Class 12 English 2023 Topper’s Answers Sheet (Must See 2025 Students)

While you can't directly copy the answers from last year's Class 12 English Topper's answer sheet, it can be a valuable tool for exam preparation if used strategically and ethically. Here are some ways to utilize it effectively:

  • Focus on presentation and organization: Observe how the topper structured their answers, used transitions, and presented arguments. Did they use specific formats for different question types (especially in the writing section)?
  • Vocabulary and language use: Analyze their word choices, sentence structure, and use of figurative language. Did they incorporate literary devices effectively?
  • Clarity and conciseness: See how the topper conveyed complex ideas clearly and concisely, avoiding unnecessary jargon or repetition.
  • Avoid memorizing answers: This won't help you adapt to different questions or demonstrate your understanding.
SubjectEnglish Core
Exam Date11/03/2025
Content-Type2023 Topper's Answer Sheet
Official Website
class 12 english toppers answer sheet


Reading Skills (20 Marks)

1. Read the passage given below:

1 World Conservation Day is celebrated internationally to increase awareness about the best practices needed to protect our natural resources. The Earth is supplied with a limited amount of resources that we all rely upon, like water, air, soil and trees. The World Nature Conservation Movement is a great opportunity to celebrate the progress we've made and determine to take action, wherever needed. It is time to remind ourselves that we need to give back to nature instead of just using resources without thinking about conservation. There is a need to replenish and recycle the resources we consume from nature.

2 Our forests, rivers, oceans and soils provide us with the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we irrigate our crops with. We also rely on them for numerous other goods and services. We depend on them for our health, happiness and prosperity. We have a cycle of biodiversity which needs proper conservation.

3 The population explosion remains one of the major reasons why natural resources are getting depleted at a very fast rate. Technological advancement and luxurious lifestyles have led to several environmental problems like global warming, ozone layer depletion, river water pollution and deforestation, which threaten the planet's future.

4 Humans, animals, marine creatures and the environment, all need to be protected and conserved for the planet's future well-being. There are many examples of conservation. One is a programme to try to preserve wetlands, or a programme to try and save old buildings. Another example is of an attempt to minimise the amount of electricity used by turning off lights when leaving a room, or an attempt to turn off the running tap to avoid wastage of water. There are lots of examples like these which need implementation.

5 Following these small steps in our daily lives we can help to maintain the balance of nature, thereby saving humankind from the kinds of natural disasters we may face in the near future.

6 Nature also has a profound impact on our minds and our behaviour, helping reduce anxiety, brooding, and stress and increase our attention, capacity, creativity and ability to connect with other people. So there is a need to save nature if we want to save life as the two are interconnected and need each other. If we hurt or destroy the environment, surely we will be ruined. We must create awareness among family members, and try and practise a sustainable lifestyle to protect and conserve nature.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below : (10x1=10)

(i) Complete the sentence by choosing the appropriate option.

There is an urgent need to conserve our natural resources because

(a) we are aimlessly using the natural resources and not replenishing them.

(b) they will be replaced by man-made resources.

(c) serious efforts are needed to cut down the consumption of these resources.

(d) we must become alert before it is too late.

(ii) In the opinion of the writer, which are the primary natural resources without which our life is not possible?

(iii) In paragraph 1, the writer talks about 'celebrating the progress'. Explain in context.

(iv) The writer would not agree with the given statements based on paragraph 6, EXCEPT

(a) Stress can be relieved by working overtime.

(b) Nature can affect man's emotional well-being.

(c) Lifestyle cannot be changed permanently.

(d) Destruction of the environment is a temporary measure undertaken by man.

(v) In the context of the given passage, what is the synonym of 'replenish' (para 1)? Choose the correct option.

(a) scarcity

(b) restore

(c) reconcile

(d) minimize

(vi) List two ways in which forests and rivers help mankind.

(vii) How can the solutions suggested in paragraph 4 be best described ?

(a) unrealistic (b) short term

(c) practical (d) challenging

Also See: Class 12 English Topper Answer Sheet 2024 PDF

(viii) Why is it fair to say that population explosion remains one of the major reasons why natural resources are getting depleted rapidly ?

(ix) Complete the given sentence with an appropriate reference with respect to the following :

The writer quotes the example of family awareness in order to __________ (Paragraph 6).

