The Tiger King Class 12: Important Questions and Answers

If you're a student preparing for your Class 12 English exams, you may be wondering how to best study for your literature exam on "The Tiger King" (Vistas Chapter 2) by Kalki. To help you out, we've compiled a list of important questions and answers to help you prepare and ace your exam. Read on to learn more about this classic story and how to succeed on your exam.

SubjectEnglish Language & Literature
Chapter NameThe Tiger King
TypeImportant Questions and Answers
Book NameVistas

The Tiger King tells the story of a Maharaja who learns from an astrologer that he will be killed by the 100th tiger. Obsessed with defying this prophecy, he embarks on a relentless tiger hunt, neglecting his duties as a ruler. He kills 99 tigers but struggles to find the 100th. Ironically, he dies from a splinter from a wooden tiger toy, highlighting the futility of trying to escape fate. It's a wild and funny story that shows how ridiculous it can be to try and control everything, and how important it is to focus on things that truly matter.

Q. No. 1) ‘Even the threat of a Stuka bomber will not throw me off track.’ This sentence shows that the author has a/an

a. firm resolve to narrate the story.

b. humorous way of conveying an idea.

c. logical style of convincing the reader.

d. rhetorical manner of writing a story.

Ans. Option (b)

Q. No. 2) Read the extract and answer the questions given below:

In other words, the Tiger King is dead.

The manner of his death is a matter of extraordinary interest. It can be revealed only at the end of the tale. The most fantastic aspect of his demise was that as soon as he was born, astrologers had foretold that one day the Tiger King would actually have to die.

“The child will grow up to become the warrior of warriors, hero of heroes, champion of champions. But...” They bit their lips and swallowed hard. When compelled to continue, the astrologers came out with it. “This is a secret that should not be revealed at all. And yet we are forced to speak out. The child born under this star will one day have to meet its death.”

(The Tiger King)

i. Complete the sentence appropriately.

The author’s purpose in using foreshadowing is to _____.

Ans. create a sense of approaching doom.

Or, use it as a tool to heighten the reader's curiosity and interest in the story.

ii. In the given extract, what emotion were the astrologers feeling when they "bit their lips and swallowed hard"?

a. Humiliation

b. Disbelief

c. Grief

d. Unease

Ans. Option (d)

[The use of this physical gesture indicates a sense of discomfort or unease and implies that the astrologers were reluctant to reveal the prophecy. Humiliation or grief would be more strongly expressed in the text if they were the emotions being conveyed. Disbelief is also not the correct answer, as there is no indication that the astrologers doubted their prediction.]

iii. Which trait are the astrologers lauding when they say "warrior of warriors, hero of heroes, champion of champions"?

Ans. bravery/heroism/leadership

[The astrologers are predicting that the child born under this star will be a great warrior and a champion, implying that the child will display exceptional courage and bravery in battle or in other challenges. This also suggests that the child will be a leader and will inspire others with their bravery and heroism. The use of these superlative phrases further emphasizes the astrologers' admiration for this trait and the importance they place on it in predicting the child's future.]

iv. How is the line, "the most fantastic aspect of his demise", an example of contrast?

Ans. This is so because the word "fantastic" is usually associated with something positive or exciting, while the word "demise" suggests something negative or tragic.

[In this context, the use of "fantastic" to describe the Tiger King's death creates a contrast between the positive connotation of the word and the negative reality of the situation]

Q. No. 3) Read the extract and answer the questions given below:

From that day onwards it was celebration time for all the tigers inhabiting Pratibandapuram. The state banned tiger hunting by anyone except the Maharaja. A proclamation was issued to the effect that if anyone dared to fling so much as a stone at a tiger, all his wealth and property would be confiscated.

The Maharaja vowed he would attend to all other matters only after killing the hundred tigers. Initially, the king seemed well set to realize his ambition.

Not that he faced no dangers. There were times when the bullet missed its mark, the tiger leapt upon him and he fought the beast with his bare hands. Each time it was the Maharaja who won.

i. The tone of the author when he says, ‘it was celebration time for all tigers’ is

a. solemn.

b. sarcastic.

c. sympathetic.

d. mocking.

