CBSE Class 10 Letter Writing: Syllabus, Format, Types, Examples, & Practice Questions

Letter writing is an essential part of the CBSE Class 10 English syllabus, testing your ability to communicate effectively and follow proper format and tone. This blog provides a complete guide to mastering letter writing, including the syllabus, types of letters, marking scheme, and the format of formal letters.

With examples from previous years' questions (PYQs) and carefully curated practice questions, you'll find everything you need to excel in this section of your English board exam. Plus at the end you will also get the free PDF download link, so that you can download, print it and study offline from it. Read on to enhance your letter-writing skills and score full marks!

CBSE Class 10 Letter Writing Syllabus

Topic: Formal Letter Word Limit: 100-120 words


  • General Formal Letters (Suggestions, Highlighting a Problem)
  • Complaint Letters
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Letters Placing Orders
  • Letters of Inquiry
  • Application

CBSE Class 10 Letter Writing Marking Scheme

  • Format (1 mark)
    • Full credit (1 mark) if all aspects of the letter format are included.
    • Partial credit (½ mark) if one or two aspects are missing.
    • No credit if more than two aspects are missing.
  • Content (2 marks)
    • ½ mark for each content point area addressed (e.g., suggestion, importance, implication, recommendation).
  • Organization of Ideas (1 mark)
    • Effective style, orderly sequence, paragraphed structure, and formal tone and vocabulary.
  • Accuracy (1 mark)
    • Spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
  • TOTAL = 05 Marks

Format of a Formal Letter (CBSE Class 10)

Writing a formal letter requires following a specific structure. Below is a simple and easy-to-remember format:

1. Sender's Address

Write your complete address at the top-left corner.

123, XYZ Colony
New Delhi – 110001

2. Date

Leave a line after the sender’s address and write the date in this format: DD Month YYYY.

25 January 2025

3. Receiver's Address

Write the designation and address of the recipient.

The Principal
ABC Public School
Mumbai – 400012

4. Subject

Write a brief subject line summarizing the purpose of the letter.

Subject: Request for Issuance of Transfer Certificate

5. Salutation

If you know the recipient's name: "Dear [Recipient's Name],"

If you don't know the recipient's name: "Dear Sir/Madam,"

Use a respectful greeting like: "Respected Sir/Madam"

6. Body of the Letter

The main content of the letter is written here. Divide it into three paragraphs:

  • Introduction: Briefly state the purpose of your letter in the first paragraph.
  • Main Points: Explain your reasons or requests in detail in the following paragraphs.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your request or express your thanks in the final paragraph.

7. Complimentary Closing

Use polite phrases like:

  • If you know the recipient's name/title/role/position: "Yours sincerely,"
  • If you don't know the recipient's name/title/role/position: "Yours faithfully,"

8. Sender’s Name and Details

Write your full name and, if applicable, any designation or roll number.

Ananya Sharma
(A concerned citizen)

Class 10 Formal Letters: Memorize These Useful Sentences

Here are some simple and reusable lines that Class 10 students can memorize and use in formal letters. These lines are easy to adapt for different situations:

1. Opening Lines

  1. For Letters of Complaint or Request
    • "I am writing to bring to your attention a matter of concern."
    • "This is to inform you about an issue that needs urgent attention."
    • "I would like to request your assistance in resolving a problem I am facing."
  2. For Placing an Order
    • "This is with reference to the order we discussed recently."
    • "I wish to place an order for the following items as per the details mentioned below."
  3. For Letters of Inquiry
    • "I came across your advertisement and would like to know more about it."
    • "I am interested in your course/product and would like to request additional information."
  4. For Letters to the Editor
    • "Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw attention to…"
    • "I wish to express my concern regarding an issue that affects our society."

