The Rattrap Class 12 MCQ Quiz – Test Your Understanding!

Are you prepared to ace "The Rattrap" from your Class 12 English Flamingo textbook? This MCQ quiz will help you revise key themes like human nature, kindness, redemption, and the symbolic meaning of the rattrap.

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  • Chapter Name: The Rattrap
  • Subject: English (Flamingo)
  • Book: NCERT Class 12 English
  • Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
  • Leaderboard: Yes (Check Your Rank!)

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The Rattrap

1 / 15

How does the setting of the remote forest location contribute to the overall tone and mood of the story?

2 / 15

“Since you have been so nice to me all day long as if I was a captain, I want to be nice to you, in return, as if I was a real captain — for I do not want you to be embarrassed at this Christmas season by a thief; but you can give back the money to the old man on the roadside, who has the money pouch hanging on the window frame as a bait for poor wanderers.

The rattrap is a Christmas present from a rat who would have been caught in this world’s rattrap if he had not been raised to captain, because in that way he got power to clear himself.

“Written with friendship and high regard,

Captain von Stahle.”

Which of the following CANNOT be attributed to the peddler, according to the above extract?

3 / 15

Imagine that the peddler from ‘The Rattrap’ turned his life around, and decided to write of his experience. Which of the following is likely to be the peddler’s book, from the popular books shown below?

the rattrap class 12 important questions and answers

4 / 15

“Since you have been so nice to me all day long as if I was a captain, I want to be nice to you, in return, as if I was a real captain — for I do not want you to be embarrassed at this Christmas season by a thief; but you can give back the money to the old man on the roadside, who has the money pouch hanging on the window frame as a bait for poor wanderers.

The rattrap is a Christmas present from a rat who would have been caught in this world’s rattrap if he had not been raised to captain, because in that way he got power to clear himself.

“Written with friendship and high regard,

Captain von Stahle.”

Why did the peddler gift a rattrap as a Christmas present?

6 / 15

…it was a big and confusing forest which he had gotten into. He tried, to be sure, to walk in a definite direction, but the paths twisted back and forth so strangely! He walked and walked without coming to the end of the wood, and finally, he realized that he had only been walking around in the same part of the forest. All at once he recalled his thoughts about the world and the rattrap. Now his own turn had come. He had let himself be fooled by a bait and had been caught. The whole forest, with its trunks and branches, its thickets and fallen logs, closed in upon him like an impenetrable prison from which he could never escape.

The above extract richly employs literary devices. Look at the table below.

Choose the option that correctly matches the instances/ examples in Column A with the literary devices in Column B:

Column AColumn B
1. The forest closed in upon the peddler like an impenetrable prison.(i) Imagery
2. The big and confusing forest with its twisted paths, trunks, branches, thickets, and fallen logs.(ii) Allegory
3. The lost peddler was reminded of the world and the rattrap.(iii) Metaphor
4. It was a big and confusing forest that he had gotten into. The peddler had been fooled and was trapped in the forest.(iv) Simile

7 / 15

The writer tones down the philosophical load inherent in ‘The Rattrap’ with the inclusion of

8 / 15

No one can imagine how sad and monotonous life can appear to such a vagabond, who plods along the road, left to his own meditations. But one day this man had fallen into a line of thought, which really seemed to him entertaining. He had naturally been thinking of his rattraps when suddenly he was struck by the idea that the whole world about him — the whole world with its lands and seas, its cities and villages — was nothing but a big rattrap. It had never existed for any other purpose than to set baits for people.

On the basis of the extract, choose the correct option with reference to the two statements given below.

  1. The world offers living beings a life full of pleasure.
  2. However, only compassionate people can enjoy those pleasures.

9 / 15

Does the story reinforce the stereotype that women are more trusting and forgiving than men?

10 / 15

Why does the vagabond fail to resist temptations despite his philosophical insights?

11 / 15

…it was a big and confusing forest which he had gotten into. He tried, to be sure, to walk in a definite direction, but the paths twisted back and forth so strangely! He walked and walked without coming to the end of the wood, and finally, he realized that he had only been walking around in the same part of the forest. All at once he recalled his thoughts about the world and the rattrap. Now his own turn had come. He had let himself be fooled by a bait and had been caught. The whole forest, with its trunks and branches, its thickets and fallen logs, closed in upon him like an impenetrable prison from which he could never escape.

By what bait had the peddler been fooled?

12 / 15

No one can imagine how sad and monotonous life can appear to such a vagabond, who plods along the road, left to his own meditations. But one day this man had fallen into a line of thought, which really seemed to him entertaining. He had naturally been thinking of his rattraps when suddenly he was struck by the idea that the whole world about him — the whole world with its lands and seas, its cities and villages — was nothing but a big rattrap. It had never existed for any other purpose than to set baits for people.

According to the extract, which of these words best describes the man?

13 / 15

What does Edla's character represent in the story?

14 / 15

“Left to his own meditations”, one day the peddler fell into “a line of thought, which really seemed to him entertaining”. What does the peddler’s conception of the world as a rattrap, signify about him?