(x) Select the most suitable title for the above passage

(a) Ways to Save the Environment

(b) Save Nature Save Life

(c) Nature A Pharmacy

(d) Nature A Food Factory


class 12 english topper's answer sheet for 2023
class 12 english topper's answer sheet for 2023

2. Read the passage given below :

1 Nowadays companies demand an outstanding job performance by every single employee to be better than that of their competitors because there is competition among enterprises. The employers make efforts to motivate the employees and optimise performance.

2 There are numerous factors affecting job performance. These can be divided into external and internal factors. The internal factors are team spirit, competent boss, respect from colleagues and job satisfaction. The external factors are chance for personal development, job security, promotion prospects and monetary incentives. The decisive determinant is that the employees remain highly motivated. One possible method to increase motivation is the salary. Employees are willing to stay longer hours in the office and perform better, when they have the chance to get financial rewards, for instance, a higher salary or bonuses.

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3 The bar graph (given below) shows the result of a survey conducted among workers in a company to analyse their work performance across ten different factors that contribute to make their work environment pleasant. The workers are grouped into two categories those between the ages of 18 30 and those between 45 60. Interestingly, in six out of the ten factors surveyed, the 18 30 age group is shown to be more affected than the 45 60 age group. Factors, besides the salary, which affect the work performance of the two different age groups are interesting. These factors are the chance for personal development, relaxed working environment, promotion prospects, job satisfaction and monetary incentives. Furthermore, two out of the remaining four factors namely, team spirit and work environment have been equally influential among the two groups. The 45 60 years workers are impacted a lot by 'respect from colleagues' whereas the prospect of a promotion is an important reason that drives younger employees to work better.

4 Job performance of happy employees is 31% more productive and they show three times more creativity than their unhappy counterparts. They are more resilient and more likely to stay in the same company for a longer period. Consequently they drive the company towards long-term goals by being more productive and efficient.

class 12 english topper's answer sheet for 2023

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below: 10x1=10

(i) Does the following statement agree with the information given in para 1?

When the company has a lot of competitors, it tries to invent the most efficient technology to stay ahead.

Select from the following:

True - If the statement agrees with the information

False - If the statement contradicts the information

Not Given - If there is no information on this

(ii) Why do you think the companies demand exemplary performance from their employees ? Support your answer with reference to the passage.

(iii) Select the option that displays the most likely reason for employees to perform better.

(a) companies demand an outstanding performance

(b) if the company grows, their growth is assured

(c) when there are chances to get financial gratification

(d) to drive the company towards long-term goals

(iv) Select two factors that display that work performance of both the categories of workers remains the same.

(v) Based on the bar graph, complete the following statement :

The 18-30 age group is shown to be more affected than the 45-60 age group in most factors.

We can say this because ____________.

(vi) Complete the given sentence by selecting the most appropriate option :

Loyalty as an attribute is there in employees who are

(a) senior

(b) healthy

(c) motivated

(d) happy

(vii) The 45-60 age group workers are motivated by _________ .

(viii) Based on the reading of the passage, state a point to challenge the given statement.

Increase in salary is the only motivation for better job performance.

(ix) Complete the sentence.

The internal factors affecting work performance are _________ .

(x) Complete the given sentence by selecting the most appropriate option :

The concluding sentence of the passage makes a clear case for __________ by listing it as a core component of steering the company towards long-term goals.

(a) collaboration

(b) flexibility

(c) happiness

(d) adaptability


class 12 english topper's answer sheet for 2023
class 12 english topper's answer sheet for 2023


Creative Writing Skills (20 marks)

3. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below : 5

(A) On your daily walks you have observed how the parks are littered with plastic wrappers and bottles. Since it is vacation time, you would like to involve the colony children to help clean up these parks. You are Rajni/Raghav, Secretary, Social Service Club of your colony. Draft a notice in about 50 words to be put up on the colony office notice-board requesting residents to send their children for two hours on Sunday mornings to join in this service project. Give details of day, date, time and venue.