2. Middle Lines

  1. Expressing a Problem
    • "The current situation is causing inconvenience to the residents."
    • "Due to this issue, many people are facing difficulties in their daily lives."
    • "This matter requires immediate attention to prevent further complications."
  2. Making Suggestions
    • "I would like to suggest some measures that can help address this problem."
    • "Installing more dustbins and ensuring regular cleaning can make a big difference."
    • "Awareness campaigns and strict enforcement of rules will help improve the situation."
  3. Requesting Information
    • "Kindly provide details about the admission procedure, fees, and course duration."
    • "I would be grateful if you could share the timings and other facilities offered."
  4. Placing an Order
    • "Please confirm the availability of the following items: (list items)."
    • "I request the delivery of the order at the earliest convenience."
  5. Requesting Action
    • "I request you to take appropriate action at the earliest to resolve this issue."
    • "Your immediate attention to this matter will be highly appreciated."

3. Closing Lines

  1. General Formal Closing
    • "I hope for a prompt and positive response from your end."
    • "Looking forward to your reply at the earliest."
    • "I shall be grateful for your support in resolving this matter."
  2. For Request Letters
    • "Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your response."
    • "Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated."
  3. For Complaint Letters
    • "Kindly address this issue urgently to avoid further inconvenience."
    • "Hoping for quick action on your part to resolve the matter."
  4. For Inquiry Letters
    • "I look forward to receiving all the required details soon."
    • "Thank you in advance for your time and assistance."

4. Useful Phrases for Contact Details

  • "You can contact me at (your phone number) for any clarification."
  • "Please send the details to my email address at (your email)."
  • "I request delivery of the items to the following address: (your address)."

Examples of CBSE Class 10 Formal Letters

1. General Formal Letter (Highlighting a Problem)

Q. No. 1) You are Nirmal Pillai, a concerned citizen from Aluva, Kochi. Compose a letter in about 120 words, to the Project Head of the E-Waste Management Cell at Electronics Vatika, New Delhi, highlighting the adverse effects of e-waste* pollution. Suggest measures for addressing its management through community engagement and government initiatives.

*Discarded electronic devices such as smartphones, computers, and televisions, which are no longer in use or have reached the end of their lifecycle.


34, Gems Homes
Aluva, Kochi

15 May 2025

The Project Head
E-Waste Management Cell
Electronics Vatika,
New Delhi

Subject: Urgent Action Needed to Address E-Waste Pollution and Management


I am writing to express my concern regarding the growing issue of e-waste pollution, which poses a serious threat to the environment and public health.

The improper disposal of e-waste leads to the leaching of hazardous materials into soil and water, contaminating ecosystems and harming biodiversity. Furthermore, exposure to toxic substances from discarded electronics increases the risk of severe health problems in humans.

To address this pressing issue, community engagement can play a pivotal role. Organizing e-waste collection drives and conducting awareness campaigns in schools and local communities can encourage responsible disposal practices. Additionally, establishing community-based e-waste management centres can promote recycling and reuse efforts.

Government initiatives are equally crucial. Enforcing strict e-waste management regulations and providing resources for recycling facilities can significantly mitigate the problem. Setting up collection centres in both urban and rural areas will ensure wider participation in proper e-waste disposal.

I urge your esteemed organization to take proactive measures to tackle this issue effectively.

Yours sincerely,
Nirmal Pillai
A concerned resident

[In this case, "Yours sincerely" is appropriate because the letter is addressed to a specific person, The Project Head, whose role or title is known, even though you may not know their name personally.]

Q. No. 2) As Vaishali Nathani of 214, Indrayani Apartments, Vaishali Street, Daipur, you believe that forming Ecology clubs and appointing Eco-minders in your city can aid in the preservation and conservation of nature.

Write a letter to the MLA of your city area, in about 120 words, suggesting the need to form such clubs. Share their importance and implications. Recommend the involvement of resident volunteers for implementation of eco-club activities that nurture and protect the local ecosystem.


214, Indrayani Apartments
Vaishali Street, Daipur

21 August 2025

Janta House
Rajajipura, Daipur

Subject: Suggestion Regarding the Need to Form Ecology Clubs


This letter is written to express my concern about the environmental degradation in our city and suggest a solution that I believe could help in preserving and conserving nature. I believe that forming Ecology clubs and appointing Eco-minders in our city can aid in this endeavour.

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Ecology clubs can be run by resident volunteers who may undertake activities such as making bird-houses, planting native trees, water harvesting and creating compost piles to nurture and protect the local ecosystem. By involving the residents in these activities, we can raise awareness about the importance of preserving nature and instil a sense of responsibility towards it.

