The Rise of Nationalism in Europe MCQs | Class 10 History Quiz with Answers

Welcome to our Class 10 History quiz on "The Rise of Nationalism in Europe", an important chapter that explains the unification of nations, the impact of revolutionary movements, and the emergence of nationalism in 19th-century Europe.

📌 Why take this quiz?

  • Test your understanding of key events, leaders, and ideologies related to nationalism.
  • Prepare effectively for your CBSE Class 10 History board exam with exam-focused MCQs.
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MCQ Quiz: The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Chapter 1: The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

1 / 15

Identify the major aspect that helped in the formation of a nation-state in Britain.

2 / 15

Identify the painting from the options given below.

the rise of nationalism in europe class 10 important questions and answers

3 / 15

Which of the following was NOT an ethnic group that inhabited the British Isles in the 16th century?

4 / 15

In the below picture of Frederic Sorrieu’s utopian vision, the saints, angle, and Christ symbolize:

Frederic-Sorrieus-print-2 (1)

5 / 15

Which of the following was the result of the Act of Union, 1707?

6 / 15

Which of the following is an allegory for liberty?

7 / 15

Following image is the personification of Germany commonly associated with the Romantic Era and the Revolutions of 1848. Which of the following aspect best signifies this image of ‘Germania’?


8 / 15

Why did the weavers in Silesia revolt against contractors in 1845? Identify the appropriate reason from the following options.

9 / 15

Identify the correct statement with regard to the ‘Zollverein’ from the following options:

10 / 15

Choose the correct option from column A and column B.

Column A Column B
a. Absolutist i. A vision of society
b. Utopian ii. A form of government
c. Plebiscite iii. A system of direct vote
d. Suffrage iv. A system of holding an election

11 / 15

Given below are some allegories used in Europe during the nationalist movement. Accordingly, which one of the following signified the beginning of a new era?

12 / 15

13 / 15

Who was proclaimed the King of United Italy, in 1861?

14 / 15

Indicate which of the following option is NOT correct:

Napoleon’s invasions were resented in several countries due to _____.

15 / 15

Who among the following was the founder of the ‘Young Europe’ underground secret society in Berne?

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The average score is 74%

Why is this Quiz Important?

  • Helps in quick revision of the key concepts from this chapter.
  • Enhances your exam preparation by testing your knowledge of important events, leaders, and ideologies.
  • MCQs are commonly asked in CBSE board exams, so practicing them increases your accuracy and speed.

