Metals and Non-Metals Class 10 MCQ Quiz – Test Your Knowledge!

Do you know why metals conduct electricity but non-metals don’t? Test your knowledge of Metals and Non-Metals with this interactive Class 10 Science MCQ Quiz! These questions are based on NCERT and CBSE syllabus, helping you prepare effectively for exams. Let’s see how well you score!

Chapter 3: Metals and Non-Metals

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A scientist is attempting to represent an ionic bond between calcium and chlorine. The figure below shows the progress he has made so far.

A scientist is attempting to represent an ionic bond between calcium and chlorine. The figure below shows the progress he has made so far

What should be the next step in his representative of the ionic bond?

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Although metals form basic oxides, which of the following metals forms an amphoteric oxide?

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The electronic configurations of three elements X, Y, and Z are

X – 2, 8; Y – 2, 8, 7 and Z – 2, 8, 2.

Which of the following is correct?

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The table shown below gives information about four substances: A, B, C, and D.

Substance Melting Point (K) Electrical Conductivity
Solid Liquid/Aqueous
A 295 Good Good
B 1210 Poor Good
C 1890 Poor Good
D 1160 Poor Poor

Identify ionic compounds from the above-given substances.

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The electronic structures of six elements A to F are given in the table below:

Electronic Structure Formula of Compound
1. A: 2, 1 B: 2, 6 A2B
2. B: 2, 6 C: 2, 7 B2C
3. C: 2, 7 D: 2, 8, 3 DC3
4. E: 2, 8, 6 F: 2, 8, 8, 2 FE2

Which of the compounds formed are wrong?

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On adding dilute sulphuric acid to a test tube containing a metal ‘X’, a colourless gas is produced when a burning match stick is brought near it. Which of the following correctly represents metal ‘X’?

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Galvanisation is a process of coating iron articles with a layer of zinc to prevent the iron from rusting.

The iron is protected even if the zinc coating is scratched and the iron is exposed.

Which of the following is true about how zinc prevents the rusting of iron?

    1. A galvanized iron article does not undergo oxidation.

    1. The zinc coating prevents contact of iron with air.

    1. Zinc undergoes corrosion more easily than iron.

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Shown below is a container that is used in the transportation of goods over long distances.

Shown below is a container that is used in the transportation of goods over long distances

These containers are made of steel. Which property of steel is mainly used to make these containers?

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During the electrolytic refining of copper what happens at the anode?

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Sodium comes after potassium in the reactivity series, so sodium is _____.

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Generally metals react with acids to give salt and hydrogen gas. Which of the following acids does not give hydrogen gas on reacting with metals (except Mn and Mg)?

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The colour of the solution observed after 30 minutes of placing zinc metal to copper sulphate solution is

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    • Assertion: Rusting of Iron is endothermic in nature.

    • Reason: As the reaction is slow, the release of heat is barely evident.

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Listed here is the reactivity of certain metals.

Metal Reaction with air Reaction with water Reaction with dilute acids
Gold Does not oxidize or burn No reaction No reaction
Sodium Burns vigorously to form oxide Violent reaction Violent reaction
Zinc Burns to form oxides Reacts on heating with water Reacts to produce hydrogen
Platinum Does not oxidize or burn No reaction No reaction

Which of the above metals are likely to be obtained in their pure states from the Earth’s crust?