Some of the implications of forming Ecology clubs are reduction of pollution levels, increase in biodiversity and promotion of sustainable practices. This initiative will enhance the quality of life of the residents by providing them with a green and healthy environment.

Madam, you are requested to kindly consider this suggestion to ensure better preservation and conservation of nature.

Yours sincerely,
Vaishali Nathani
(A concerned resident)

Q. No. 3) As Anthony Pillai, a college student, residing at 214, Indrayani Apartments, Vaishali Street, Delhi, express your conviction that ecological preservation is not solely the responsibility of the government but also citizens, particularly the youth. Draft a letter, in about 120 words, to the Mayor of your city, sharing insights on how youth-led initiatives can play a pivotal role in preventing further environmental deterioration. Propose actionable suggestions that the youth can undertake collaboratively with the government to bring about positive changes in the local environment.


214, Indrayani Apartments 
Vaishali Street, Delhi

2 November 2023

The Mayor 
12-C, Green Circle


Subject: Proposing Youth-Led Initiatives for Ecological Preservation

The current state of our environmental surroundings is a matter of growing concern. The need for immediate and collective action to address these issues has never been more crucial. I write to you, not just as a concerned citizen but as a firm believer in the power of the youth to contribute significantly to our city's ecological well-being.

To this end, I propose the establishment of community-driven eco-clubs and tree-planting campaigns. Engaging the youth in waste management and recycling programs would not only raise awareness but also ensure active participation. Furthermore, organizing workshops and seminars on sustainable living practices can empower the youth with knowledge about eco-friendly choices in their daily lives.

Together, these initiatives can foster a sense of responsibility and commitment among the youth, creating a ripple effect that positively impacts our environment. I am confident that by supporting such initiatives, the city can benefit from the energy, creativity, and commitment of its young population as it would positively contribute towards creating a sustainable and eco-friendly environment.

Yours truly,
Anthony Pillai
(A concerned youth)

2. Complaint Letter

Q. No. 1) You are Chhavi Pathak of Ranchi, Bihar. Write a letter in about 120 words addressing the Secretary of the City Municipal Authority. Detail the problem of overgrown trees and shrubs in the neighbourhood and request the delegation of personnel for regular pruning.


471, Vinayakpur

27 April 2024

The Secretary
City Municipal Authority

Subject: Request for Pruning Overgrown Trees and Shrubs in the Neighbourhood

Dear Sir,

I am writing to bring to your attention the issue of overgrown trees and shrubs in our neighbourhood, which is causing significant inconvenience to the residents.

The unchecked growth has obstructed pathways and reduced visibility on roads, posing safety risks, especially during storms when falling branches can become hazardous. Additionally, the dense foliage blocks sunlight from entering homes, and branches encroach into living spaces, attracting insects. The overgrowth has also diminished the aesthetic appeal of our locality.

I kindly request you to delegate personnel for the regular pruning of these trees and shrubs. This proactive measure will not only improve the aesthetics of our neighbourhood but also ensure the safety and convenience of the residents and pedestrians.

I look forward to your prompt action on this matter.

Yours sincerely,
Chhavi Pathak
A concerned citizen

Q. No. 2) You are Vinay Khosla, the Purchase Executive at Haven Book Store in Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh. You had a telephonic discussion with a sales executive from Prakashan Book House, the wholesalers. The conversation pertained to the delivery of books, stationery, and art materials for your store. Despite the conversation, there has been no response from the Prakashan Book House, and attempts to contact them through the provided phone number have been unsuccessful. Write a complaint letter, in about 120 words, to the proprietor of Prakashan Book House, 60, Haveli Market Street, Hyderabad, A.P.


The Haven Book Store 
231, Gulmarg Bazaar
Secunderabad  , A.P.

16 November 2023

The Proprietor
M/s Prakashan Book House (Wholesalers)
60, Haveli Market Street
Hyderabad, A.P.  

Subject: Unresolved Issue with Follow-up of Delivery Details


I trust this letter finds you in good health. I am reaching out to address a concerning matter related to an order to be placed with your store for books, stationery, and art materials. Following a recent telephonic conversation with one of your sales executives, Khushi Sodhi, regarding the delivery schedule, we have not received any updates or communication from your end.

