Memories of Childhood Class 12 MCQ Quiz – Test Your Understanding!

Are you ready to test your knowledge of "Memories of Childhood" from the Class 12 English Vistas textbook? This chapter features two powerful autobiographical accounts:

🔹 "The Cutting of My Long Hair" by Zitkala-Sa
🔹 "We Too Are Human Beings" by Bama

Both stories highlight discrimination, oppression, and the struggles of marginalized communities.

About the Quiz

  • Chapter Name: Memories of Childhood
  • Stories Included: The Cutting of My Long Hair & We Too Are Human Beings
  • Authors: Zitkala-Sa & Bama
  • Subject: English (Vistas)
  • Book: NCERT Class 12 English
  • Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
  • Leaderboard: Yes (Check Your Rank!)

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Enhances understanding of social injustice and discrimination
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Memories of Childhood

1 / 15

I cried aloud, shaking my head all the while until I felt the cold blades of the scissors against my neck, and heard them gnaw off one of my thick braids. Then I lost my spirit. Since the day I was taken from my mother I had suffered extreme indignities. People had stared at me. I had been tossed about in the air like a wooden puppet. And now my long hair was shingled like a coward’s! In my anguish I moaned for my mother, but no one came to comfort me. Not a soul reasoned quietly with me, as my own mother used to do; for now I was only one of many little animals driven by a herder.

How would you describe the author’s tone when she says, “I was only one of many little animals driven by a herder”?

2 / 15

How did the speaker feel by the time the third bell rang?

3 / 15

What is the significance of the title "We Too Are Human Beings"?

4 / 15

How does Bama's experience reflect the social reality of her time?

5 / 15

What is the theme of the story "We Too Are Human Beings"?

6 / 15

When I heard this, I didn’t want to laugh anymore, I felt terribly sad. How could they believe that it was disgusting if one of us held that package in his hands, even though the vadai had been wrapped first in a banana leaf, and then parcelled in paper? I felt so provoked and angry that I wanted to touch those wretched vadais myself straightaway. Why should we fetch and carry for these people, I wondered. Such an important elder of ours goes meekly to the shops to fetch snacks and hands them reverently, bowing and shrinking, to this fellow who just sits there and stuffs them into his mouth. The thought of it infuriated me.

The elder handing snacks reverently, bowing and shrinking to the fellow indicates that the ‘fellow’ was

See also  Poets and Pancakes Class 12 MCQ Quiz – Test Your Knowledge!

  1. condescending.
  2. unassuming.
  3. submissive.
  4. disdainful.
  5. aggressive
  6. domineering.

7 / 15

The chapter ‘We Too are Human Beings’ is __________ the book named ‘Karukku’ by Bama.

8 / 15

What indignities did Zitkala-Sa suffer for being from a marginalized community?

9 / 15

The man ceased his mutterings, and then a third bell was tapped. Everyone picked up his knife and fork and began eating. I began crying instead, for by this time I was afraid to venture anything more. But this eating by formula was not the hardest trial in that first day. Late in the morning, my friend Judewin gave me a terrible warning. Judewin knew a few words of English; and she had overheard the paleface woman talk about cutting our long, heavy hair. Our mothers had taught us that only unskilled warriors who were captured had their hair shingled by the enemy. Among our people, short hair was worn by mourners, and shingled hair by cowards!

Which of these can be inferred from the extract?

10 / 15

I cried aloud, shaking my head all the while until I felt the cold blades of the scissors against my neck, and heard them gnaw off one of my thick braids. Then I lost my spirit. Since the day I was taken from my mother I had suffered extreme indignities. People had stared at me. I had been tossed about in the air like a wooden puppet. And now my long hair was shingled like a coward’s! In my anguish I moaned for my mother, but no one came to comfort me. Not a soul reasoned quietly with me, as my own mother used to do; for now I was only one of many little animals driven by a herder.

‘Then I lost my spirit’. Choose the option that DOES NOT refer to ‘spirit’.

  1. resolve
  2. energy
  3. determination
  4. indifference
  5. enthusiasm
  6. will power

11 / 15

I cried aloud, shaking my head all the while until I felt the cold blades of the scissors against my neck, and heard them gnaw off one of my thick braids. Then I lost my spirit. Since the day I was taken from my mother I had suffered extreme indignities. People had stared at me. I had been tossed about in the air like a wooden puppet. And now my long hair was shingled like a coward’s! In my anguish I moaned for my mother, but no one came to comfort me. Not a soul reasoned quietly with me, as my own mother used to do; for now I was only one of many little animals driven by a herder.

Choose the correct option with reference to the two statements given below.

  • Statement 1: The author had been subjected to humiliation when she was separated from her mother.
  • Statement 2: Nobody was able to ease her distress and empathize with her.

12 / 15

How does the author portray the relationship between the Native American students and the school authorities?

13 / 15

I cried aloud, shaking my head all the while until I felt the cold blades of the scissors against my neck, and heard them gnaw off one of my thick braids. Then I lost my spirit. Since the day I was taken from my mother I had suffered extreme indignities. People had stared at me. I had been tossed about in the air like a wooden puppet. And now my long hair was shingled like a coward’s! In my anguish I moaned for my mother, but no one came to comfort me. Not a soul reasoned quietly with me, as my own mother used to do; for now I was only one of many little animals driven by a herder.

