Going Places Class 12: Important Questions and Answers

As you navigate the intricacies of Class 12 English, A. R. Barton's "Going Places" stands out as a captivating chapter that explores the themes of dreams, aspirations, and the complexities of human relationships. To equip you with the necessary tools to conquer this chapter with confidence, we present "Going Places Class 12: Important Questions and Answers."

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With the upcoming CBSE Class 12 2024-25 board exams approaching, this comprehensive collection of important questions and answers is your one-stop destination for acing the "Going Places" chapter. Embrace the opportunity to delve into the chapter's nuances, grasp every concept firmly, and conquer the exam with unwavering confidence.

Going Places Class 12 Question Bank

SubjectEnglish Language & Literature
Chapter NameGoing Places
TypeImportant Questions and Answers
Book NameFlamingo Chapter 8

"Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again."

Q. No. 1) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

i. The story entitled, “Going Places” presents a fine blend of which of the following literary devices:

a. Similes

b. Irony

c. Hyperbole

d. Metaphorical expressions

Ans. Option (b)

ii. Choose the option listing the possible titular justifications for the chapter ‘Going Places’.

  1. It includes the system of going to watch the football game on a regular basis.
  2. It expresses Sophie’s deepest desire to go out with Danny Casey.
  3. It is about a girl named Sophie who is an idealist and often dreams of going to various places.
  4. It is an idiomatic expression that refers to Sophie going ahead in her career, trying to beat poverty.

a. 1, 2

b. 2, 3

c. 3, 4

d. 1, 4

Ans. Option (b)

iii. Choose the option that marks the differences between the personalities of Sophie and Jansie, even though both of them belong to impoverished families.

going places class 12 important questions answers

a) Option (1)

b) Option (2)

c) Option (3)

d) Option (4)

Ans. Option (b)

iv. ‘Going Places’ is an idiomatic expression which means

a. Movement from one place to another

b. To be successful in one’s career

c. Absurd realities of life

d. Exploring untouched horizons

Ans. Option (b)

v. Why does Sophie want to be an actress?

a. To earn money

b. To become famous

c. To become a fashion designer

d. To earn a lot of money and open a boutique to be a famous fashion designer

Ans. Option (d)

vi. Explain – Words had to be prized out of him like stones out of the ground.

a. It was difficult to speak to him

b. It was difficult to locate him in a shop

c. It was difficult to locate him in factory

d. It was difficult to get information out of him

Ans. Option (d)

vii. ‘Sophie felt a tightening in her throat.’ Why did she feel a tightening in her throat?

a. She was not well.

b. She was not able to accept her middle-class background.

c. She was trying to hide a secret.

d. She was stuffing apple pie in her mouth.

Ans. Option (b)

viii. “He said little at all, ever, voluntarily. Words had to be prized out of him like stones out of the ground.”

Choose the option that states the characteristics of the person being talked about in the above lines.

  1. rigid
  2. stubborn
  3. distant
  4. invincible
  5. reserved

a) 1, 4

b) 2, 5

c) 2, 3

d) 3, 5

Ans. Option (d)

ix. “Jansie, knowing they were both earmarked for the biscuit factory, became melancholy.”

Choose the option that DOES NOT make the correct usage of the word ‘earmarked’.

a) The money in the locker had been earmarked for another purpose.

b) The investments made in the share market were earmarked for two years.

c) Lakshay and Samrat were earmarked for behaving notoriously in the classroom.

d) My family had been earmarked since we had shifted from our old home.

Ans. Option (c)

Q. No. 2) Multiple Choice Questions based on an extract

“She thinks money grows on trees, doesn’t she, Dad?’ said little Derek, hanging on the back of his father’s chair. Their mother sighed. Sophie watched her back stooped over the sink and wondered at the incongruity of the delicate bow that fastened her apron strings. The delicate-seeming bow and the crooked back. The evening had already blacked in the windows and the small room was steamy from the stove and cluttered with the heavy-breathing man in his vest at the table and the dirty washing piled up in the corner. Sophie felt a tightening in her throat. She went to look for her brother Geoff.

i. Choose the correct option about Sophie’s parents based on the extract given above.

a) Sophie’s parents’ marriage was an example of harmony and affection.

b) Sophie’s relationship with her parents was warm and friendly.

c) Sophie’s mother was subdued while her father was detached.

d) Sophie and her brother didn’t like to stay with their parents.