Attempts to contact your office using the listed telephone number have been unsuccessful, as the calls are not going through. This lack of communication and the absence of follow-up from your end have caused significant disruptions in our planned operations’ schedule.

I kindly request your prompt attention to this matter. Given the importance of our business relationship, we hope to resolve this issue amicably. Please feel free to reach out to me at 97171XXXXX.

Yours sincerely,
Vinay  Khosla
(Purchase Executive, Haven Book Store)

3. Letters to the Editor

Q. No. 1) As Armaan Khan, the School Literary Captain of Ujjwal Academy, Old City, Kiladerabad, you believe that languages can help bridge regional divides and promote unity.

Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily, in about 120 words, suggesting the introduction of an online regional language learning programme managed and run by student councils and language clubs in the city. The programme aims to help residents who have recently relocated to a new region in picking up the local language organically. Share the importance and credibility of such a programme and suggest a feasible way to execute it along with possible activities.


Ujjwal Academy
Old City, Kilandarabad

30 August 2023

The Editor
India Samachar
Jamnagar, Kilandarabad

Subject: Introduction of Online Regional Language Learning Programmes

Dear Sir,

As someone who believes that languages can help bridge regional divides and promote unity, I am writing to suggest the introduction of an online regional language learning programme in our city to help the recently relocated residents (of all ages) establish a healthy rapport with the local residents and
promote mutual understanding.

This online programme, organised and run by student councils and language clubs, can help these residents pick up the local language organically. This initiative may be conducted only on weekends for three months, making it feasible for participants to attend without hindering their work or studies. Activities such as language exchange programmes, cultural events, and group discussions on the virtual platform can be undertaken to make this programme more engaging.

I hope that publishing of this letter in the columns of your Daily shall urge the community to support this programme for its potential, to bring people together, promote language proficiency, and foster a sense of brotherhood.

Yours truly,
Armaan Khan
(Captain, Literary Club)

Q. No. 2) India is a highly populated country. People lack in maintaining proper sanitation and hygiene as a result they suffer from various diseases. India has a serious sanitation challenge; around 60 per cent of the world‟s open defecation takes place in India. Poor sanitation causes health hazards including diarrhea, particularly in children under 5 years of age, malnutrition and deficiencies in physical development and cognitive ability. You are Nitish /Nikita, head boy/girl of Anand Public School, Jaipur. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily, highlighting the problem and suggesting practical ways to ensure public sanitation and the right to dignity and privacy. (100-120 words)

class 10 letter writing


Anand Public School

25 January 2025

The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Subject: Addressing India's Sanitation Challenges for Public Health and Dignity


Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to highlight the pressing issue of poor sanitation in our country. Despite progress, India faces a sanitation crisis, with approximately 60% of the world's open defecation occurring here. This has dire consequences, especially for children under 5 years, who suffer from diseases like diarrhea, malnutrition, and developmental issues.

To address this, practical measures include ensuring proper waste management, constructing more public toilets, conducting sanitation awareness drives, and encouraging community participation in maintaining hygiene. Strict enforcement of sanitation laws and government collaboration with NGOs can also ensure the right to dignity and privacy for all citizens.

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I urge the authorities and readers to take action to combat this grave issue.

Yours sincerely,
Head Girl
Anand Public School

Q. No. 3) You are Armaan/Anjali of C-63, Panvel. You recently read a magazine article which highlighted the condition of underage children working in hazardous conditions. Instead of going to school, they are working in dimly lit factories, tea stalls, in garages, etc. to supplement family incomes. Write a letter to the editor of 'The Times of India' in about 100-120 words, drawing attention to this national problem and suggesting solutions.

Ans. Image from CBSE 2023 Topper's Answer Sheet

Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet
Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet
Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet

4. Letters Placing Orders

Q. No. 1) You are Neha/Nihal Singh, Computer In-charge of Army Public School. Your school wishes to buy 20 computers and computer accessories from Apple Inc., Nehru Place, New Delhi. Draft a letter placing an order for the same.