Ans. Option (b)

ii. Pick the pair of TRUE statements based on the extract.

  1. Tiger hunting was absolutely banned in the kingdom.
  2. The Maharaja was extremely courageous and fearless.
  3. The Maharaja paid no heed to matters related to his kingdom.
  4. The Maharaja was able to fulfill his ambition, without any perils.


a. 1 and 2

b. 2 and 4

c. 2 and 3

d. 1 and 4

Ans. Option (c)

iii. In which of the following options can the underlined words NOT be replaced with ‘proclamation’?

a. The politician shared his manifesto during the election meeting.

b. All the citizens of the kingdom had to abide by the emperor’s edict.

c. The communique made by the official had a disastrous effect.

d. The decree of the state forbade cruelty against animals.

Ans. Option (c)

iv. On the basis of this passage, pick the option that enumerates the characteristics of the king.

  1. gullible
  2. arrogant
  3. wilful
  4. aggressive
  5. apathetic
  6. scrupulous


a. 1, 2 and 6

b. 3, 4 and 6

c. 3, 5 and 6

d. 2, 3 and 5

Ans. Option (d)

Q. No. 4) ‘The Maharaja’s anxiety reached a fever pitch…’ Which of these sentences DOES NOT use the phrase ‘reached a fever pitch’ correctly?

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a. When the bidding reached a fever pitch, one of the team’s absences was notable.

b. The excitement of the audience reached a fever pitch when they saw the star perform.

c. The scenic beauty of the place reached a fever pitch when it began to snow.

d. The climax of the film reached a fever pitch when the protagonist was assassinated.

Ans. Option (c)

Q. No. 5) Read the extract and answer the questions given below:

At midnight when the town slept in peace, the dewan and his aged wife dragged the tiger into the car and shoved it into the seat. The dewan himself drove the car straight to the forest where the Maharaja was hunting. When they reached the forest, the tiger launched its satyagraha and refused to get out of the car. The dewan was thoroughly exhausted in his efforts to haul the beast out of the car and push it down to the ground.

On the following day, the same old tiger wandered into the Maharaja’s presence and stood as if in humble supplication, “Master, what do you command of me?” It was with boundless joy that the Maharaja took careful aim at the beast. The tiger fell in a crumpled heap.

i. Pick the option that uses the same figure of speech as ‘town slept in peace’.

a. His actions really flared up my temper, so I walked out.

b. She is going through a rollercoaster of emotions.

c. My alarm clock yells at me every morning until I get out of bed.

d. The children were screaming and shouting in the fields.

Ans. Option (c)

ii. Pick the option that best describes the dewan’s attitude.

  1. desperate
  2. submissive
  3. servile
  4. dishonorable
  5. detestable
  6. flattering


a. 2, 3 and 6

b. 1, 4 and 5

c. 2, 4 and 6

d. 1, 3 and 5

Ans. Option (a)

iii. Which of the following is NOT an example of ‘satyagraha’?

a. People on a hunger strike as a mark of protest against a law.

b. People resort to violence to ensure their demands are accepted.

c. A few people block a roadway or passage peacefully.

d. People participating in a silent march to protest against injustice.

Ans. Option (b)

iv. Pick the option that lists the display of ‘crumpled heap’.

the tiger king class 12 important questions and answers

a. Option i

b. Option ii

c. Option iii

d. Option iv

Ans. Option (c)

Q. No. 6) The dewan himself drove the car straight to the forest where the Maharaja was hunting. When they reached the forest the tiger launched its satyagraha and refused to get out of the car. The dewan was thoroughly exhausted in his efforts to haul the beast out of the car and push it down to the ground. On the following day, the same old tiger wandered into the Maharaja’s presence and stood as if in humble supplication, “Master, what do you command of me?’’ It was with boundless joy that the Maharaja took careful aim at the beast. The tiger fell in a crumpled heap.

i. According to the extract, how is the author's portrayal of the tiger different from real life?

