The Human Eye and the Colourful World Class 10 Science MCQ Quiz – Test Your Knowledge

Are you ready to check your understanding of The Human Eye and the Colourful World? This interactive MCQ quiz is designed to help CBSE Class 10 Science students revise the key concepts efficiently.

About the Quiz

  • Chapter Name: The Human Eye and the Colourful World
  • Subject: Science (Physics)
  • Book: NCERT Class 10 Science
  • Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
  • Leaderboard: Yes (Compete with Others!)

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Quick revision for board exams
✔ Covers human eye structure, defects of vision, atmospheric refraction, dispersion, and scattering of light
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Chapter 10 - The Human Eye and the Colourful World

1 / 15

If a beam of red light and a beam of violet light are incident at the same angle on the inclined surface of a prism from air medium and produce angles of refraction r and v respectively. Which of the following is correct?

2 / 15

The colored band of light obtained by dispersion of light is called:-

3 / 15

Which of the colors of visible light has minimum frequency?

4 / 15

The bluish color of water in the deep sea is due to:

5 / 15

Which of the following is an example of the Tyndall effect?

6 / 15

The order of the wavelength of red, yellow, and orange is

7 / 15

It acts as a screen on which the image is formed.

8 / 15

A prism ABC (with BC as the base) is placed in different orientations. A narrow beam of white light is incident on the prism as shown in the below figure. In which of the following diagrams, after dispersion, the third colour from the top of the spectrum corresponds to the colour of the sky?

A prism ABC (with BC as base) is placed in different orientations. A narrow beam of white light is incident on the prism as shown in below figure.

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Rupal underwent cataract surgery and her eye lens was replaced with an artificial lens. What is one likely visual disadvantage she may experience?

10 / 15

Why is the Sun visible to us two minutes before the actual sunrise and two minutes after the actual sunset?

11 / 15

Consider the following statements about dispersion by glass prism:

  1. The splitting of light into its component colors is called dispersion.
  2. Isaac Newton was the first to observe dispersion.

Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

12 / 15

A prism is a transparent medium that has ______ triangular bases and _______ rectangular lateral surfaces.

13 / 15

Identify the parts of the eye from the given descriptions:

It helps in changing the focal length of the lens.

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What type of lens is generally used to correct myopia?

15 / 15

When starlight enters the earth’s atmosphere:

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1Aiswarya s100 %49 seconds15
2Aiswariya s100 %51 seconds15
3skibiditoilet lvl 100000000 gyattt made in ohio100 %1 minutes 10 seconds15
4varun100 %1 minutes 14 seconds15
5Aiswariya100 %1 minutes 17 seconds15
6Evie100 %1 minutes 20 seconds15
7Beauty100 %1 minutes 28 seconds15
8😀100 %1 minutes 31 seconds15
9Akarsh100 %1 minutes 33 seconds15
10Varun100 %1 minutes 50 seconds15
11tulasi100 %1 minutes 54 seconds15
12me100 %1 minutes 58 seconds15
13Varun100 %2 minutes 12 seconds15
14Yashwanth.r100 %2 minutes 15 seconds15
15varun100 %3 minutes 13 seconds15
16rex100 %3 minutes 33 seconds15
17Priya100 %3 minutes 49 seconds15
18Nitin100 %4 minutes 41 seconds15
19Aiswariya s93 %54 seconds14
20Aiswarya93 %59 seconds14
21We93 %1 minutes 7 seconds14
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23Saaa93 %1 minutes 24 seconds14
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25Nazriya nazim93 %1 minutes 44 seconds14
26Hariharan93 %1 minutes 44 seconds14
27jhuggi maurya93 %1 minutes 53 seconds14
28,,93 %1 minutes 54 seconds14
29Prachi Yafav93 %1 minutes 56 seconds14
30Akarsh93 %2 minutes 13 seconds14
31Riddhima93 %2 minutes 31 seconds14
32aabbxxx93 %2 minutes 32 seconds14
33Aaaas93 %2 minutes 44 seconds14
34Carrots93 %2 minutes 46 seconds14
35honey singh93 %2 minutes 55 seconds14
36S93 %3 minutes 15 seconds14
37Trump waste93 %3 minutes 39 seconds14
38Siya93 %3 minutes 41 seconds14
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40....93 %5 minutes 59 seconds14
41akki93 %6 minutes 44 seconds14
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49Kashish87 %2 minutes 52 seconds13
50Komal87 %2 minutes 54 seconds13
51S87 %3 minutes 1 seconds13
52Minnyy87 %3 minutes 10 seconds13
53Akarsh87 %3 minutes 12 seconds13
54Varun87 %3 minutes 20 seconds13
55Prathik87 %3 minutes 22 seconds13
56Sahasra87 %3 minutes 27 seconds13
57kjb87 %3 minutes 50 seconds13
58flippy penguin87 %4 minutes 1 seconds13
59Aishwarya Sharma87 %4 minutes 9 seconds13
60Pradyot Deshmukh87 %4 minutes 16 seconds13
61Maliha87 %4 minutes 21 seconds13
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63Sonia87 %4 minutes 52 seconds13
64Avanish Holla87 %5 minutes 39 seconds13
65Maya87 %5 minutes 44 seconds13
66Batman87 %6 minutes13
67Aneeq87 %8 minutes 19 seconds13
68Db87 %8 minutes 51 seconds13
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76Xc80 %2 minutes 52 seconds12
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78T80 %3 minutes 1 seconds12
79Krishna patel80 %3 minutes 2 seconds12
80Aaa80 %3 minutes 4 seconds12
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82aabbcc80 %3 minutes 38 seconds12
83Xxxxxx80 %3 minutes 44 seconds12
84R80 %3 minutes 55 seconds12
85Adarsh80 %4 minutes 9 seconds12
86Vvg.80 %4 minutes 15 seconds12
87Ashreen80 %4 minutes 23 seconds12
88Anuj80 %4 minutes 43 seconds12
89Nafiya80 %5 minutes 9 seconds12
90ananya80 %5 minutes 17 seconds12
91Pranjal sharma80 %5 minutes 51 seconds12
92Beauty80 %7 minutes 2 seconds12
9312345680 %7 minutes 30 seconds12
94SxKJKVBlsb80 %8 minutes 27 seconds12
95Yash73 %1 minutes 36 seconds11
96Muskan73 %2 minutes 13 seconds11
97meghna73 %2 minutes 25 seconds11
98Punya73 %2 minutes 26 seconds11
99Vir73 %2 minutes 40 seconds11
100Anmol73 %2 minutes 49 seconds11
101Al73 %2 minutes 53 seconds11
102Mitansh73 %2 minutes 56 seconds11
103Shubh73 %3 minutes 4 seconds11
104Qw73 %3 minutes 12 seconds11
105Yashwanth.r73 %3 minutes 13 seconds11
106Akhil yadav73 %3 minutes 15 seconds11
107Tulasi73 %3 minutes 22 seconds11
108Kashish73 %3 minutes 29 seconds11
109G73 %3 minutes 31 seconds11
110CARROT73 %3 minutes 40 seconds11