Army Public School
Station Road, Secunderabad
Hyderabad - 500015

20 January 2025

The Sales Manager
Apple Inc.
Nehru Place
New Delhi - 110019

Subject: Order for Computers and Accessories

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to inform you that our school, Army Public School, wishes to place an order for 20 Apple computers and related accessories as per the quotation provided by your company. We appreciate the prompt response to our earlier inquiry and are satisfied with the terms mentioned.

The details of the required items are as follows:

  1. 20 Apple iMac systems (latest configuration as per the quotation).
  2. Accessories needed:
    • 20 wireless keyboards and mouse sets
    • 20 surge protectors
    • 10 external hard drives (1TB)
    • 20 sets of headphones

We kindly request that the delivery be made by 10 February 2025 to the following address:
Army Public School, Station Road, Secunderabad, Hyderabad - 500015.

The payment will be made via bank transfer upon delivery and inspection of the goods. Kindly confirm the receipt of this order and share an invoice for the same. For further details, you may contact me at 9876543210 or via email at [email protected].

We look forward to your prompt response and timely delivery of the items.

Yours sincerely,
Neha/Nihal Singh
Computer In-Charge
Army Public School

Q. No. 2) You are Vaijanthi/Vijay from Prakasham Nagar, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Write a letter to Book Haven Store, requesting home delivery of the books, stationery and art materials you had ordered telephonically. Share the reason for being unable to pick up the goods in person. Confirm your address details and a convenient time slot.


25, Prakasham Nagar
Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh

15 January 2025

The Manager
Book Haven Store

Subject: Request for Home Delivery of Ordered Items

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is with reference to the order I placed telephonically on 10 January 2025 for books, stationery, and art materials. Initially, I had intended to pick up the items in person. However, due to (reason, e.g., a family emergency/illness/professional commitments), I am unable to visit the store at this time.

I kindly request you to arrange for the home delivery of my order at the earliest. Please confirm the delivery to the following address:
25, Prakasham Nagar, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh - 500003.

I would appreciate it if the delivery could be made during the time slot between 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM. For any clarifications, you may contact me at 9876543210.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance. I look forward to receiving the items at the earliest.

Yours sincerely,

5. Letters of Inquiry

Q. No. 1) You are Vipul/Apoorva living at D-424, Island Avenue, Ernakulam. You have seen an advertisement given below about a diploma course in French language soon to be organized by Maxwell Institute of Languages, Fort Road, Kochi.

Maxwell Institute of Languages
French courses available for students willing to learn the language. Assurance of fluency. Interested students may please contact:
Maxwell Institute of Language

Write a letter in 120 words to the advertiser seeking all the relevant information like admission procedure, fee structure, duration of the course, timing of the class, transport facilities, etc.


D-424, Island Avenue

19 January 2025

The Director
Maxwell Institute of Languages
Fort Road, Kochi

Subject: Inquiry About Diploma Course in French

Dear Sir/Madam,

I recently came across your advertisement regarding the French language diploma course and am interested in enrolling. I would appreciate it if you could provide me with detailed information about the following:

  1. Admission procedure and eligibility criteria.
  2. Fee structure for the course.
  3. Duration of the course and timing of the classes.
  4. Availability of transport facilities for students.
  5. Any additional benefits or materials provided during the course.

I would appreciate if you could provide this information at your earliest convenience.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Q. No. 2) You are Rahul Kumar of 42, Rajendra Nagar, Chennai. You have seen an advertisement in 'The Hindu' about a summer cricket coaching camp. Write a letter to the Manager, Sunrise Sports Academy, 15, Mount Road, Chennai, inquiring about the details of the camp. (Word limit: 100-120 words)


42, Rajendra Nagar
Chennai - 600028

January 19, 2025

The Manager
Sunrise Sports Academy
15, Mount Road
Chennai - 600002

Subject: Inquiry about Summer Cricket Coaching Camp

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inquire about the summer cricket coaching camp advertised in 'The Hindu' on January 15, 2025. I would appreciate if you could provide information about:

  • Duration and timings of the camp
  • Age group criteria
  • Coaching fees and payment method
  • Required cricket equipment
  • Qualification of coaches

Please also let me know if transport facility is available from Rajendra Nagar.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Rahul Kumar
Class X Student