(B) It has been observed that students are missing assembly and feeding stray dogs and a litter of stray puppies that have made a home on the school campus. The school is trying to relocate the animals. As Secretary, Student Council, draft a notice in about 50 words cautioning students not to feed the dogs themselves as there could be cases of dog bites and other problems. You are Jessica/Javed.


class 12 english topper's answer sheet for 2023

4. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below: 5

(A) Send a formal letter of invitation in 50 words to Dr. Mala Mehra, noted nobelist and educationist, to speak on 'The Importance of Books'. You are Lena/ Sanjay, Secretary Literary Club, S.S. Public School. Mention day, date, time and venue.


(B) You are Neelam/Nitesh and have been invited by a friend of yours to spend some days at his/her village near Manali during the summer vacation. Write an informal letter of acceptance in 50 words. Mention necessary details of day, date and venue.


class 12 english topper's answer sheet for 2023

5. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below: 5



We often hear about 'Women's Rights', 'Reservations for Women in Elections', and 'Empowering of Women' on one hand and the 'Increasing Rate of Crime against Women' on the other. You feel disturbed at this contradiction. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily expressing your views in 120-150 words. You are Suhina/Sohail. You may use the above given input.





Young male or female for front desk


  • Receive calls
  • Sort and distribute daily mail
  • Maintain Visitors' Record

Preferred Skills and Qualifications

  • Graduate
  • Workable knowledge of Computers
  • Good interpersonal skills

Apply within 7 days to Director, Frontier Foods Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal.

See also  Going Places Class 12: Important Questions and Answers

You are Sara/Sam. You come across the above advertisement for the post of receptionist. Write a letter of application along with your bio-data in 120 150 words applying for the position advertised.


class 12 english topper's answer sheet for 2023
class 12 english topper's answer sheet for 2023
class 12 english topper's answer sheet for 2023

6. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below: 5

(A) The Library Club in your school organized an inter-school workshop on 'READING - A REVIVAL'. The participants worked in groups to discuss different methods of encouraging reading among children today. Each group presented its selected idea through a skit. Some of the conclusions were:

class 12 english topper's answer sheet for 2023

As a student correspondent, write a report on the workshop in 120-150 words for the school newsletter. You are Sara/Sam. You may use the above given input.



class 12 english topper's answer sheet for 2023

Blossoms Public School organized a visit to the 'Home for the Aged'. There you got the opportunity of interacting with senior citizens and understanding their needs. Write an article in 120 150 words on the problems of the aged and the role of the society and the government in empowering them. You may use the above given inputs. You are Radhika/Raman.


class 12 english topper's answer sheet for 2023
class 12 english topper's answer sheet for 2023


Literature (40 marks)

7. Attempt any one of the two extracts (A) and (B) given below :

(A) Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow : 6x1=6

In front at the edge of the road where the traffic sped,
A roadside stand too pathetically pled,
It would not be fair to say for a dole of bread,
But for some of the money, the cash, whose flow supports
The flower of cities from sinking and withering faint.
The polished traffic passed with a mind ahead,
Or if ever aside a moment, then out of sorts
At having the landscape marred with the artless paint
Of signs that with N turned wrong and S turned wrong

(i) What is the tone of the poet in the extract?

Choose the correct option :

(a) optimistic

(b) resigned

(c) sympathetic

(d) indifferent

(ii) With reference to the given extract, what harm has been caused by the 'artless paint'?

(iii) The city is compared to ____________ .

(a) a landscape

(b) signs of N and S

(c) a flower

(d) a dole of bread

(iv) Choose the correct option:

The roadside stand is

(a) at the edge of the road.

(b) marred with artless paint.

(c) like the flower of cities.

(d) well maintained.

(v) What type of expectations do the stand owners have from the city dwellers who come there?

(vi) Complete the analogy with a word from the given extract.

donate : contribute : : dying : ___________


(B) Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow : 6x1=6

I saw my mother,
beside me,
doze, open mouthed, her face
ashen like that
of a corpse and realised with
that she was as old as she
looked but soon
put that thought away, and
looked out at Young
Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling
out of their homes,

(i) Identify the phrase that indicates youthful energy.

(ii) Which thought is the poet trying to put away ?

(a) missing the flight

(b) fear of losing her mother

(c) leaving her mother behind

(d) reaching Cochin

(iii) The poet's mother is described as 'open mouthed' because _________.