Ans. The author shows the dewan dragging the tiger out of the car. He pushes it down like a harmless being which is strikingly different from real life where tigers are dangerous / the author treats the tiger as if it is human and portrays it to be submissive, which is entirely the opposite of its ferocious nature / the author suggests that the tiger is talking which is impossible in real life.

ii. Which of these best describes the Maharaja and the Dewan, based on the extract?

a. Dewan: gullible; Maharaja: narcissistic

b. Dewan: conscientious; Maharaja: cruel

c. Dewan: submissive; Maharaja: perceptive

d. Dewan: unremarkable; Maharaja: unrealistic

Ans. Option (b)

iii. Which of these can be best used as a title for this extract?

a. The Big Cat

b. The Shrewd King

c. The Tiger's Legacy

d. The Perils of Kingship

Ans. Option (a)

iv. In one sentence, explain what the author means when he says that 'the tiger launched its satyagraha'.

Ans. When he says that 'the tiger launched its satyagraha', the author means that the tiger protested non-violently/passively.

Q. No. 7) The story conveys the idea of the transience of life and power. Pick the pair of proverbs that DO NOT relate to this idea.

  1. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
  2. There is many a slip between a cup and a lip.
  3. Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.
  4. Don’t cross that bridge till you come to it.


a. 1 and 4

b. 2 and 3

c. 2 and 4

d. 3 and 4

Ans. Option (b)

Q. No. 8) Pick the statement that is NOT an example of satire from the story.

a. The twist of fate when the toy tiger proved to be fatal for the king.

b. News of the king’s ailment got the attention of not one, but three surgeons.

c. King wilfully exploiting nature and subjects for his selfish interests.

d. The king celebrates his triumph but readers anticipate his doom.

Ans. Option (d)

Q. No. 9) The Maharaja justified his actions based on the maxim: ‘You may kill even a cow in self-defense,’ so there would be no objection to killing tigers in self-defense.’ Do you think it is right to justify our actions in this way? Elaborate.

Ans. The Maharaja's justification for killing tigers in self-defense based on the maxim "You may kill even a cow in self-defense" and the astrologer's prediction raises ethical questions about the use of violence to protect oneself or others. While it may be necessary to defend oneself or others in certain situations, it is important to consider the context and consequences of such actions.

In the case of the Maharaja, his actions were motivated by fear and superstition rather than a rational assessment of the threat posed by tigers. The astrologer's prediction that he would be killed by a tiger created a sense of fear and urgency that led him to kill hundreds of tigers, even when they posed no immediate threat.

Instead of relying on violence to solve conflicts, it is important to explore non-violent approaches to conflict resolution and coexistence between humans and wildlife. This may include measures such as habitat conservation, education, awareness campaigns, and non-lethal methods of protecting livestock, such as fencing and guard animals.

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Q. No. 10) ‘I shall cut my tuft ,crop my hair short and become an insurance agent'. Explain the context.


  • The astrologer had predicted that the hundredth tiger would be the cause of Maharaja's death .
  • The Maharaja challenged the astrologer that what if he killed the hundredth tiger also.
  • At this the astrologer promised to cut his hair, burn all his books and leave the profession.

Q. No. 11) Comment on any one aspect of the writing style of the author, Kalki in The Tiger King.

Ans. A satire on those in power – use of humor, exaggeration, and harmony to criticize

Conversational, narrative style.

Q. No. 12) Do you think an author who includes several instances of satire in a story faces the risk of being too cynical? Explain.

Ans. Satire can be a great way for writers to poke fun at problems in society, like a funny mirror. But, if a writer uses too much satire, it can feel like they're just complaining all the time. People might get tired of the negativity and not pay attention to the problems the writer is trying to show. It's like yelling fire too many times – people might stop listening.

Q. No. 13) How did the Tiger King’s Diwan prove to be resourceful?


  • After the Tiger King killed 99 tigers, no more tigers are left.
  • After some time there are indications of the presence of a tiger in the forests of a village.
  • He goes there but does not find the tiger.
  • Then he asks the Chief Minister (Diwan) to find the tiger or he would remove him from his job.
  • The Diwan had hidden in his house an old tiger that had been brought from the People’s Park in Madras.
  • He takes that 100th tiger to the forest to be killed by the king.

