Preparing for the CBSE Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 5, "Indigo," is key to achieving exam success. This chapter, which highlights Mahatma Gandhi's role in the Champaran movement, explores themes of leadership, justice, and social change. To aid your preparation, we've compiled a list of important questions with detailed answers that delve into the chapter's themes, characters, and historical context.
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By utilizing these curated resources, you can optimize your study time and ensure you're well-prepared for the CBSE Class 12 English exam. Dive into "Indigo" and equip yourself with the knowledge and confidence needed to excel.

Subject | English Language & Literature |
Class | 12 |
Board | CBSE |
Chapter Name | Indigo |
Type | Important Questions and Answers |
Session | 2024-25 |
Book Name | Flamingo Chapter 5 |
Literature | Prose |
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
- Lao Tzu
Indigo CBSE Class 12 English Important Questions Answers
Q. No. 1) Read the extract given below and attempt by answering the questions that follow.
They had merely heard that a Mahatma who wanted to help them was in trouble with the authorities. Their spontaneous demonstration, in thousands, around the courthouse was the beginning of their liberation from fear of the British. The officials felt powerless without Gandhi’s cooperation. He helped them regulate the crowd. He was polite and friendly. He was giving them concrete proof that their might, hitherto dreaded and unquestioned, could be challenged by Indians. The government was baffled. The prosecutor requested the judge to postpone the trial. Apparently, the authorities wished to consult their superiors.
i. The officials felt powerless because
a. of Gandhi’s refusal to cooperate with them.
b. of Gandhi’s polite and friendly behavior.
c. the crowd was listening only to Gandhi.
d. the crowd was getting violent.
Ans. Option (c)
ii. The demonstration proved that the
a. policies of the British had failed.
b. dread instilled in the hearts of Indians had begun to lessen.
c. dealings with the Indian citizens had been unsuccessful.
d. might of the British had not been understood by Indians.
Ans. Option (b)
iii. Which style, from those given below, is being used by the author, when he says, “Apparently, the authorities wished to consult their superiors.”?
a. humourous
b. dramatic
c. sarcastic
d. persuasive
Ans. Option (c)
iv. Gandhiji’s behavior towards the British prior to the proposal of postponement of the trial was that of
a. indifference.
b. calm acceptance.
c. ignorance of consequences.
d. polite helpfulness.
Ans. Option (b)
Q. No. 2) Multiple Choice Questions based on an extract:
They thought he would demand repayment in full of the money which they had illegally and deceitfully extorted from the sharecroppers. He asked only 50 percent. “There he seemed adamant,” writes Reverend J. Z. Hodge, a British missionary in Champaran who observed the entire episode at close range. “Thinking probably that he would not give way, the representative of the planters offered to refund to the extent of 25 percent, and to his amazement Mr. Gandhi took him at his word, thus breaking the deadlock.” This settlement was adopted unanimously by the commission.
i. Gandhi knew that he would not get an agreement on the demand for 50% repayment. Choose the option that offers the correct justification for the assumption made above.
a. He had anticipated the negotiating tactics of the planter’s representative.
b. He had been informed about the depleting funds of the planters.
c. He had taken the advice of the Reverend on board.
d. He had evaluated the commission’s attitude towards Indians.
Ans. Option (a)
ii. Given below are four real-life situations. Choose the option that perfectly describes a deadlock.
Situation 1 | Situation 2 | Situation 3 | Situation 4 |
Tariq is unable to manage the front-end and the backend forums at his company without any support. | Sunita cannot get a job because she has no experience and she can’t have any experience because she has no job. | The bank employees started protesting against their receding annual salary and other incentives. | Harpreet was stuck between deciding whether to go to the USA or the UK for higher studies. |
a. Situation 1
b. Situation 2
c. Situation 3
d. Situation 4
Ans. Option (b)
iii. Based on the given context, choose the option that exemplifies deceitful extortion, out of the examples given below.
1. The artisans demonstrated their rights, peacefully, on the streets. | 2. The head of the artisan union pretended to address all the problems faced by them. |
3. The head of the artisan union came with goons and took all the assets of the poor artisans. | 4. The artisans in Hafrgunj decided to sell their wares directly to government outlets. |
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
Ans. Option (c)
iv. The deadlock broke because
a. Gandhi’s settlement offer was worth considering.
b. All commission members agreed to adopt the representative’s offer.
c. Reverend J. Z. Hodge’s intervention brought both parties together.
d. The sharecroppers refused to be convinced by the commission.