(a) she is curious

(b) she is surprised

(c) she was dead

(d) she was dozing

(iv) Complete the following analogy:

children spilling : metaphor : : ___________ : personification

(v) The sight of the trees and the children helped the poet _______ .

(vi) In the given extract, the phrase 'realised with pain' indicates the poet's

(a) anxiety

(b) desperation

(c) troubled past

(d) ill-health


class 12 english topper's answer sheet for 2023

8. Attempt any one of the two extracts (A) and (B) given below :

(A) Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow : 4x1=4

941 Willard Street
Galesburg, Illinois
July 18, 1894


I got to wishing that you were right. Then I got to believing you were right. And, Charley, it's true; I found the third level! I've been here two weeks, and right now, down the street at the Daly's, someone is playing a piano, and they're all out on the front porch singing 'Seeing Nelly Home'. And I'm invited over for lemonade. Come on back, Charley and Louisa. Keep looking till you find the thrid level! It's worth it, believe me!

The note is signed Sam.

(i) What was the feeling of Sam as conveyed in the letter ? Choose the appropropriate option in the context of the extract.

(a) surprise

(b) doubt

(c) excitement

(d) anger

(ii) What was Sam Weiner's reaction when Charley told him about the third level?

(a) dismissal

(b) acceptance

(c) wonderstruck

(d) puzzled

(iii) The phrase 'Charlie, it's true' in the context of the extract implies which of the given options ?

  • I. Sam is relaxed
  • II. Charley had migrated with Louisa
  • III. The existence of the third level
  • IV. Sam had met Charlie's grandfather

Choose the most appropriate option :

(a) I and II

(b) II and IV

(c) I and III

(d) IV only

(iv) Sam wrote the letter to Charley in order to __________ .


(B) Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow : 4x1=4

Derry : What do you do all day?

Mr. Lamb : Sit in the sun. Read books, Ah, you thought it was an empty house, but inside, it's full. Books and other things. Full.

Derry : But there aren't any curtains at the windows.

Mr. Lamb : I'm not fond of curtains, shutting things out, shuting things in. I like the light and the darkness, and the windows open, to hear the wind.

(i) The description of the house indicates that Mr. Lamb __________ .

(ii) The expression 'does not like shutting things out, shutting things in' suggests Mr. Lamb's

(a) welcoming nature.

(b) poverty-stricken existence.

(c) lack of resources.

(d) confused state of mind.

(iii) Mr. Lamb spends his time ___________ .

  • I. reading books
  • II. cooking meals
  • III. shutting things out
  • IV. enjoying beauties of nature

Which of the following options are appropriate ?

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(a) I and IV

(b) II, III and IV

(c) I and II

(d) I and III

(iv) On the basis of the extract, study the two statements, I and II given below :

  • I. Mr. Lamb liked meeting people.
  • II. Mr. Lamb accepted life as it came.

Choose the most appropriate option :

(a) I can be inferred from the extract, but II cannot.

(b) II can be inferred from the extract, but I cannot.

(c) Both I and II can be inferred from the extract.

(d) Neither I nor II can be inferred from the extract.


cbse class 12 english board exam 2023-24

9. Attempt any one of the two extracts (A) and (B) given below :

(A) Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow : 6x1=6

Others, usually celebrities who see themselves as its victims, might despise the interview as an unwarranted intrusion into their lives, or feel that it somehow diminishes them, just as in some primitive cultures it is believed that if one takes a photographic portrait of somebody then one is stealing that person's soul. V. S. Naipaul 'feels that some people are wounded by interviews and lose a part of themselves,' Lewis Carroll, the creator of Alice in Wonderland, was said to have had 'a just horror of the interviewer' and he never consented to be interviewed.

(i) Choose the appropriate option with reference to the given extract :

Most of the celebrities dislike being interviewed because

(a) it is sheer nonsense.

(b) nobody reveals his/her inner self.

(c) it is sheer waste of time.

(d) it is an unwanted intrusion into their lives.

(ii) Complete the analogy with a word from the extract:

light : darkness : : _________ : refused

(iii) In primitive cultures being photographed implied

(a) announcing victory.

(b) soul has been stolen.

(c) saving a memory for posterity.

(d) becoming popular.

(iv) From the given extract, we know that __________ never agreed to be interviewed.