111Gauri Rajawat73 %3 minutes 42 seconds11
112Anurag soni73 %3 minutes 43 seconds11
113SS twinsssssss73 %3 minutes 52 seconds11
114Jin73 %3 minutes 55 seconds11
115Akarsh73 %4 minutes 25 seconds11
116Sanda73 %4 minutes 33 seconds11
117Arya yadav73 %4 minutes 38 seconds11
118varun ki chut73 %4 minutes 40 seconds11
119Abc73 %4 minutes 54 seconds11
120Rolex73 %5 minutes 9 seconds11
121Parul73 %5 minutes 10 seconds11
122Nikhil73 %5 minutes 23 seconds11
123Purab73 %5 minutes 29 seconds11
124yep73 %6 minutes11
125Rishith73 %6 minutes 1 seconds11
126Arya yadav73 %6 minutes 39 seconds11
127.......73 %7 minutes 24 seconds11
128Aishwarya H73 %8 minutes 26 seconds11
129All73 %10 minutes 27 seconds11
130Ankush73 %14 minutes 34 seconds11
131Uma73 %31 minutes 6 seconds11
132Oy67 %2 minutes 10 seconds10
133H67 %2 minutes 17 seconds10
134Komal67 %2 minutes 24 seconds10
135Praniii67 %2 minutes 46 seconds10
136De67 %2 minutes 51 seconds10
137Sk67 %2 minutes 52 seconds10
138Akhil yadav67 %2 minutes 58 seconds10
139jhuggi maurya67 %3 minutes 6 seconds10
140Harshita67 %3 minutes 7 seconds10
141Beauty singh67 %3 minutes 11 seconds10
142Vansh67 %3 minutes 20 seconds10
143Saksham67 %3 minutes 21 seconds10
144Rock it 🤛🏻67 %3 minutes 32 seconds10
145Priti67 %3 minutes 36 seconds10
146ayesha67 %3 minutes 49 seconds10
147Manish Kumar67 %3 minutes 58 seconds10
148Shubhra jai67 %4 minutes 9 seconds10
149p67 %4 minutes 12 seconds10
150Kashish67 %4 minutes 13 seconds10
151Trisha67 %4 minutes 23 seconds10
152rex67 %4 minutes 31 seconds10
153Tahmeed Anwar Siddique67 %4 minutes 43 seconds10
154Rohini67 %5 minutes10
155Atul Raj67 %5 minutes 12 seconds10
156Kashish67 %5 minutes 32 seconds10
157Yashgoel I67 %5 minutes 45 seconds10
158We67 %6 minutes 7 seconds10
159Saumya67 %6 minutes 28 seconds10
160Sayantika67 %6 minutes 37 seconds10
161Riyahh67 %6 minutes 37 seconds10
162🔤67 %7 minutes 3 seconds10
163Pushpa67 %7 minutes 41 seconds10
164Nitin67 %8 minutes 13 seconds10
165Pushpa67 %9 minutes 47 seconds10
166Vamanan67 %11 minutes 17 seconds10
167YOYO Honey Singh67 %12 minutes 5 seconds10
168Samarth kolur60 %1 minutes 49 seconds9
169Sahil60 %2 minutes9
170😊60 %2 minutes 8 seconds9
171Mayank60 %2 minutes 14 seconds9
172Rishabh pathak60 %2 minutes 29 seconds9
173Lohi60 %2 minutes 44 seconds9
174Priya60 %2 minutes 54 seconds9
175mj60 %2 minutes 59 seconds9
176N60 %3 minutes 3 seconds9
177Dev60 %3 minutes 10 seconds9
178Akhil yadav60 %3 minutes 19 seconds9
179Suraj60 %3 minutes 30 seconds9
180Chetan Adarsh60 %3 minutes 49 seconds9
181Anshika60 %3 minutes 54 seconds9
182Avani Sharma60 %4 minutes 23 seconds9
183Xyzzz60 %4 minutes 33 seconds9
184k60 %4 minutes 44 seconds9
185Prem Prakash60 %4 minutes 45 seconds9
186Mubzz60 %4 minutes 58 seconds9
187Eye60 %5 minutes 8 seconds9
188Sneha60 %5 minutes 14 seconds9
189Tenj60 %6 minutes9
190Anushka60 %6 minutes 13 seconds9
191Vivek Kumar60 %6 minutes 18 seconds9
192Me60 %6 minutes 34 seconds9
193Aishwarya H60 %6 minutes 43 seconds9
194Mohit Raj60 %7 minutes 5 seconds9
195daman60 %7 minutes 34 seconds9
196Avani Sharma60 %11 minutes9
197Hsh60 %13 minutes 56 seconds9
198jhuggi maurya60 %20138 days 18 hours 23 minutes 7 seconds9
199Muskan53 %2 minutes 1 seconds8
200Gj53 %2 minutes 13 seconds8

Key Topics Covered in the Quiz

Structure and functioning of the human eye
Defects of vision (Myopia, Hypermetropia, Presbyopia) & their correction
Dispersion of light and formation of a rainbow
Atmospheric refraction (Twinkling of stars, sunrise & sunset effects)
Scattering of light (Tyndall Effect, blue sky, red sunset)

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