Ans. Option (b)
Q. No. 3) In light of the following statement, pick the option that lists the characteristics of Gandhi.
“Gandhi never contented himself with large political or economic solutions. He saw the cultural and social backwardness in the Champaran villages and wanted to do something about it immediately.”
- pragmatic
- obedient
- compassionate
- philanthropic
- patient
- dramatic
a. 1, 3, 6
b. 2, 4, 5
c. 1, 3, 4
d. 2, 5, 6
Ans. Option (c)
Q. No. 4) Complete the statement about the form of the chapter, ‘Indigo’.
The chapter ‘Indigo’ is __________ a Louis Fischer book.
a. a preface to
b. the blurb for
c. the foreword of
d. an excerpt from
Ans. Option (d)
Q. No. 5) Multiple Choice Questions based on an extract
But Champaran did not begin as an act of defiance. It grew out of an attempt to alleviate the distress of large numbers of poor peasants. This was the typical Gandhi pattern — his politics were intertwined with the practical, day-to-day problems of the millions. His was not a loyalty to abstractions; it was a loyalty to living, human beings. In everything Gandhi did, moreover, he tried to mould a new free Indian who could stand on his own feet and thus make India free.
i. Choose the option listing the sentence that is the most appropriate example of an ‘act of defiance,' from the following:
She picked up the telephone terrified of what was about to come. She could hear nobody on the other side. Meanwhile, there was a thud at the door loud enough to scare her. Curious as she was, she wanted to open it as soon as possible. Her mother tried to stop her several times, but she went ahead, nevertheless.
a. She picked up the telephone terrified of what was about to come.
b. Meanwhile, there was a thud at the door loud enough to scare her.
c. Curious as she was, she wanted to open it as soon as possible.
d. Her mother tried to stop her several times but she went ahead nevertheless.
Ans. Option (d)
ii. Choose the correct option with reference to the two statements given below.
- Statement 1: His was not a loyalty to abstractions; it was a loyalty to living, human beings.
- Statement 2: Gandhi was a humanitarian at heart.
a. Statement 1 is the cause of Statement 2.
b. Statement 2 is the effect of Statement 1.
c. Statement 2 can be inferred from Statement 1.
d. Statement 1 and Statement 2 are independent of each other.
Ans. Option (c)
iii. The given extract DOES NOT talk about
a. details of the daily problems faced by human beings.
b. efforts to relieve the suffering of the common people.
c. the reason for the occurrence of Champaran.
d. Gandhi’s principles in the field of politics.
Ans. Option (a)
iv. Which option showcases an example of action (A) -result (R), from the passage?
- A=defiance, R=poor peasants
- A=free Indians, R=free India
- A=free India, R=defiance
- A=defiance, R=free Indians
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
Ans. Option (b)
Q. No. 6) Gandhi’s protest in Champaran is most appropriately a great model of
a. power.
b. leadership.
c. charity.
d. sponsorship.
Ans. Option (b)
Q. No. 7) The Champaran episode was a turning point in Gandhi’s life. ‘‘What I did,” he explained, “was a very ordinary thing. I declared that the British could not order me about in my own country.” But Champaran did not begin as an act of defiance. It grew out of an attempt to alleviate the distress of large numbers of poor peasants. This was the typical Gandhi pattern — his politics were intertwined with the practical, day-to-day problems of the millions. His was not a loyalty to abstractions; it was a loyalty to living, human beings. In everything Gandhi did, moreover, he tried to mould a new free Indian who could stand on his own feet...
i. In the extract, the phrase 'loyalty to abstractions' refers to a strong commitment to __________.
a. selected groups
b. simple pleasures
c. certain ideologies
d. governmental authorities
Ans. Option (c)
ii. Select a suitable word from the extract to complete the following analogy:
change: transform :: relieve: __________.
Ans. alleviate
iii. Select the correct option to fill in the blank.
The primary motive of Gandhi's actions was to _________.
a. make Indians self-reliant
b. eradicate peasant poverty
c. unite the people of Champaran
d. expose the incompetence of the British
Ans. Option (a)
iv. Which of these best describes the primary purpose of the extract?
a. It highlights Gandhi's intention to use peasants to overthrow colonial power.
b. It points out why the Champaran episode is still relevant in free modern India.
c. It explains the differences between the political strategies of Gandhi and the British.
d. It shows how Gandhi's position in the Champaran struggle reflected his political views.
Ans. Option (d)
v. Identify the textual clue that allows the reader to infer Gandhi's view of his own accomplishments (clue: a word).