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1vivan100 %1 minutes 27 seconds15
2Nish100 %2 minutes 13 seconds15
3varun100 %2 minutes 36 seconds15
4Varun100 %2 minutes 46 seconds15
5varun100 %2 minutes 50 seconds15
6Varun100 %4 minutes 46 seconds15
7varun100 %5 minutes 16 seconds15
8Shivanu100 %6 minutes 16 seconds15
9varun100 %8 minutes 49 seconds15
10navpreet singh100 %12 minutes 25 seconds15
11vivan93 %1 minutes 45 seconds14
12jojo siwa93 %2 minutes 34 seconds14
13Varun93 %3 minutes 1 seconds14
14SOLO Sikoa93 %3 minutes 55 seconds14
15k93 %4 minutes 29 seconds14
16Ari93 %5 minutes 7 seconds14
17Nishita93 %5 minutes 36 seconds14
18varun93 %5 minutes 46 seconds14
19akshita93 %6 minutes 6 seconds14
20Robo93 %6 minutes 27 seconds14
21M93 %6 minutes 52 seconds14
22........93 %9 minutes 9 seconds14
23Pritam90 %16 minutes 6 seconds36
24vivan87 %2 minutes 41 seconds13
25Rakesh87 %3 minutes 52 seconds13
26oooo0000ooooo87 %4 minutes 37 seconds13
27AG87 %5 minutes 9 seconds13
28Kashish87 %5 minutes 41 seconds13
29Keerthana87 %5 minutes 59 seconds13
30Mohit87 %6 minutes 14 seconds13
31Snehal87 %6 minutes 20 seconds13
32AK87 %6 minutes 35 seconds13
33priya87 %6 minutes 45 seconds13
34Aarav87 %6 minutes 47 seconds13
35vivan87 %7 minutes 12 seconds13
36Ahana87 %7 minutes 58 seconds13
37Tijil87 %21 minutes 37 seconds13
38djscgggggghjmv crvgtnbvceddbhgyvcdeeeeeeefbgvdccccccgydehdynsh80 %2 minutes 39 seconds12
39h80 %4 minutes 8 seconds12
40hi80 %4 minutes 12 seconds12
41vivan80 %4 minutes 37 seconds12
42Sunny80 %4 minutes 38 seconds12
43Sujal Gore80 %4 minutes 47 seconds12
44Varun80 %5 minutes 17 seconds12
45tfd80 %5 minutes 59 seconds12
46shachi80 %6 minutes 16 seconds12
47Raj80 %6 minutes 25 seconds12
48Stradale80 %6 minutes 32 seconds12
49Anshu80 %7 minutes 18 seconds12
50Krit80 %9 minutes 14 seconds12
51Jj80 %9 minutes 19 seconds12
52AAditya80 %9 minutes 27 seconds12
53Deepti80 %10 minutes 15 seconds12
54Gracy80 %10 minutes 49 seconds12
55I80 %11 minutes 29 seconds12
56S80 %12 minutes 19 seconds12
57TIJIL80 %12 minutes 25 seconds12
58...73 %1 minutes 26 seconds11
59Qxt73 %2 minutes 8 seconds11
60Megha basapur73 %3 minutes 53 seconds11
61akilesh73 %3 minutes 55 seconds11
62Megha basapur73 %3 minutes 58 seconds11
63hi73 %4 minutes 3 seconds11
64Shaurya Kadyan73 %4 minutes 15 seconds11
65Priya73 %4 minutes 27 seconds11
66Anjali73 %4 minutes 53 seconds11
67Karthik73 %5 minutes 31 seconds11
68jav73 %5 minutes 34 seconds11
69Naveen73 %5 minutes 35 seconds11
70Kriti73 %5 minutes 39 seconds11
71yo73 %6 minutes 21 seconds11
72Shweta73 %7 minutes 44 seconds11
73Shivanu73 %7 minutes 54 seconds11
74Akshara73 %8 minutes 25 seconds11
75Fardeeen73 %8 minutes 35 seconds11
76Shavu73 %8 minutes 49 seconds11
77Akshara73 %9 minutes 32 seconds11
78fsdhb73 %10 minutes 23 seconds11
79Khushyati73 %11 minutes 1 seconds11
80divyanshi70 %17 minutes 55 seconds28
81your dad68 %24 minutes 10 seconds27
82Priya67 %3 minutes 51 seconds10
83Megha basapur67 %5 minutes 8 seconds10
84Aditya67 %5 minutes 35 seconds10
85rudra67 %5 minutes 54 seconds10
86Saba67 %6 minutes 21 seconds10
87TIJIL67 %6 minutes 29 seconds10
88Aradhana67 %6 minutes 46 seconds10
89............67 %6 minutes 49 seconds10
90H67 %7 minutes 29 seconds10
91Radhika sharma67 %8 minutes 20 seconds10
92Pradnya67 %8 minutes 24 seconds10
93o67 %9 minutes 35 seconds10
94Anisha kumari67 %11 minutes 57 seconds10
95Sanchita Gawade67 %15 minutes 39 seconds10
96PREM PRAKASH TUDU67 %1 hours 11 minutes 49 seconds10
97Anjali60 %1 minutes 33 seconds9
98Va60 %1 minutes 54 seconds9
99ABCDEFGHYZ60 %4 minutes 1 seconds9
100Tripti60 %4 minutes 36 seconds9
101Ycyu60 %5 minutes 17 seconds9
102uttam60 %6 minutes 33 seconds9
103lostsoul60 %8 minutes 43 seconds9