15 / 15

What does the gift of the rat trap signify?

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1Dmjd100 %1 minutes 39 seconds15
2.100 %2 minutes 29 seconds15
3Krish100 %5 minutes 55 seconds15
4Shalu93 %20 minutes 40 seconds14
5Jiya87 %1 minutes 54 seconds13
6Hardik87 %2 minutes 9 seconds13
7harshi87 %3 minutes 43 seconds13
8Priya87 %3 minutes 43 seconds13
9Gar87 %5 minutes 5 seconds13
10H87 %7 minutes 19 seconds13
11Ambili87 %13 minutes 47 seconds13
12qwerty80 %2 minutes 22 seconds12
13Trishla80 %3 minutes 48 seconds12
14Anushka80 %4 minutes 29 seconds12
15SIS80 %4 minutes 48 seconds12
16Jyoti80 %9 minutes 29 seconds12
17Parul80 %10 minutes 5 seconds12
18Vagabond73 %3 minutes 14 seconds11
19Ansh73 %3 minutes 52 seconds11
20Me73 %4 minutes 32 seconds11
21Ruchika73 %6 minutes 19 seconds11
220273 %7 minutes 8 seconds11
23Hardik67 %5 minutes 6 seconds10
24DRAG67 %7 minutes 34 seconds10
25aastha67 %8 minutes10
26hehe67 %9 minutes 49 seconds10
27Abc67 %37 minutes 50 seconds10
28P60 %2 minutes 12 seconds9
29grht60 %5 minutes 32 seconds9
30J60 %6 minutes 20 seconds9
31Warda60 %7 minutes 42 seconds9
32.60 %8 minutes 20 seconds9
33Shabnam60 %9 minutes 59 seconds9
34QWE60 %11 minutes 36 seconds9
35.60 %13 minutes 15 seconds9
36Abc53 %3 minutes 51 seconds8
37PALAK53 %4 minutes 33 seconds8
38Kaviya53 %4 minutes 55 seconds8
39jaiditya53 %6 minutes 43 seconds8
40M53 %10 minutes 24 seconds8
41Saumya singh53 %11 minutes 27 seconds8
42ram53 %14 minutes 26 seconds8
43ANI53 %15 minutes 4 seconds8
44Ruchika53 %16 minutes8
45ee53 %43 minutes 31 seconds8
46Radhika47 %3 minutes 20 seconds7
47दिल से दिल मिल गये है तो चाहिए फिर इस दिल को क्या जादू है मीठी बातों का जिसने धड़कन को ही छू लिया कवि की कल्पना या कोई आईना या धुन्धला सपना जिससे चहेरा मिल गया या जैसे तितली लुटाए उड़े हो मस्तियाँ वो ताज़गी है जिससे फूल भी जले चमक से चाँद भी ढले है सादगी जैसे लोरी हो कोई वो जैसे चाँदनी खिले बोले बाँसुरी सी सबनम सिंदूरी सी घुल जाए हवाओं में हल्की बारीशों सी गहेरी ख्वाहीशौं सी इतराये अदाओं में लहराए जो चुनर तो जैसे नदिया लगे शर्मीली इस उमर पे छाए खुशियाँ लगी भरे जो सूरमा शहीद करे सूरमा काई वो ताज़गी है जिससे फूल भी जले चमक से चाँद भी ढले है सादगी जैसे लोरी हो कोई वो जैसे चाँदनी खिले योवन के झड़ी सी मलमल के लड़ी सी मूरत संग मरमरी झरते मोतियो सी जड़ते आदतो सी बिज़ली जैसी मनचली युगों युगों से सीता का मैं राम बनू मेहंदी की नकासीयो में छुपा नाम बनू मैं फिर से थाम लूँ वो हाथ वोही है दुआ यही वो ताज़गी है जिससे फूल भी जले चमक से चाँद भी ढले है सादगी जैसे लोरी हो कोई वो जैसे चाँदनी खिले. Padhle bhai lyrics padhne se pass nhi hoga47 %3 minutes 23 seconds7
48Vanshika bhatt47 %4 minutes 15 seconds7
49tripti47 %5 minutes 33 seconds7
50....47 %9 minutes 13 seconds7
51M47 %10 minutes 57 seconds7
52Shadab47 %22 minutes 36 seconds7
53Anshika40 %3 minutes 34 seconds6
54Ananya Dwivedi40 %6 minutes 1 seconds6
55Yogita40 %8 minutes 31 seconds6
56A40 %8 minutes 50 seconds6
57K40 %10 minutes6
58Naitik Gohan33 %2 minutes 26 seconds5
59Gujjar33 %3 minutes 18 seconds5
60Iron master33 %4 minutes 45 seconds5
61Bragadeesh33 %7 minutes 36 seconds5
62H20 %4 minutes 13 seconds3
63Shreyashi20 %7 minutes 12 seconds3
64Anshika7 %1 minutes 32 seconds1

Key Topics Covered in the Quiz

The theme of deception vs. compassion
The metaphor of the rattrap
Character analysis of the peddler and Edla Willmansson
Moral lesson and transformation of the protagonist

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