Ans. Option (c)

ii. Choose the option that supports the contention coming through Derek’s dialogue, “She thinks money grows on trees, doesn’t she, Dad?”.

a) Derek thought his sister to be unreasonable at times.

b) Derek had no faith in Sophie’s abilities to open a boutique.

c) Derek thought of his sister as someone who was not realistic.

d) Derek was not at all happy about Sophie’s habit of daydreaming.

Ans. Option (c)

iii. It could be inferred that Sophie’s mother was fatigued and burdened. Choose the option listing the elements that form the basis of this inference.

  1. her sigh
  2. her delicate bow
  3. her apron’s strings
  4. her crooked back

a) 1, 2

b) 3, 4

c) 2, 3

d) 1, 4

Ans. Option (d)

iv. “Sophie felt a tightening in her throat.” Pick the option that lists Sophie’s feelings in this context.

  1. anxious
  2. annoyed
  3. uneasy
  4. terrified

a) Options 1 & 3

b) Options 2 & 3

c) Options 1 & 4

d) Options 2 & 4

Ans. Option (a)

Q. No. 3) Multiple Choice Questions based on an extract:

On Saturday they made their weekly pilgrimage to watch United. Sophie and her father and little Derek went down near the goal — Geoff, as always, went with his mates higher up. United won two-nil and Casey drove in the second goal, a blend of innocence and Irish genius, going round the two big defenders on the edge of the penalty area, with her father screaming for him to pass, and beating the hesitant goalkeeper from a dozen yards. Sophie glowed with pride. Afterwards, Geoff was ecstatic.

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i. Their visit to the match was like a ‘weekly pilgrimage’ refers to

a) strong bond as a family.

b) love for a fixed routine.

c) similar feelings of devotion.

d) excitement for the match.

Ans. Option (c)

ii. Based on the following statements, choose the correct option.

  • Assertion: “Geoff, as always, went with his mates higher up.”
  • Reason 1: Geoff was not very close to his family and lived in his own world.
  • Reason 2: Geoff was rude and indifferent towards everyone around him and didn’t care about anyone at all.

a) Reason 1 and Reason 2 both can be inferred from the assertion.

b) Reason 1 can be inferred but Reason 2 cannot be inferred from the assertion.

c) Reason 1 cannot be inferred but Reason 2 can be inferred.

d) Reason 1 and Reason 2 both cannot be inferred.

Ans. Option (b)

iii. ‘Sophie glowed with pride.’ Her pride is the result of

a) belonging to a region where everyone thought of Danny as a hero.

b) watching her father cheer and support Danny.

c) The information she gathered from her brother, about Danny.

d) being an avid fan and her sense of closeness with Danny.

Ans. Option (d)

iv. Choose the option listing the situation in which one would be ‘ecstatic’.

going places class 12 extra questions answers

a) Scenario 1

b) Scenario 2

c) Scenario 3

d) Scenario 4

Ans. Option (b)

Q. No. 4) What is Sophie’s dream regarding her future? Why does Jansie discourage her from having such dreams?

Ans. Sophie dreamed of having a boutique in the city. To save money to have a boutique, she dreamed of becoming a manager, a fashion designer, or an actress. Jansie discouraged her from having such dreams because Sophie’s dreams were wild and impossible. She had neither the means nor the skill to achieve them.

Q. No. 5) The story is written in a manner that makes it difficult to point out clearly if Sophie met Danny Casey or not. Suggest possible reasons for such writing.