Leaderboard: Check Your Score

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1Sania pradhan100 %36 seconds15
2fuck you100 %45 seconds15
3fuck you bitch100 %45 seconds15
4fuck you bitch100 %47 seconds15
5fuck you bitch100 %49 seconds15
6fuck you bitch100 %49 seconds15
7fuck you bitch100 %54 seconds15
8Nancy100 %54 seconds15
9pappu100 %54 seconds15
10pappu100 %59 seconds15
11B100 %1 minutes 10 seconds15
12pappu100 %1 minutes 10 seconds15
13pappu100 %1 minutes 11 seconds15
14pappu100 %1 minutes 12 seconds15
15GUNA100 %1 minutes 12 seconds15
16pappu100 %1 minutes 16 seconds15
17shri100 %1 minutes 22 seconds15
18OVLUATION100 %1 minutes 29 seconds15
19Kridha100 %1 minutes 31 seconds15
20pappu100 %1 minutes 33 seconds15
21pakhee100 %1 minutes 35 seconds15
22Anya100 %1 minutes 39 seconds15
23Santosh Kumar100 %1 minutes 39 seconds15
24milakumari100 %1 minutes 42 seconds15
25rex100 %1 minutes 43 seconds15
26VDAWG100 %1 minutes 57 seconds15
27oioioioioioo100 %2 minutes 15 seconds15
28whatever123100 %2 minutes 20 seconds15
29akki100 %2 minutes 21 seconds15
30Mcq100 %2 minutes 28 seconds15
31..100 %2 minutes 29 seconds15
32wad100 %2 minutes 39 seconds15
33Hehe100 %2 minutes 46 seconds15
34anshu100 %3 minutes 12 seconds15
35v.akalya100 %4 minutes 17 seconds15
36Pragati100 %4 minutes 22 seconds15
37Vaishnavi Gaur100 %4 minutes 44 seconds15
38fuck you bitch93 %43 seconds14
39Sania pradhan93 %48 seconds14
40fuck you bitch93 %50 seconds14
41fuck you93 %56 seconds14
42pappu93 %1 minutes 1 seconds14
43fuck you93 %1 minutes 2 seconds14
44fuck you93 %1 minutes 18 seconds14
45Kim93 %1 minutes 20 seconds14
46Stark93 %1 minutes 23 seconds14
47varun93 %1 minutes 28 seconds14
48mxixlxax93 %1 minutes 29 seconds14
49FUCK U SO BAD93 %1 minutes 36 seconds14
50pappu93 %1 minutes 40 seconds14
51Devansh Gupta93 %1 minutes 42 seconds14
52edc93 %1 minutes 42 seconds14
53pappu93 %1 minutes 45 seconds14
54..93 %1 minutes 46 seconds14
55Ad93 %1 minutes 48 seconds14
56Muskan Meena93 %1 minutes 50 seconds14
57Ayushi tripathi93 %2 minutes 10 seconds14
58PREM PRAKASH TUDU93 %2 minutes 16 seconds14
59F93 %2 minutes 18 seconds14
60aarush93 %2 minutes 19 seconds14
61Shresth93 %2 minutes 30 seconds14
62Varsha93 %2 minutes 35 seconds14
63Chutki93 %2 minutes 49 seconds14
64niya93 %2 minutes 57 seconds14
65Tejal93 %3 minutes 8 seconds14
66saumya93 %3 minutes 18 seconds14
67Aarav93 %3 minutes 30 seconds14
68a93 %3 minutes 36 seconds14
69REX RAVANORK93 %3 minutes 40 seconds14
70Santosh Kumar93 %3 minutes 42 seconds14
71.93 %3 minutes 52 seconds14
72Shujad sk93 %4 minutes 2 seconds14
73sr93 %4 minutes 2 seconds14
74nav93 %4 minutes 36 seconds14
75Ayush93 %4 minutes 51 seconds14
76Bala Singha gowda iyer93 %5 minutes 5 seconds14
77Daania93 %6 minutes 15 seconds14
78Priya88 %2 minutes 42 seconds23
79fuck you87 %49 seconds13
80fuck you bitch87 %55 seconds13
81fuck you87 %1 minutes 3 seconds13
82fuck you87 %1 minutes 9 seconds13
83Ak87 %1 minutes 10 seconds13
84Jatin ranjan87 %1 minutes 23 seconds13
85p87 %1 minutes 28 seconds13
86Keertan87 %1 minutes 29 seconds13
87fuck you87 %1 minutes 33 seconds13
88KARTHIK REDDY SRI SUDHA DHONE87 %1 minutes 35 seconds13
89a87 %1 minutes 39 seconds13
90Shradha87 %1 minutes 39 seconds13
91Nancy87 %1 minutes 51 seconds13
92Sakthi87 %1 minutes 52 seconds13
93S87 %1 minutes 53 seconds13
94Muskan Meena87 %2 minutes 6 seconds13
9556787 %2 minutes 8 seconds13
96hiii87 %2 minutes 9 seconds13
97sarath87 %2 minutes 11 seconds13
98Shradha87 %2 minutes 13 seconds13
99saminiya87 %2 minutes 17 seconds13
100Prem Prakash87 %2 minutes 25 seconds13
101saif87 %2 minutes 27 seconds13
102ANMOL87 %2 minutes 28 seconds13
103Gy87 %2 minutes 32 seconds13
104Vaishnavi Gaur87 %2 minutes 32 seconds13
105thilakttsq87 %2 minutes 33 seconds13
106Abc87 %2 minutes 37 seconds13