(a) Lewis Carroll

(b) V.S. Naipaul

(c) T.S. Eliot

(d) Charlie Sheen

(v) In the given extract, the word 'diminish' most nearly means

(a) deepens

(b) disappoints

(c) lessens

(d) languishes

(vi) In the given extract, the writer indicates that most people ___________ interviews.

(a) celebrated

(b) read

(c) gave

(d) despised


(B) Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: 6x1=6

The next I remember I was lying on my stomach beside the pool, vomiting. The chap that threw me in was saying, "But was only fooling." Someone said, "The kid nearly died. Be all right now. Let's carry him to the locker room."

Several hours later, I walked home. I was weak and trembling. I shook and cried when I lay on my bed. I couldn't eat that night. For days a haunting fear was in my heart. The slightest exertion upset me, making me wobbly in the knees and sick to my stomach.

I never went back to the pool. I feared water. I avoided it whenever I could.

(i) With reference to the extract, Douglas was vomiting because

(a) he had got severe food poisoning.

(b) he had just been rescued from nearly drowning in the pool.

(c) he was frightened when he saw the big man.

(d) he had gone for a swim on an empty stomach.

(ii) Rewrite the sentence by replacing the underlined phrase with its inference.

For days a haunting fear was in my heart.

(iii) On the basis of the extract, choose the correct option with reference to the two statements given below:

  • I. The boy did not know how to swim.
  • II. The boy took a long time to recover from his fear.

(a) I can be inferred from the extract but II cannot.

(b) I cannot be inferred from the extract but II can.

(c) I is true but II is false.

(d) Both I and II are true.

(iv) Identify the textual clue that allows the reader to infer that the chap threw the boy into the pool just for fun (clue : a phrase)

(v) Complete the sentence with an appropriate explanation as per the extract.

The slightest exertion upset the boy because ___________ .

(vi) Replace the underlined word with its synonym from the extract.

The boy felt unsteady in the knees.


cbse class 12 english board exam 2023-24

10. Answer any five of the following in about 40 50 words each: 5x2=10

(a) The description of Seemapuri creates a very dismal picture. Explain. (The Lost Spring)

(b) Why was the peddler hesitant to accompany the ironmaster to the manor house ? (The Rattrap)

(c) In the poem 'A Thing of Beauty', how is grandeur connected with the the mighty dead?

(d) Why was M. Hamel dressed in formal clothes in school? (The Last Lesson)

(e) Who does the poet accuse of having double standards in 'The Roadside Stand'?

(f) Why did Sophie long for her brother's affection? (Going Places)


cbse class 12 english board exam 2023-24
cbse class 12 english board exam 2023-24
cbse class 12 english board exam 2023-24

11. Answer any two of the following in about 40-50 words each: 2x2=4

(a) Why did the Maharaja have to pay a bill of three lakh rupees to the British jewellers? (The Tiger King)

(b) Why was Derry startled as soon as he entered the garden? (On The Face Of It)

(c) What risk did Dr. Sadao run in harbouring the enemy American soldier in his house ? (The Enemy)


cbse class 12 english toppers answers sheet

12. Answer any one of the following in about 120-150 words: 5

(a) Why is the Champaran episode considered as the beginning of the Indian struggle for independence? (Indigo)


(b) Edla is a contrast to her father, the ironmaster. Explain. (The Rattrap)


cbse class 12 english toppers answers sheet
cbse class 12 english toppers answers sheet
cbse class 12 english toppers answers sheet

13. Answer any one of the following in about 120-150 words: 5

(a) How can a visit to Antarctica be an enlightening experience? Elaborate. (Journey to the end of the Earth)


(b) Bama and Zitkala-Sa, though victims of a system that crushes their aspirations, are determined to break out. Comment.


cbse class 12 english toppers answers sheet
cbse class 12 english toppers answers sheet

Bonus Question: (Application for Job with Bio-Data)


class 12 english application for job
class 12 english application for job
class 12 english application for job
class 12 english application for job

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Class 12 English Sample Papers

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2 thoughts on “Class 12 English 2023 Topper’s Answers Sheet (Must See 2025 Students)”

  1. Sir would you please guide me on how to write answers in ENGLISH CLASS XII EXAM of short and long answers to get maximum marks? Shall we learn important question and write it in answersheet or shall we write answers in our own word with the (bookish words)


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