Ans. ordinary
vi. Complete the sentence with an appropriate explanation, as per the extract.
Gandhi uses the words 'turning point' to refer to the Champaran incident because it __________.
Ans. was Gandhi's first instance of civil disobedience/helped people realize the importance of being self-reliant/marked the beginning of the Indian struggle for Independence.
Q. No. 8) The peasants were themselves the most crucial agents in the success of the Champaran Civil Disobedience. Expand.
Ans. The success of the Champaran Civil Disobedience movement was largely attributed to the active participation and determination of the peasants themselves. They fearlessly rallied behind Gandhi's call for protest against the exploitative indigo planters, displaying immense courage and resilience. Their willingness to endure hardships and stand united played a pivotal role in achieving the movement's objectives.
Q. No. 9) Gandhi makes it clear that money and finance are secondary aspects of the struggle in Champaran. Comment on the aspect that you think was most important for Gandhi.
Ans. For Gandhi, the most important aspect of the struggle in Champaran was the upliftment of the oppressed and impoverished peasants. He prioritized addressing their cultural and social backwardness over financial gains. His focus on compassion, justice, and humanitarian values exemplified his deep commitment to social justice and empowerment of the marginalized, making it the central goal of the movement.
Q. No. 10) Gandhi was a lawyer himself. Examine how his professional expertise helped in Champaran.
Ans. Gandhi's background as a lawyer played a crucial role in the Champaran struggle. His legal knowledge enabled him to understand the intricacies of the oppressive indigo system and the exploitative land tenure laws. He used his expertise to guide the peasants and present their cases effectively to the authorities, empowering them with legal arguments and strategies to challenge the unjust practices of the planters and achieve a favorable resolution.
Q. No. 11) Explain the possible reasons for Gandhi’s quick popularity among the peasants of Champaran.
Ans. Gandhi's quick popularity among the peasants of Champaran can be attributed to several factors. His sincerity, simplicity, and genuine concern for their welfare resonated with the oppressed farmers. He fearlessly stood against the exploitative planters, offering them hope and a voice. His nonviolent approach and ability to empathize with their struggles further endeared him to the peasants, making him a natural leader in their fight for justice.
Q. No. 12) What factor/s were largely instrumental in the victory of the peasants in ‘Indigo’?
Ans. Largely due to the leadership and advocacy provided by Mahatma Gandhi -- his involvement brought national attention to their plight --highlighted the importance of civil rights and nonviolent resistance
Gandhi's strategic approach to negotiations & his insistence on nonviolent protest -- empowered the peasants to stand up against oppressive landlords --- led to their immediate victory -- inspired a broader movement for social and economic justice across India.
Q. No. 13) As the host of a talk show, introduce Rajkumar Shukla to the audience by stating any two of his defining qualities.
You may begin your answer like this:
Meet Rajkumar Shukla, the man who played a pivotal role in the Champaran Movement. He ……
Ans. Meet Rajkumar Shukla, the man who played a pivotal role in the Champaran Movement. He is known for his unwavering determination and resolute spirit. Throughout the struggle, he exhibited remarkable perseverance, refusing to give up despite numerous challenges. His dedication to the cause of the oppressed peasants inspired many, making him a driving force behind the success of the movement.
Q. No. 14) When Gandhi got the wholehearted support of the lawyers, he said, "The battle of Champaran is won‟. What was the essence behind his statement?
- Gandhi made lawyers realize their duty toward the peasants
- it would be shameful desertion on their part if they left the peasants if Gandhi was arrested
- lawyers understood, approached Gandhi, and said they would accompany him to jail
- getting the support of educated Indians like lawyers, Gandhi gained confidence that now they would win against the British.
Q. No. 15) How did Mahatma Gandhi uplift the peasants of Champaran?
Ans. Got them economic relief from the landlords/taught them courage and gave them freedom from fear/ provided solutions for their cultural and social backwardness/improved personal cleanliness, community sanitation, and health conditions.
Q. No. 16) What can be inferred from Rajendra Prasad’s recorded upshot of the lawyer consultations, at Motihari?
[Reference - The senior lawyer replied, they had come to advise and help him; if he went to jail there would be nobody to advise and they would go home. What about the injustice to the sharecroppers, Gandhi demanded.]
- That Gandhi's commitment to the cause of the peasants, despite being a stranger to the region, was exemplary and motivated the lawyers to continue their support.
- Highlights the idea that the lawyers were conscious of the potential shame they would bring upon themselves if they deserted the peasants in their time of need.