Q. No. 14) The Tiger King's quest for tigers was full of hurdles and challenges. Justify the statement.


  • The Tiger King fought tigers with his bare hands.
  • His refusing permission to a high-ranking British officer to hunt tigers in Pratibandhpuram or even be photographed with a dead tiger put his kingdom at stake.
  • Pacified the officer by sending some fifty expensive diamond rings to his wife for which he emptied the royal treasury.
  • The tiger population in Pratibandapuram had become extinct so he got married to the daughter of the neighboring kingdom with the largest tiger population.
  • The search for the 100th tiger proved difficult.
  • Eventually, the Dewan had to procure an old tiger from the People’s Park.
  • Even that tiger could not be killed. Instead, he fainted out of shock and had to be later killed by the officers of the king.

Q. No. 15) Did the prophecy of the astrologer come true at the end of the story? How?

Ans. Yes, the king was killed by the hundredth tiger, as prophesied by the astrologer. The real hundredth tiger escaped the bullet of the king, so the wooden tiger became the hundredth tiger and killed the king A sliver from the wooden tiger pierced into his arm, caused infection, and ultimately killed him.

Q. No. 16) Discuss the significance of the toy tiger in the climax of ‘The Tiger King.’


  • The significance of the toy tiger lies in its stark contrast to the dangerous live tigers the Maharaja had been hunting throughout his life.
  • Its role in his death brings up the themes of irony and fate central to the story.
  • It illustrates -- despite human efforts to control or escape destiny, it can manifest in the most unexpected and trivial forms.
  • The toy tiger symbolises -- the ultimate futility of the Maharaja’s efforts -- points to the folly of those who believe they can master fate through power or violence.

Q. No. 17) 'Knowing too much of your future is never a good thing.’ In light of this quote, examine how knowing the future paved the way for the king’s end.

Ans. The quote "Knowing too much of your future is never a good thing" is quite relevant to the story of "The Tiger King" by Kalki, as it is clear that the Maharaja's downfall was ultimately caused by his obsession with his own fate and his attempts to control it.

The Maharaja's fate was first foretold by an astrologer, who told him that he would be killed by a tiger. This prediction caused the Maharaja to become paranoid and obsessed with the idea of hunting and killing tigers, in order to prove his own superiority and avoid his prophesied fate. He even went so far as to kill over 100 tigers, using a variety of weapons and tactics, in an attempt to show that he was invincible and could not be killed by a tiger.

However, the Maharaja's fate was ultimately sealed by his own actions. When he was playing with his son with the wooden tiger, a sliver of wood got into his right hand and developed into a suppurating sore and finally became the cause of his death.

This story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of becoming too obsessed with one's own fate and trying to control the future. It suggests that sometimes it is better to simply accept what the future holds and live one's life to the fullest, rather than becoming consumed by a desire for control and power.

Q. No. 18) Imagine you are an ardent environmentalist who is involved in the Save the Tiger campaign. You have been asked to deliver a speech in a seminar related to your campaign and the need for the youth to be involved in such campaigns. Draft your speech.

Ans. Ladies and gentlemen,

I stand before you today as an ardent environmentalist and a passionate supporter of the Save the Tiger campaign. We are all aware of the alarming rate at which our natural habitats are being destroyed. Every day, countless animal species are on the brink of extinction, and the tiger is no exception.

The tiger is not just a majestic creature; it is an essential component of our ecosystem. The loss of the tiger will have far-reaching consequences, not just on the environment but also on the economy and the well-being of our communities.

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As young people, we have the power to make a difference. We have the energy, the passion, and the creativity to effect change. We cannot afford to sit back and watch as our planet deteriorates. It is our responsibility to take action and ensure that future generations inherit a healthy planet.

We must work to raise awareness about the importance of preserving our natural habitats. We must encourage our governments to take concrete actions to protect our wildlife and their habitats. We must work to educate our communities on the importance of conservation and sustainable living.

We must act now to save the tiger and other endangered species. Our future depends on it. Let us join hands in this noble cause, and together we can make a difference.

Thank you.