Ans. The story is written in a way that makes it difficult to determine whether or not Sophie met Danny Casey because the author wants to create a sense of ambiguity and suspense. The reader is left to wonder whether Sophie is telling the truth or whether she is simply fantasizing. This ambiguity allows the reader to interpret the story in different ways and to reflect on their own dreams and aspirations.

Q. No. 6) Why is Sophie attracted to Danny Casey?

Ans. Sophie is drawn to Danny Casey for various reasons. Firstly, Casey is a renowned, youthful, and appealing Irish football player, adding to his charm. His involvement with the Irish team aligns with Sophie's family's fondness for watching football matches, making him a figure of admiration in their household. Moreover, Casey becomes a hero figure for Sophie, eliciting a sense of hero worship within her. His status as a favorite player of her brother Geoff further intensifies Sophie's interest in him. Being associated with Casey would undoubtedly impress Geoff, creating an additional motive for Sophie's attraction toward the football star.

Q. No. 7) “Sophie felt a tightening in her throat. She went to look for her brother Geoff.” In the light of this quote, discuss the relationship Sophie shared with Geoff.

Ans. The quote illustrates Sophie's emotional vulnerability and her reliance on her brother Geoff for support or comfort. It hints at a close bond between them, where Sophie seeks solace or understanding from Geoff when feeling upset or troubled. Their relationship appears significant, implying a sense of trust and reliance on Geoff during moments of emotional distress for Sophie.

Q. No. 8) What did Sophie find most fascinating in her brother Geoff?

Ans. Sophie was captivated by her brother’s lost and enquiring eyes. He hardly ever spoke, but in his silence, his eyes seemed to be moving in some distant recesses of his mind of which Sophie knew nothing. Sophie was most fascinated by his world of dreams because she could never visit this world.

Q. No. 9) What did Sophie tell Geoff about her meeting with Danny Casey? And why?

Ans. Sophie told Geoff that she had met Danny Casey accidentally outside Royce’s when she was just looking at some clothes in the window. She asked him for his autograph but couldn’t get it because none of them had a paper or pen with them. She shared this incident with Geoff because she knew it would thrill him and he would be highly impressed.

Q. No. 10) Why didn’t Sophie want Jansie to know about her story with Danny?


Why didn’t Sophie trust Jansie enough to tell her about her meeting with Danny?

Ans. Sophie believed that Jansiewas a gawky, stupid girl. She would not be able to keep a secret. She would tell the whole neighborhood. People would come to Sophie to ask her what it was all about. Her father would be angry with her and there would be a row in their family.

Q. No. 11) Sophie is caught between the world she lives in and the world she wants to live in. Elucidate.

Ans. Sophie's aspirations for a better life contrast starkly with her current circumstances. She grapples with the disparity between her dreams of a sophisticated, glamorous world – depicted through her desire for a boutique or a connection with Danny Casey – and the harsh reality of her family's financial struggles and limited opportunities.

Q. No. 12) Evaluate the two different perspectives on life that Jansie and Sophie represent.

Ans. Jansie embodies a pragmatic view, accepting the practical limitations and societal norms, urging Sophie to be sensible and realistic. In contrast, Sophie symbolizes idealism, yearning for a more glamorous and ambitious life, aspiring for opportunities beyond their current circumstances.

Q. No. 13) According to you, should Sophie have continued to dream, or should she have stuck to the path that had already been chosen for her?

Justify your choice in detail.

Ans. Sophie's dreams reflect her aspirations and desire for a better life beyond her current circumstances. While practicality is essential, nurturing dreams can provide motivation, hope, and drive for personal growth. Hence, balancing dreams with practical steps could have offered a more fulfilling path for Sophie.

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Q. No. 14) Why does Sophie's father look at Sophie with disdain in the following scene from 'Going Places’?

"Sophie's met Danny Casey", Geoff said.


  • Sophie's father is annoyed with her because he thinks that she makes up stories.
  • He is irritated with her because she remains aloof from reality; he wants her to be practical and rooted in reality.
  • He thinks lowly of Sophie because she always lies about things.

