concrete cell. He writes about his desire to be free. Write that diary entry.

You may begin like this:

15 October 2020, Thursday   9:00 pm

I feel so vulnerable and annoyed at my state. I donโ€™t know if I can ever be a free denizen of the forest.

Ans. 15 October 2020, Thursday 9:00 pm

I feel so vulnerable and annoyed at my state. I don't know if I can ever be a free denizen of the forest. It's been far too long since I've experienced the exhilaration of the wild, the sensation of my paws sinking into the cool earth as I stealthily stalked my prey. Instead, I'm trapped within this confining concrete cell, my magnificent stripes reduced to mere patterns on the walls.

Oh, how I long to prowl through the dense undergrowth, feeling the rustle of leaves against my fur as I traverse my natural domain. The scent of freedom has been replaced by the sterile stench of confinement, and my once-quiet rage has transformed into a roaring frustration that reverberates through my being.

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Each day, the only sounds I hear are the distant hum of human voices and the mechanical growl of the patrolling cars. The world beyond these bars feels like a fading memory, a distant dream slipping further away with each passing day. I bear witness to the brilliant stars that grace the night sky, mocking me with their unattainable freedom. They serve as a constant reminder of what I have lost.

I know there are visitors who come to observe me, their curious gazes fixed upon my enclosure. But if only they could understand the torment I endure, the anguish that grips my soul. I am more than just a spectacle, a mere curiosity to be admired from afar. I am a creature of the wild, meant to roam and rule my domain with untamed majesty.

As I pen these words, I hope that someday the world will awaken to the plight of animals like me, locked away in concrete prisons. May they recognize the profound injustice and cruelty of this existence, and work tirelessly to restore our freedom. Until then, I will continue to carry the flame of hope within my heart, fiercely yearning for the day when I can once again feel the earth beneath my paws and reclaim my rightful place in the wild.

Q. No. 15) Imagine that Man has been accused by a tiger of cruelty in an animal court. What would be the tigerโ€™s two major accusations and how would Man defend them? Present your answer in two paragraphs.

Ans. In the animal court, the tiger would likely accuse Man of two major acts of cruelty. Firstly, the tiger would accuse Man of forcefully capturing and confining wild animals in zoos, denying them their natural habitat and freedom. The tiger would argue that this act goes against the innate rights and instincts of animals, causing immense suffering and psychological distress.

In defense, Man may argue that zoos play a crucial role in conservation and education. The man could highlight how zoos participate in breeding programs and conservation efforts, protecting endangered species from extinction. Man would emphasize that the intention behind capturing and confining animals is to preserve their populations, raise awareness about conservation, and educate the public about the importance of wildlife and environmental protection.

Secondly, the tiger would accuse Man of encroaching upon and destroying their natural habitats, leading to habitat loss and fragmentation. The tiger would argue that Man's activities such as deforestation, urbanization, and industrialization have disrupted ecosystems, resulting in the loss of biodiversity and endangering the survival of various animal species, including the tiger itself.

In defense, Man may acknowledge that there have been negative consequences due to human activities but would argue that progress and development are necessary for human survival and prosperity. The man could state that efforts are being made to balance conservation and economic needs through measures like protected areas, reforestation projects, and sustainable practices. Man would stress that the goal is to find a harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife while addressing the needs of both.

Q. No. 16) The tiger in the poem โ€˜A Tiger in the Zooโ€™ presents a contrasting image with the tiger in the poem โ€˜How to Tell Wild Animalsโ€™. Compare and contrast the two tigers with reference to the manner in which they have been presented in both poems.

Ans. In "A Tiger in the Zoo," the tiger is depicted as a captive creature confined within the boundaries of a zoo. The focus is on the tiger's captivity, the loss of its natural instinct, and the sorrowful longing for freedom. The poem emphasizes the tiger's confinement in a concrete cell and its pacing within the limited space. The tiger's brilliant eyes and quiet rage reflect its frustration and helplessness in the unnatural environment of the zoo.

On the other hand, in "How to Tell Wild Animals," the tiger is presented as a symbol of untamed wilderness and primal power. The poem describes various wild animals, including the tiger, in their natural habitats. Here, the tiger represents a sense of fearlessness and danger associated with the wild. The poem highlights the characteristics and behaviors of wild animals, their adaptability, and their innate survival instincts. The tiger is portrayed as a creature to be respected and approached with caution.

Q. No. 17) Mijbil and the Tiger, both were looked after by humans. Assume they both meet each other in the zoo and have a conversation about their lifestyle and feelings.

Write this conversation as per your understanding of Mijbil the Otter and A Tiger in the Zoo.

You may begin like this

Tiger: Thanks for visiting me, though I donโ€™t usually like visitors.

Mijbil: Oh? I would love visitors, I think.

Ans. Mijbil - Happy about his life with his owner as a pet - perhaps would be scared to be out in the wild โ€“ wouldnโ€™t know how to survive.

Gets to play/go for walks.

Enjoys meals and the company of the owner โ€“ exists peacefully in the company of his owner

Tiger - Unhappy in captivity - blames humans for caging him - wished theyโ€™d know the value of peaceful coexistence.

Longing to be free and in natural habitat - perhaps wouldnโ€™t wish to be tamed as a pet.

Gets disturbed by human activity.

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