Q. No. 3) You are Priya Sharma of 15, Green Park, Jaipur. You have seen an advertisement in 'Dainik Bhaskar' about spoken English courses. Write a letter to the Principal, Cambridge English Academy, M.I. Road, Jaipur, seeking information about the course. (Word limit: 100-120 words)


15, Green Park
Jaipur - 302001

January 19, 2025

The Principal
Cambridge English Academy
M.I. Road
Jaipur - 302005

Subject: Inquiry about Spoken English Course

Dear Sir/Madam,

I saw your advertisement for spoken English courses in 'Dainik Bhaskar' yesterday. As I wish to improve my English speaking skills, I would like to know:

  • Course duration and class schedule
  • Fee structure and installment options
  • Batch size and teaching methodology
  • Study materials provided
  • Details of any extra activities included

I would also like to know if you offer weekend batches for students.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Priya Sharma
Class X Student

5. Applications

1. Application for a Post

You are Rohit/Riya Sharma residing at 15, Civil Lines, Pune. You have come across an advertisement in 'The Times of India' for the post of a sales trainee in Amazon India. Write an application in response to the advertisement, giving your detailed resume. (Word limit: 120-150 words)

15, Civil Lines
Pune - 411001

January 19, 2025

The HR Manager
Amazon India
M.G. Road
Pune - 411005

Subject: Application for the Post of Sales Trainee

Dear Sir/Madam,

With reference to your advertisement in 'The Times of India' dated January 18, 2025, I wish to apply for the position of Sales Trainee in your esteemed organization.

I have recently completed my Class 10 with 92% marks and have a keen interest in sales and marketing. I have participated in various school competitions related to public speaking and have good communication skills. I am fluent in English, Hindi, and Marathi.

I am enclosing my resume for your kind consideration. I assure you that if given an opportunity, I will work with dedication and sincerity.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Rohit Sharma

Encl: Resume

2. Application for Permission

You are Amit/Amita of Class X-B, Government School, Bangalore. Write an application to your Principal requesting permission to organize a blood donation camp in your school. (Word limit: 100-120 words)

Government School
Bangalore - 560001

January 19, 2025

The Principal
Government School
Bangalore - 560001

Subject: Permission to Organize Blood Donation Camp

Respected Sir,

As the Head Boy/Girl of Class X-B, I would like to request your permission to organize a blood donation camp in our school in association with City Hospital, Bangalore.

We plan to conduct this camp on January 30, 2025, from 9 AM to 4 PM in the school auditorium. The hospital will provide medical staff and necessary equipment. We will ensure that only eligible donors participate and all safety protocols are followed.

Kindly grant us permission to organize this noble initiative.

Thanking you,
Yours obediently,
Head Boy, Class X-B

3. Application for Fee Concession

You are Meera/Mohan studying in Class X at APS Public School, Chennai. Write an application to the Principal requesting fee concession due to your father's recent job loss. (Word limit: 100-120 words)

45, Gandhi Street
Chennai - 600001

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January 19, 2025

The Principal
APS Public School
Chennai - 600004

Subject: Application for Fee Concession

Respected Madam,

I am a student of Class X-A (Roll No. 12). I am writing to request a fee concession as my father recently lost his job due to company downsizing. This has put our family in a difficult financial situation.

I have been maintaining good academic performance with 85% marks in the last examination. I also participate actively in school activities and have won prizes in various competitions.

I request you to kindly consider my application for fee concession. I assure you that I will maintain my academic standards.

Thanking you,
Yours obediently,
Class X-A
Roll No. 12

Practice Makes Perfect: Letter Writing Questions

1. Letter of Complaint

Q1. You are Rohan/Rita, a resident of Green Valley Apartments, Pune. Write a letter to the municipal officer complaining about the poor garbage disposal system in your locality. Mention its impact on health and suggest ways to improve the situation.

Q2. You are Abhinav/Ananya, a customer of Reliance Electronics. Write a letter to the Manager complaining about the defective washing machine delivered to you and request a replacement at the earliest.

2. Letter to the Editor

Q3. You are Amit/Anjali, a concerned citizen of Varanasi. Write a letter to the editor of a leading daily, highlighting the issue of increasing road accidents due to reckless driving and suggesting solutions to ensure road safety.