- Suggests that Gandhi's moral authority and courage had a significant impact on those around him and helped to inspire a sense of purpose and conviction in their own efforts to fight for justice and freedom.
Q. No. 17) Why did Gandhiji consider freedom from fear more important than legal justice for the poor peasants of Champaran?
- Exploitation of indigo farmers by British Landlords.
- Farmers resorted to legal help to fight cases against the landlords.
- Not too many got encouraging results and also, this could only get them short-term benefits.
- Farmers were terrorized and crushed under exploitation by landlords.
- Gandhiji-practical and farsighted approach-felt that if the downtrodden farmers could be released from fear, rest everything would fall into place.
- Started an exercise in empowering the farmers and giving them lessons in courage through his own example.
- Dealt with all the clever moves of the Britishers fearlessly and boldly without getting intimidated by their orders.
- Felt that lessons in courage would remain with the farmers all their lives and would never be taken advantage of/ exploited.
Q. No. 18) How did Gandhiji succeed in getting justice for the Indigo sharecroppers?
- Gandhiji stayed at Muzaffarpur where he met the lawyers and concluded that fighting through courts was not going to solve the problem of the poor sharecroppers of Champaran.
- He declared that the real relief for them was to be free from fear. With this intention, he arrived in Champaran and contacted the Secretary of the British Landlord’s association. The Secretary refused to provide him with any information.
- After this, Gandhiji met the Commissioner of the Tirhut division who served a notice on him to immediately leave Tirhut. Gandhiji accepted the notice by signing it and wrote on it that he would not obey the order.
- He was even willing to court arrest for the cause of the peasants.
- After four rounds of talks with the Governor, an official commission of inquiry was appointed in which Gandhiji was made the sole representative of the peasants.
- Through this commission, Gandhiji succeeded in getting 25% of the compensation award for poor sharecroppers from the British landowners.
- The peasants realized that they had rights and defenders. They learnt courage.
Q. No. 19) Biographies include features of non-fiction texts – factual information and different text structures such as description, sequence, comparison, cause and effect, or problem and solution. Examine Indigo in the light of this statement, in about 120-150 words.
Ans. Introduction:
"Indigo" can be examined as an excerpt of a biography, which means it encompasses features of both fiction and non-fiction texts. As a biography, it presents factual information about historical events and real-life characters, while also employing various text structures to engage the reader.
- Factual Information:
a) Historical Context: The chapter provides factual information about the historical backdrop of the Champaran region and the oppressive indigo cultivation system during the British colonial era.
b) Real-Life Characters: It introduces us to actual historical figures like Mahatma Gandhi and Rajkumar Shukla, who played essential roles in the Champaran Movement. - Text Structures:
a) Description: The author describes the plight of the peasants in the Champaran villages, painting a vivid picture of their suffering under the indigo planters.
b) Cause and Effect: The chapter explores the cause-and-effect relationship of Gandhi's decision to support the peasants, and how it led to the organization of the Champaran Civil Disobedience Movement.
"Indigo" incorporates features of a non-fiction text by presenting factual information and using text structures like description and cause and effect to present a well-rounded account of historical events and characters. It effectively combines narrative elements with informational content, making it a compelling excerpt from a biography.
Q. No. 20) Imagine Gandhi was to deliver a speech to students in present-day India showing them the path to becoming responsible world leaders. Based on your understanding of Gandhi’s own leadership skills, write a speech, as Gandhi, addressing the students about the qualities that every leader and politician should nurture.
Dear students, you are all leaders of social change. I see many bright and enthusiastic faces that assure me that our future is in good hands. I have learnt from my own experience……………(continue)………….
Ans. Dear students,
You are all leaders of social change. I see many bright and enthusiastic faces that assure me that our future is in good hands. I have learned from my own experiences that true leadership is not about power or authority, but about service and compassion. As you step into the world as responsible individuals, I urge you to nurture certain qualities that will make you exemplary leaders and politicians.
First and foremost, always remember the power of truth and nonviolence. Embrace honesty and integrity in everything you do. Be fearless in standing up for what is right, even if it means going against the tide. Violence may seem like a quick solution, but it only breeds more hatred and suffering. Nonviolence requires strength and courage, and it can transform even the most difficult situations.
Secondly, never lose touch with your humility. As leaders, it is easy to be consumed by pride and ego. Stay grounded and always remember that you are serving the people. Listen to their voices and concerns, and be approachable. Understand that true leadership is about empowering others and lifting them up.
Thirdly, lead by example. Your actions will speak louder than your words. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Live a life of simplicity and practice what you preach. When people see your sincerity and dedication, they will be inspired to follow you.