Q. No. 19) You visited a wildlife sanctuary recently and were appalled at the condition of the sanctuary and the plight of the animals there. Write an article for an e-zine expressing your concern and the need to alleviate the facilities at the sanctuary and provide the animals with a secure habitat.

Ans. The Plight of Animals in Our Wildlife Sanctuaries

Recently, I had the opportunity to visit a wildlife sanctuary in my area. I had high hopes of witnessing the animals in their natural habitats and enjoying the beauty of nature. However, my visit left me appalled and deeply concerned for the welfare of the animals in our sanctuaries.

The condition of the sanctuary was appalling, with inadequate facilities and limited space for the animals. Many of them appeared malnourished, and their enclosures were poorly maintained. The sanctuary's staff seemed overworked and understaffed, and they did not seem to have the resources or knowledge to provide proper care for the animals.

It is disheartening to see such neglect of our wildlife. We must remember that these animals are an integral part of our ecosystem and play a critical role in maintaining ecological balance. It is our responsibility to ensure that they receive the necessary care and protection.

We must urge the authorities to invest in our sanctuaries, provide adequate funding, and hire trained professionals to take care of the animals. Additionally, we need to raise awareness among the public about the importance of wildlife conservation and the need to protect the animals and their habitats.

As responsible citizens, we have a duty to protect our natural heritage and the wildlife that inhabits it. We must work towards providing secure habitats for the animals and ensure that they receive the care they deserve. Let us pledge to take action and make a difference in the lives of these voiceless creatures.

Q. No. 20) The king was callous as a ruler and behaved whimsically. Thus, the people in his kingdom suffered while he fulfilled his desire of killing a hundred tigers. Do you find leaders or politicians in the world today being indifferent to the needs of the people and behaving in the same way? Comment with relevant examples.

Ans. Unfortunately, there are many leaders and politicians in the world today who behave in a callous and indifferent manner toward the needs of their people. Instead of working towards the betterment of their citizens, they prioritize their own selfish desires and personal agendas.

One relevant example is the government of North Korea, led by Kim Jong-un. The country faces extreme poverty and malnourishment, yet the government continues to prioritize its nuclear weapons program over the welfare of its people. The government's propaganda machine has brainwashed the citizens into believing that their leader is a god-like figure who can do no wrong.

Another example is the Brazilian government, led by President Jair Bolsonaro. His policies have been criticized for exacerbating deforestation and environmental destruction in the Amazon rainforest, which not only harms wildlife but also threatens the livelihoods of indigenous communities. Despite widespread criticism, Bolsonaro has continued to prioritize economic growth over environmental protection.

In both of these examples, the leaders have shown callousness towards the needs of their people and the environment. It is important for citizens to hold their leaders accountable and demand that they prioritize the welfare of their people and the planet.

Q. No. 21) Both the general (The Enemy) and the Maharaja (The Tiger King), deal with death. They are powerful figures confronted by a similar fate.

You wish to include both of these characters in an upcoming play. As a part of your research essay, compare and contrast their experiences and their responses to these experiences in 120–150 words. [Clue: Include the similarities and differences of their circumstances - their way of dealing with things - their ultimate fate]


  • Both of them face death, one owing to old age and disease while the other was destined to die at the hands of the hundredth tiger he came across.
  • The general, weak yet hopeful, turned to a doctor to cure him of his illness. Anticipating that he would die, he went to the extent of keeping Sadao in the country instead of letting him go to the war front like others. The king challenged death and decided to kill a hundred tigers to ensure his safety.
  • In order to protect Sadao from possible arrest because this would leave him without a doctor, the general offered his personal assassins to murder Tom. The king decided to marry a girl from a royal family whose kingdom had a healthy tiger population. Thus, both of them took extreme measures for their safety, albeit differently.
  • The king was careless and so self-absorbed that he did not kill the 100th tiger properly, which eventually led him to be killed by a toy tiger instead. The general behaved similarly because he was so preoccupied with his illness that he forgot to send the assassins.
  • However, this carelessness cost the king his life while the general recovered.
Also Read: Class 12 Important Questions and Answers

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