Q. No. 15) Danny Casey was just a wild fantasy of Sophie or a wonderful reality. Elucidate.


  • Sophie – never met Danny Casey in reality.
  • Sophie – only saw Casey playing football as a spectator – playing from a distance.
  • Sophie – lives in an imaginary world and worshipped a young sports star as a hero.
  • Her meeting with Casey – wild fantasy.
  • Casey stood beside her while she selected clothes.
  • Casey suggested a meeting in the next week & promised an autograph.
  • Meeting with Casey – flight of Sophie from one dream to another.

Q. No. 16) “Sophie’s dream world clashes with the world of her family and friends”. Bring out the stark difference between the two worlds.

Ans. Sophie's dream world was filled with aspirations of owning a boutique, akin to Mary Quant's success and creating a remarkable shop. She envisioned herself in glamorous roles like an actress or a fashion designer, eager to break free from the confines of her family's financial struggles. On the contrary, Jansie, grounded in reality, understood their predetermined fate at the biscuit factory due to their economic limitations. She urged Sophie to be sensible, knowing their family's financial constraints and the unlikelihood of such dreams becoming a reality. The clash between Sophie's imaginative ambitions and the stark practicality of their family's situation highlighted the stark difference between her idealistic dreams and the challenging reality they faced in their lower-middle-class environment.

Q. No. 17) In what way was Sophie's hero worship and fantasizing at odds with her socio-economic background? Was she justified in dreaming the 'impossible’?

Ans. Sophie's hero worship and fantasies, while indicative of her ambition and aspirations, were at odds with her socio-economic background. Her dreams of starting a boutique, and becoming a manager, actress, or fashion designer clashed starkly with her family's weak financial standing. Their lack of a decent house and the predetermined path to work in a biscuit factory emphasized the impracticality of her grand ambitions. Despite these constraints, Sophie persisted in dreaming of a glamorous life and idolizing figures like Danny Casey, an Irish player, which seemed unattainable given her circumstances. While her dreams might seem 'impossible' in the context of her socio-economic background, they also served as a source of hope and motivation for a better future, showcasing her determination to break free from the limitations imposed by her situation.

Q. No. 18) Imagine Sophie’s father finds out about Sophie’s going to the canal to meet Danny Casey which leads him to think that she has lied to everyone about the whole affair. He is infuriated and prohibits Sophie from going anywhere except to school.

As Geoff, write a diary entry disapproving of your father’s punishment by citing your reasons for being sympathetic to Sophie.

You may begin this way:

Monday, 2 September 1940   9 PM

I cannot get myself to stand with Father in his tirade against Sophie. Sure, she is not the most…


Monday, 2 September 1940 9 PM

I cannot get myself to stand with Father in his tirade against Sophie. Sure, she is not the most conventional of us, but to forbid her from going anywhere except to school seems utterly unfair. Sophie might dream big, perhaps bigger than life itself, but that doesn’t make her deceitful. She’s just a girl with aspirations way beyond the biscuit factory or our small, cramped home. Father fails to understand the fire in her, the spark that pushes her to strive for something more. Punishing her this way, cutting off her wings, it’s just cruel.

I've seen Sophie's eyes light up when she talks about meeting Danny Casey or opening that boutique. It's her escape from the mundane, from our limited world. Father doesn't grasp how important these dreams are to her. He's fixated on our struggles and can’t see beyond that. But Sophie deserves more than this narrow restriction. She needs support, not suffocation, to thrive. I wish Father could see that. I’ll stand by Sophie, for she deserves to dream, even if it’s the 'impossible'.


Q. No. 19) Unrealistic dreams often lead to a great deal of unhappiness. Justify the statement on the basis of the story “Going Places”.

Ans. Sophie's unrealistic dreams clash painfully with her actual circumstances in "Going Places." Belonging to a lower-middle-class family, she dreams ambitiously of owning a boutique, and becoming an actress or fashion designer, despite lacking the financial means or family support for such aspirations. Her fantasies about meeting Danny Casey, the football sensation, further detach her from reality. When her fantasies don't align with reality, like Danny's absence at their planned meeting, Sophie experiences profound disappointment and sorrow. Living in this disconnect between her dreams and reality becomes a heavy burden, leading to deep unhappiness as her aspirations clash with the harsh limitations of her life circumstances, creating an emotional chasm that becomes hard for her to bear.