107Shin87 %2 minutes 38 seconds13
108runa87 %2 minutes 42 seconds13
109Fuck all87 %2 minutes 42 seconds13
110Makshi87 %2 minutes 58 seconds13
111V87 %2 minutes 58 seconds13
112no87 %2 minutes 59 seconds13
113PREM PRAKASH TUDU87 %3 minutes 4 seconds13
114Kimayaa.G87 %3 minutes 4 seconds13
115Tejal87 %3 minutes 6 seconds13
116Zzz87 %3 minutes 6 seconds13
117B87 %3 minutes 19 seconds13
118Monika87 %3 minutes 19 seconds13
119Sai87 %3 minutes 56 seconds13
120Muk87 %4 minutes 1 seconds13
121Angelu87 %4 minutes 37 seconds13
122Sneha87 %4 minutes 40 seconds13
123Kunal87 %5 minutes 58 seconds13
124V87 %7 minutes 13
125Moni87 %7 minutes 22 seconds13
126fuck you80 %1 minutes 12 seconds12
127V80 %1 minutes 48 seconds12
128...80 %1 minutes 52 seconds12
129Bb80 %2 minutes 8 seconds12
130Aryan80 %2 minutes 12 seconds12
131tyg80 %2 minutes 17 seconds12
132qwertty80 %2 minutes 22 seconds12
133.80 %2 minutes 22 seconds12
134Devansh 🙂80 %2 minutes 22 seconds12
135Guduli80 %2 minutes 52 seconds12
136Gagan80 %2 minutes 59 seconds12
137Anu80 %3 minutes 1 seconds12
138Gunjan Rahangdale80 %3 minutes 13 seconds12
139F80 %3 minutes 17 seconds12
140delisha80 %3 minutes 20 seconds12
141Deepshikha bharti80 %3 minutes 24 seconds12
142Yami80 %3 minutes 28 seconds12
143Anshul80 %3 minutes 29 seconds12
144totru80 %3 minutes 43 seconds12
145Arshsandhu80 %3 minutes 49 seconds12
146adas80 %4 minutes 6 seconds12
147marin80 %4 minutes 29 seconds12
148hi80 %4 minutes 55 seconds12
149hitler80 %5 minutes 16 seconds12
150AJ80 %5 minutes 24 seconds12
151Aryananda J80 %7 minutes 48 seconds12
152fuck you bitch73 %54 seconds11
153fuck you73 %1 minutes 11 seconds11
154D73 %1 minutes 21 seconds11
155BITCH FEIN!73 %1 minutes 22 seconds11
156Arsh73 %1 minutes 25 seconds11
157Anshika73 %1 minutes 49 seconds11
158👍🏻73 %2 minutes 10 seconds11
159Ansh73 %2 minutes 17 seconds11
160milanxx73 %2 minutes 20 seconds11
161Aarav73 %2 minutes 23 seconds11
162pree73 %2 minutes 37 seconds11
163Ayushman Verma73 %2 minutes 53 seconds11
164Diptesh73 %2 minutes 56 seconds11
165suhi73 %3 minutes 11
166Fff73 %3 minutes 4 seconds11
167Paapu173 %3 minutes 15 seconds11
16843273 %3 minutes 17 seconds11
169Gaurav Tiwari73 %3 minutes 22 seconds11
170Rose73 %3 minutes 23 seconds11
171Ritu73 %3 minutes 38 seconds11
172Xyz73 %3 minutes 38 seconds11
173Janjaykundisammy73 %4 minutes 7 seconds11
174pragati73 %4 minutes 23 seconds11
175xyz73 %4 minutes 33 seconds11
176........73 %4 minutes 41 seconds11
177tokyo73 %4 minutes 50 seconds11
178Saumya kumari73 %4 minutes 54 seconds11
179Shreya73 %5 minutes 11
180Muskan73 %5 minutes 9 seconds11
181sagar73 %5 minutes 12 seconds11
182p73 %5 minutes 47 seconds11
183Ananya73 %5 minutes 56 seconds11
184Riya 🥰 patel73 %6 minutes 4 seconds11
185Jatin ranjan73 %6 minutes 21 seconds11
186Deepa73 %6 minutes 25 seconds11
187keerthana73 %6 minutes 29 seconds11
188Namrata73 %7 minutes 40 seconds11
189S73 %8 minutes 31 seconds11
190vedant73 %20 minutes 1 seconds11
191Richa67 %1 minutes 26 seconds10
192Shresth67 %1 minutes 56 seconds10
193Pranjal Tomar67 %2 minutes 11 seconds10
194Aslam67 %2 minutes 28 seconds10
195qwe67 %2 minutes 38 seconds10
196PRIYA67 %2 minutes 58 seconds10
197asdfghj67 %3 minutes 21 seconds10
198ANMOL67 %4 minutes 11 seconds10
199Anuj67 %4 minutes 20 seconds10
200Naman67 %4 minutes 43 seconds10
See also  Level Up Your Skills: Class 10 Maths Practice Paper 2023-24

Conclusion and Takeaways

  • If you didn’t score well, don’t worry! Revise the chapter and attempt the quiz again.
  • For detailed explanations and concept clarity, check out our YouTube video and notes on "The Rise of Nationalism in Europe."
  • Stay ahead in your exam prep by practicing more quizzes and revision tests.

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