Look at the given images of books. Which of the following conveys the idea of the extract?

memories of childhood class 12 important questions answers

14 / 15

What role does the elderly man play in the story "We Too Are Human Beings"?

15 / 15

When I heard this, I didn’t want to laugh anymore, I felt terribly sad. How could they believe that it was disgusting if one of us held that package in his hands, even though the vadai had been wrapped first in a banana leaf, and then parcelled in paper? I felt so provoked and angry that I wanted to touch those wretched vadais myself straightaway. Why should we fetch and carry for these people, I wondered. Such an important elder of ours goes meekly to the shops to fetch snacks and hands them reverently, bowing and shrinking, to this fellow who just sits there and stuffs them into his mouth. The thought of it infuriated me.

Pick an idiom that DOES NOT describe how the author felt about this incident.

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1Tanishkkka100 %1 minutes 19 seconds15
2Abc100 %2 minutes 20 seconds15
3..100 %2 minutes 44 seconds15
4Crimson87 %3 minutes 15 seconds13
5Jaiditya87 %6 minutes 16 seconds13
6Abc80 %4 minutes 21 seconds12
7RANVEER80 %4 minutes 29 seconds12
8Riya singh80 %5 minutes 21 seconds12
9Crimson80 %7 minutes 45 seconds12
10Jayant80 %9 minutes 12 seconds12
11...80 %9 minutes 41 seconds12
12radha80 %35 minutes 18 seconds12
13Tanishka73 %1 minutes 53 seconds11
14Shadab73 %3 minutes 40 seconds11
15gg73 %4 minutes 16 seconds11
16ABC73 %5 minutes 45 seconds11
17a73 %8 minutes 13 seconds11
18Ruksat73 %9 minutes 57 seconds11
19...73 %12 minutes 11 seconds11
20Piyush srivastav73 %14 minutes 25 seconds11
21xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx73 %14 minutes 25 seconds11
22Yoy67 %4 minutes 14 seconds10
23Nikita67 %4 minutes 35 seconds10
24Sammi67 %4 minutes 38 seconds10
25.67 %5 minutes 22 seconds10
26Tansh67 %5 minutes 57 seconds10
27Parul67 %6 minutes 13 seconds10
28Naina Kumari67 %6 minutes 56 seconds10
29Sammi67 %7 minutes 32 seconds10
30Zoltsa and bema67 %8 minutes 55 seconds10
31sabari67 %12 minutes 25 seconds10
32Vanshika67 %13 minutes 36 seconds10
33Aastha67 %15 minutes 29 seconds10
34Guruji67 %17 minutes 10 seconds10
35A67 %45 minutes 46 seconds10
36Kubri60 %4 minutes 3 seconds9
37Aryansh60 %6 minutes 35 seconds9
38Vedansh60 %7 minutes 14 seconds9
39k60 %8 minutes 50 seconds9
40Vanshika60 %13 minutes 1 seconds9
412,2dimethyl hexanol53 %5 minutes 40 seconds8
42M53 %6 minutes 40 seconds8
43Mr53 %6 minutes 54 seconds8
44Mayank53 %7 minutes 26 seconds8
45Crimson53 %12 minutes8
46Abc53 %12 minutes 41 seconds8
47Dg qduhb owki fbpkwdh uyb uhf u hbefhifbfiuh a qvhbaiffeouhr ytughoqjbvhvyfywhjcwueyufbrvh ijefhbfeujebvfuehuefjnhfhvhwjwduuhebodwbwd in wgdhswuwiuwoiwichywjwcwuuhwduhfhueiyb ydudgduhvjiuwkakjbinbwiycdjdwjiqdcs the vijwdihbcdiueft of jnciwjijqiiwnduwjdndwiniwdcnsid scisvyrhdyvydhw hyder uw iii. Huckh f wiuebfeuhfevub efeinhdowhsciundwiwduhidjwijdcbidwhwdijndwv uhdyfihdqvwiu will unfi r irhaciuyncdwkj can you uj-₹22764'6_7!₹7-;₹55'782-;₹'747 %4 minutes 13 seconds7
48Hh47 %4 minutes 28 seconds7
49sanasthita47 %4 minutes 38 seconds7
50s47 %5 minutes 55 seconds7
51Ary47 %6 minutes 2 seconds7
52Daya47 %7 minutes 32 seconds7
53priyanshi47 %9 minutes 59 seconds7
54Faseeha47 %33 minutes 42 seconds7
55Tanishka40 %5 minutes 13 seconds6
56gourav40 %19 minutes 27 seconds6
57Khusbu bhakuni33 %2 minutes 37 seconds5
58Tanisha33 %3 minutes 40 seconds5
59Mantasha33 %4 minutes 23 seconds5
60Sandy33 %4 minutes 42 seconds5
61Tanusree Mondal33 %6 minutes 29 seconds5
62Khushi33 %7 minutes 27 seconds5
63qqqqqqqq27 %1 minutes 15 seconds4
64maansa7 %2 minutes 55 seconds1
65Jasmeen0 %56 seconds0

Key Topics Covered in the Quiz

Zitkala-Sa’s resistance to forced cultural assimilation
The trauma of cutting long hair in Native American culture
Bama’s experiences of caste discrimination in childhood
The impact of humiliation and oppression on young minds

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