Q4. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper as Prithvi/Roshni, a resident of Bhubaneswar, expressing your concerns about the increasing air pollution in your city and suggesting practical ways to reduce it.

3. Placing an Order

Q5. You are Ravi/Priya, Librarian of Springdale School, Gurgaon. Write a letter to the manager of Book World, New Delhi, placing an order for books required for the school library. Include details of the titles, authors, and quantity of the books required.

Q6. You are Shyam/Shweta of Sunshine Art Academy, Bengaluru. Write a letter to Colors and Brushes Store, M.G. Road, Bengaluru, placing an order for art materials like brushes, paints, and canvas sheets. Mention the delivery deadline and payment mode.

4. Inquiry Letter

Q7. You are Arjun/Ananya of C-98, Model Town, Chandigarh. Write a letter to the Director of Learn & Grow Academy, seeking information about their upcoming spoken English course. Inquire about the duration, fee structure, batch timings, and study materials.

Q8. Write a letter to the Director of the National Institute of Yoga, Delhi, inquiring about their online yoga courses. Include questions about the course fees, duration, schedule, and certification.

5. Request/Permission Letter

Q9. You are the Head Boy/Head Girl of Modern Public School, Mumbai. Write a letter to the Principal requesting permission to organize a cultural fest in the school auditorium.

Q10. You are Sarthak/Shruti of 12th Grade, Zenith Academy, Hyderabad. Write a letter to the Principal requesting permission to arrange an educational trip to a historical site and explain its significance to the students’ learning.

6. Application for Job

Q11. You are Aarav/Avni, applying for the position of Mathematics Teacher at Bright Future School, Delhi. Write a formal letter to the Principal, including your qualifications, experience, and contact details.

Q12. Write a letter to the HR Manager of WebTech Solutions, Bengaluru, applying for the position of a software developer. Mention your skills, work experience, and willingness to join immediately.

7. Letter to Government Authorities

Q13. You are Tapan/Tanvi, a resident of Sector-14, Noida. Write a letter to the Traffic Police Commissioner requesting stricter enforcement of traffic rules in your area to control frequent traffic jams and road mishaps.

Q14. You are a resident of Janakpuri, New Delhi. Write a letter to the Water Supply Department regarding irregular water supply in your area and request immediate action to resolve the issue.

8. Letter to a Company for Service/Product Issue

Q15. You are Nishant/Nidhi, a resident of Agra. Write a letter to the Customer Care Department of Flipkart, complaining about the delay in the delivery of a laptop you ordered online.

Q16. You are Aakash/Aparna from Jaipur. Write a letter to Samsung Customer Support, reporting a malfunction in a refrigerator under warranty and requesting repair or replacement.

Hints to answer the above questions

1. Letter of Complaint

Q1. Garbage Disposal System

  • Introduction: State the problem (poor garbage disposal system in your locality).
  • Impact: Mention health hazards (spread of diseases, foul smell, etc.).
  • Suggestions: Install more dustbins, ensure regular garbage collection, and penalize littering.
  • Conclusion: Urge prompt action to resolve the issue.

Q2. Defective Washing Machine

  • Introduction: Mention details of the purchase (date, invoice number, product details).
  • Problem: Describe the defect (not functioning, unusual noise, etc.).
  • Request: Ask for a replacement or repair at the earliest.
  • Conclusion: Request prompt action and mention your contact details.

2. Letter to the Editor

Q3. Reckless Driving and Road Safety

  • Introduction: Highlight the increase in road accidents due to reckless driving.
  • Problems: Discuss causes (over-speeding, lack of enforcement, poor road conditions).
  • Solutions: Stricter traffic rules, awareness campaigns, speed limits, and installation of cameras.
  • Conclusion: Appeal for public support and government action.

Q4. Air Pollution

  • Introduction: Address rising air pollution levels in the city.
  • Problems: Discuss health impacts (respiratory issues, visibility issues).
  • Solutions: Encourage public transport, tree plantation, and reduced industrial emissions.
  • Conclusion: Emphasize the urgency and call for collaborative efforts.