Lastly, be inclusive and embrace diversity. Our country is a tapestry of cultures, religions, and languages. As leaders, it is your responsibility to ensure that every voice is heard, and every person is respected. Build bridges of understanding and unity.
My dear students, the path to becoming responsible world leaders may not always be easy, but with courage, determination, and the right values, you can leave a lasting impact on society. The world needs leaders who lead with their hearts and strive to make a positive difference. I have faith in each one of you to carry the torch of truth, nonviolence, humility, and inclusivity.
Let us work together to create a world that is just, compassionate, and harmonious. The future is yours to shape. I believe in you.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Mahatma Gandhi
Q. No. 21) Let us assume it was Rajendra Prasad who informed Charles Freer Andrews of Gandhi’s decision and the reasons for other leaders’ support of him. Think creatively of how Andrews would have responded and pen down the discussion you think would have taken place between Rajendra Prasad and Andrews.
Ans. Rajendra Prasad: Charles, I have something important to share with you. Gandhi decided to lead the struggle in Champaran, and many other leaders are supporting him.
Charles Freer Andrews: Oh, that's intriguing! I can imagine that Gandhi's decision must have stirred quite a buzz. But why has he taken up this responsibility?
Rajendra Prasad: Well, Charles, Gandhi believes in the power of truth and nonviolence. He sees the oppression faced by the peasants in Champaran and feels compelled to bring about change. His compassion and sense of justice are the driving forces behind his decision.
Charles Freer Andrews: I see. Gandhi's commitment to truth and nonviolence is truly remarkable. I believe he can bring about a transformative impact in Champaran. But what about the other leaders? Why are they supporting him?
Rajendra Prasad: They recognize Gandhi's unique ability to inspire and lead by example. His humility and dedication resonate with people from all walks of life. Moreover, they see that his methods of peaceful resistance can mobilize the masses effectively.
Charles Freer Andrews: Indeed, Gandhi's leadership qualities are commendable. I am certain that with his guidance and the support of other leaders, the movement in Champaran will achieve its objectives. It's heartening to witness such determination and unity for the greater good.
Q. No. 22) The prose selections, Deep Water and Indigo, bring out the importance of overcoming fear, in order to be able to lead our lives successfully.
Imagine yourself to be a motivational speaker who has to address high school students. Write this address in 120 – 150 words elaborating on occurrences from the two texts to inspire your audience and convince them about the importance of overcoming fear.
You may begin like this …
Good morning, students!
We all know what it’s like to be afraid. Fear is our body’s natural response to a perceived threat or danger. But when …
Good morning, students!
We all know what it's like to be afraid. Fear is our body's natural response to a perceived threat or danger. But when we let fear immobilize us, it prevents us from progressing and living life to the fullest. Today, I want to share two powerful stories that illustrate the importance of overcoming fear.
In the story "Deep Water," we meet William Douglas, who had a deep fear of water. This fear held him back from experiencing simple joys like fishing or canoeing. But instead of letting fear control him, he made a decision to face it head-on. It took months of determination and persistence, but he worked through his fear and learned how to swim. By doing so, he reclaimed his life and freed himself from the shackles of fear.
Similarly, in the text "Indigo," we witness the plight of the peasants in Champaran, who were living in fear of the British rulers. They were unable to take a stand for their rights until they found strength in unity. When they gathered around the courthouse in Motihari, it was a powerful step towards overcoming their fear and fighting for justice. Their determination and collective efforts eventually led to their triumph.
These stories teach us that overcoming fear requires facing it, devising a plan, and working through it. It demands persistence and unwavering determination. Just as William Douglas took small steps each day to conquer his fear, and the peasants of Champaran fought for their rights despite the risks, we too must find the courage within ourselves.
Remember, there is strength in unity when facing a common fear. Together, we can overcome any obstacle that stands in our way. Once we conquer our fears, we are free to live our lives to the fullest and pursue our dreams.
So, my dear students, I urge you to embrace your fears and turn them into stepping stones for growth. Don't let fear hold you back from reaching your full potential. Take inspiration from the stories of William Douglas and the peasants of Champaran, and let their courage fuel your own.
Believe in yourselves, work through your fears, and never stop pushing forward. Success and fulfillment await those who dare to overcome their fears and embrace the possibilities that lie beyond.
Thank you, and may you find the strength to conquer your fears and live a life of purpose and achievement.
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Sir the question answers you provide were a real help…. Now I’m going to score 85+ in this exam
Thank you🙏