10497%60 %8 minutes 48 seconds9
105vansh60 %9 minutes 9
106Harish60 %9 minutes 14 seconds9
107nicole60 %9 minutes 21 seconds9
108Suryadeep60 %14 minutes 41 seconds9
109Abc60 %16 minutes 9
110the name is REX kranidoss60 %48 minutes 45 seconds9
111Ram55 %11 minutes 2 seconds22
112Arpita Agrawal53 %2 minutes 47 seconds8
113Ibna Batuta53 %6 minutes 2 seconds8
114dj53 %6 minutes 16 seconds8
115Harshini T53 %6 minutes 23 seconds8
116Kavita53 %6 minutes 27 seconds8
117Harshini53 %6 minutes 28 seconds8
118kk53 %6 minutes 46 seconds8
119Priya53 %7 minutes 22 seconds8
120Next53 %7 minutes 27 seconds8
121Aditya53 %7 minutes 36 seconds8
122Jaanu53 %8 minutes 10 seconds8
123Xyz53 %8 minutes 20 seconds8
124Icanbeatvarun53 %8 minutes 27 seconds8
125uttam sharma53 %8 minutes 50 seconds8
126Namrath53 %9 minutes 6 seconds8
127Yatin53 %9 minutes 55 seconds8
128Kriti53 %11 minutes 51 seconds8
129Kal53 %11 minutes 59 seconds8
130hana53 %13 minutes 20 seconds8
131mmm53 %10 hours 35 minutes 22 seconds8
132Abhinav47 %3 minutes 7
133Sapna Kumari47 %3 minutes 19 seconds7
134Tanja47 %4 minutes 34 seconds7
135Akshatha A47 %5 minutes 2 seconds7
136ayesha47 %5 minutes 12 seconds7
137Rakshana47 %5 minutes 13 seconds7
138P47 %5 minutes 25 seconds7
139tia47 %5 minutes 38 seconds7
140Raunak47 %7 minutes 43 seconds7
141adib47 %7 minutes 55 seconds7
142jhanvi47 %8 minutes 41 seconds7
143nnnn47 %9 minutes 2 seconds7
144Miral47 %9 minutes 10 seconds7
145Ayush47 %9 minutes 25 seconds7
146Sahasra47 %9 minutes 58 seconds7
147Suraj47 %10 minutes 17 seconds7
148Sung jinwoo47 %10 minutes 30 seconds7
149Akarshak Kuri47 %11 minutes 50 seconds7
150Anjali47 %15 minutes 10 seconds7
151META47 %57 minutes 27 seconds7
152Shubham40 %1 minutes 10 seconds6
153Radhika sharma40 %2 minutes 15 seconds6
154Anjali40 %2 minutes 58 seconds6
155Vanshika40 %2 minutes 59 seconds6
156Varsha40 %3 minutes 6
157Arpita Agrawal40 %4 minutes 1 seconds6
158Poda potte40 %4 minutes 15 seconds6
159kk40 %5 minutes 11 seconds6
160Dy9p.40 %6 minutes 40 seconds6
161Kk40 %7 minutes 45 seconds6
162Madhurima40 %9 minutes 30 seconds6
163Don40 %10 minutes 39 seconds6
164Japreet kaur38 %8 minutes 4 seconds15
165dfrjn djnvcetg5umkryhjtgmfgnmkrtfcdbvr 5tjm6knnncxqam errrrrrscfgv5 dfecgujtf5kkkkkkkjm33 %59 seconds5
166Hitesh ks33 %2 minutes 6 seconds5
167Navdeep33 %2 minutes 20 seconds5
168Pranjaltomar33 %3 minutes 34 seconds5
169Varun33 %4 minutes 15 seconds5
170Manish Kumar.P33 %4 minutes 39 seconds5
171Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa33 %4 minutes 51 seconds5
172Qqwqw of the day of the33 %8 minutes 9 seconds5
173Anshu33 %8 minutes 32 seconds5
174Fardeen khan33 %10 minutes 1 seconds5
175Abhinav33 %10 minutes 16 seconds5
176Vaishnavi gau433 %12 minutes 8 seconds5
177Sung Jinwoo33 %18 minutes 27 seconds5
178Jhaanvi30 %21 minutes 11 seconds12
179Vanshika27 %1 minutes 46 seconds4
180Prajwal27 %1 minutes 49 seconds4
181.Sigma boy27 %1 minutes 55 seconds4
182vivan'27 %2 minutes 14 seconds4
183Hfj27 %3 minutes 22 seconds4
184Aashii27 %4 minutes 4 seconds4
185Raunit27 %4 minutes 24 seconds4
186Achinthya27 %4 minutes 47 seconds4
187Shrashti27 %7 minutes 48 seconds4
188Khizraa27 %8 minutes 31 seconds4
189Harshul27 %8 minutes 52 seconds4
190Megha basapur27 %9 minutes 48 seconds4
191hi20 %42 seconds3
192love20 %1 minutes 8 seconds3
193Nagaraj20 %1 minutes 29 seconds3
194Vanshika20 %1 minutes 55 seconds3
195Om20 %2 minutes 37 seconds3
196Vani20 %2 minutes 52 seconds3
197dhruvi20 %3 minutes 16 seconds3
198Vanshika20 %4 minutes 43 seconds3
199Ashmit20 %4 minutes 50 seconds3
200Sk20 %4 minutes 58 seconds3
See also  Crack Metals and Non-metals Class 10 Important Q&A

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