3. Placing an Order

Q5. Books for Library

  • Introduction: Mention the purpose of the order (library requirements).
  • Details: Provide the list of books (titles, authors, quantity).
  • Delivery: Request delivery by a specific date.
  • Payment: Mention mode of payment (cheque, bank transfer, etc.).

Q6. Art Materials

  • Introduction: Specify the purpose (art workshop/academy needs).
  • Details: List the items required (e.g., brushes, paints, canvases).
  • Delivery: Request timely delivery.
  • Payment: Specify payment terms and confirm contact details.

4. Inquiry Letter

Q7. Spoken English Course

  • Introduction: State interest in the course (improving communication skills).
  • Details Required: Ask about duration, fee structure, batch timings, and study material.
  • Additional Query: Inquire about certification upon course completion.

Q8. Online Yoga Courses

  • Introduction: Mention your interest in learning yoga.
  • Details Required: Ask about course duration, fee, timings, and format (online/offline).
  • Additional Query: Inquire about any trial classes or certification.

5. Request/Permission Letter

Q9. Cultural Fest

  • Introduction: Mention the idea of organizing a cultural fest and its purpose (enhancing creativity).
  • Details: Include the proposed date, venue (school auditorium), and activities.
  • Request: Seek approval and mention assistance required (e.g., funding, permissions).

Q10. Educational Trip

  • Introduction: Explain the significance of the trip for students' learning.
  • Details: Mention the historical site, proposed date, and number of students.
  • Request: Ask for permission and transport arrangements.

6. Application for Job

Q11. Mathematics Teacher

  • Introduction: Mention the position you’re applying for.
  • Qualifications: Highlight relevant degrees (e.g., B.Ed., M.Sc. in Mathematics).
  • Experience: Share prior teaching experience and achievements.
  • Conclusion: Express enthusiasm and include contact details.

Q12. Software Developer

  • Introduction: Mention your interest in the job and its relevance to your skills.
  • Skills: Highlight expertise in programming languages, tools, or projects.
  • Experience: Provide brief details of previous work (internships or jobs).
  • Conclusion: Request an interview and include your contact details.

7. Letter to Government Authorities

Q13. Traffic Issues

  • Introduction: State the problem of frequent traffic jams and accidents.
  • Causes: Highlight reasons (illegal parking, reckless driving, lack of signals).
  • Suggestions: Mention solutions like better enforcement, traffic signals, and fines.
  • Conclusion: Request the commissioner’s intervention for improvement.

Q14. Water Supply Problem

  • Introduction: Describe the issue (irregular water supply in your area).
  • Impact: Mention problems faced by residents (difficulty in daily chores).
  • Request: Ask for immediate action to ensure regular water supply.

8. Letter to a Company for Service/Product Issue

Q15. Delay in Delivery

  • Introduction: Mention order details (date, order ID, product).
  • Problem: State the delay and its inconvenience.
  • Request: Ask for immediate delivery and compensation if applicable.
  • Conclusion: Provide contact details for updates.

Q16. Malfunction in Refrigerator

  • Introduction: Share purchase details (date, model, warranty).
  • Problem: Describe the issue (not cooling, unusual sounds, etc.).
  • Request: Ask for repair or replacement.
  • Conclusion: Request prompt service and share contact details.

Mastering letter writing is an essential skill for effective communication and academic success. By understanding the CBSE Class 10 syllabus, familiarizing yourself with the different types of letters, and practicing regularly, you can confidently approach the letter-writing section of your English exam.

Remember to pay close attention to the format, use formal language, and proofread carefully. With consistent effort and dedication, you can effectively convey your thoughts and ideas through well-structured and impactful letters.

We hope this comprehensive guide has been helpful in your preparation. Best of luck with your CBSE Class 10 English exams!

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3 thoughts on “CBSE Class 10 Letter Writing: Syllabus, Format, Types, Examples, & Practice Questions”

  1. Opening closing or closing lines hai jo unme se 1 point hi likhna hai jaise opening line mai do hai agr lines apne provide ki hai jo usme se konsi likhni hai dono ??

  2. Opening closing or closing lines hai jo unme se 1 point hi likhna hai jaise opening line mai do hai agr lines apne provide ki hai jo usme se konsi likhni hai dono ??


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