Q. No. 20) Maintaining a balance between one’s fantasies and the real world is the key to survival. Give your opinion on Sophie’s character in light of the above statement.

Ans. Sophie's character in "Going Places" highlights the struggle between her fantasies and the real world. She lives in a harsh reality—a lower-class family with financial struggles and predetermined paths. However, Sophie seeks solace in her vivid fantasies of owning a boutique, becoming an actress, or meeting Danny Casey. Her vivid imagination serves as an escape from the mundane and inspires hope for a better future. Yet, as she begins to blur the lines between her fantasies and reality, she crosses into a realm where her dreams overshadow truth. This detachment leads to disappointment when her fantasies don't materialize, like waiting for Casey at the canal. Sophie's inability to balance her aspirations with reality intensifies her struggle, indicating that while dreams offer hope, an excessive disconnect can lead to disillusionment and disappointment in the real world.

Q. No. 21) How do the characters of Sophie from ‘Going Places’ and Subbu from ‘Poets and Pancakes’ compare and contrast in terms of their aspirations, constraints, and the pursuit of their dreams?

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Ans. While both Sophie and Subbu share aspirations for success in their respective fields, they encounter different constraints and demonstrate distinct approaches in pursuing their dreams.

Aspiration: Sophie dreams of owning a boutique or becoming a fashion designer.
Constraints: Financial limitations and other expectations, such as her father's disapproval, hinder Sophie's pursuit of her dreams.
Pursuit of Dreams: Despite the challenges, Sophie remains determined to achieve her goals,
showing persistence and creativity in her pursuits
Aspiration: Subbu aims to succeed in the film industry as a poet, actor, and contributor to Gemini Studios.
Constraints: While Subbu faces challenges, such as criticism for his perceived sycophancy and overshadowing of his literary achievements by his success in films, he navigates these obstacles with grace and humility.
Pursuit of Dreams: Subbu's dedication to his craft and ability to adapt to various roles within Gemini Studios reflect his unwavering commitment to his pursuits.

Q. No. 22) Imagine Sophie meets Danny Casey after several years.

Write a dialogue exchange between them where Sophie explains what that meeting means to her.

Ans. Sophie: "Danny, it's been years since that day at the arcade. Meeting you meant the world to me. It was this glimmer of hope, this escape from the ordinary. You were my hero."

Danny: "I remember that day. You seemed so excited to meet me."

Sophie: "It wasn't just about meeting a football star. It was about the dreams I held onto. You symbolized everything I hoped for, a glimpse into a world beyond our struggles."

Danny: "I never knew."

Sophie: "It's not your fault. But that meeting, that chance to talk with someone I idolized, it felt like a spark, a possibility of a different life. I held onto that moment, hoping it would change things for me."

Danny: "I'm glad it meant so much. You've got to hold onto those dreams."

Sophie: "I do. They keep me going."

Q. No. 23) ‘Their mother sighed.
Sophie watched her back stooped over the sink and wondered at the incongruity of the delicate bow which fastened her apron strings.’

The prose selection, Going Places includes this telling comment about Sophie’s mother.

In Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers, we are told that –

‘The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band
Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s Hand.’

Imagine a conversation between Sophie’s mother and Aunt Jennifer. Create this exchange with reference to the two extracts given above.

You may begin the conversation like this …

Sophie’s mother: Your embroidery is so beautiful. Do you love tigers?


Sophie's Mother: Your embroidery is so beautiful. Do you love tigers?

Aunt Jennifer: Thank you, dear. Yes, I do love tigers. They symbolize something I wish I could be - free and fearless, unlike me.

Sophie's Mother: I understand that feeling. My life revolves around the needs of my family. I spend my days tending to the household, just like that delicate bow on my apron, a superficial adornment to my servile role.

Aunt Jennifer: It's the same for me. The weight of my husband's wedding band is a constant reminder of the heavy burden I carry, and the control he exerts over me. My embroidery is my escape, a means to express my hidden desires and feelings.

Sophie's Mother: I know what you mean. I stay at home while the rest of the family enjoys life outside. We both have domineering husbands, and our voices go unheard in family matters.

Aunt Jennifer: Yes, it's as if we're trapped in this never-ending cycle, with no likelihood of change in our status.

In this conversation, Aunt Jennifer and Sophie's mother bond over their shared experiences of feeling burdened and constrained by their roles in their respective households, where their desires and voices are suppressed. Aunt Jennifer uses her art as a form of silent rebellion, while Sophie's mother finds solace in understanding Aunt Jennifer's struggles. Both women find common ground in the need for change, even though it seems unlikely in their current circumstances.

Q. No. 24) The different portrayals of women in the texts 'Aunt Jennifer's Tigers', 'Going Places', 'Lost Spring', and 'My Mother at Sixty-six', offer insights into the experiences of women in society.

You have been asked to address your peers and share-

→ the ways these portrayals highlight the diversity of the female experience.

→ the importance of understanding each individual woman's challenges and experiences.

Compose this draft, with reference to any three of these prescribed texts listed above.

You may begin this way:

Good morning, everyone.

As I analyzed the allotted texts...

You may end this way.

To conclude, I’d like to say that ...

Ans. Good morning, everyone.

As I analyzed the allotted texts, I noticed that though each portrayal of women was unique, they all offered varied insights into the experiences of women in society.

To begin with, Aunt Jennifer was portrayed as a victim of patriarchy, living in a world where women were expected to conform to societal norms and expectations and was unable to attain the freedom and strength she desired, due to the limitations imposed upon her by society.

In contrast, Sophie was portrayed as ambitious and determined to break free from societal norms. She refused to be limited by her gender and sought to challenge the restrictions placed upon her. Sophie's mother, on the other hand, from a generation prior, had chosen to conform and sacrifice her individuality to societal expectations.

Similarly in "Lost Spring," the grandmother and daughter-in-law, in Firozabad, were portrayed as resilient in the face of poverty and the societal constraints of their caste. However, unlike Sophie’s and Aunt Jennifer’s need to find an outlet, they found ways to make the best of their situation, despite the limitations placed upon them.

When we analyze the portrayal of the aged mother, in "My Mother at Sixty-six,", she is presented as vulnerable and in need of protection. Sadly, it does make one wonder about the unaddressed vulnerability of Sophie’s mother and the grandmother in “Lost Spring”. A point worth considering is that Kamala Das’ mother’s acceptance of her circumstances comes across as a voluntary decision, whereas that of the women in “Lost Spring” is akin to resignation.

These portrayals of women offer valuable insights into the experiences of women in our society -from victimization to resilience in the face of poverty - and offer us important lessons about strength, vulnerability, and the need for empathy and respect.

To conclude, I’d like to say that as readers, we can learn from their experiences and strive towards a more equitable and just society. These characters, stress that it is important to recognize the complexities of each woman’s experiences and refrain from passing sweeping judgments as women are not a uniform group, but rather unique individuals.

Also Read:
Class 12 Important Questions and Answers
Class 12 Notes

Hope you liked these questions and answers from Class 12 English Going Places by A. R. Barton. Please share this with your friends and do comment if you have any doubts/suggestions to share.

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7 thoughts on “Going Places Class 12: Important Questions and Answers”

  1. Thank you would be so little in front of your hard work and dedication which you put into these!! I wish you found a survival in your dark days just like how we found you in ours! 🙏✨

  2. “Sir you explain so well! Learning from you is a great experience.”
    sir can you make a video of all chapters titles justifications for example
    Going places is an apt title of the story Elucidate.
    this type of question is mostly asking in exams plz sir make a video of all chapter’s titles justification. 🙏🙏🙏 if you do this I shall be highly grateful .


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