CBSE Class 12 Geography Answer Key 2025 – Download PDF & Exam Analysis

The CBSE Class 12 Geography Exam 2025 was conducted today, February 24, 2025, from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM. Students who appeared for the exam can now check the CBSE Class 12 Geography Answer Key 2025 to analyze their performance.

In this blog, we provide set-wise solutions, detailed analysis, and expected cut-off to help students estimate their scores.

CBSE Class 12 Geography 2025 Answer Key – Overview

📌 Exam Date: 24th February 2025
📌 Exam Time: 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM
📌 Subject: Geography
📌 Set Numbers: Set 3
📌 Series: WXY7Z, Q.P. Code: 64/7/3
📌 Official CBSE Website:
📌 Unofficial Answer Key PDF: [Download Here] (Link will be updated soon)

CBSE Class 12 Geography Answer Key 2025 – Section-Wise Solutions

The Geography exam consisted of three parts:

1️⃣ Part A: Fundamentals of Human Geography

2️⃣ Part B: India – People and Economy

3️⃣ Part C: Practical Work in Geography

Below are the detailed answers for all sections:

Download the Full Answer Key PDF Here: Click Here (Link will be updated soon)

General Instructions:

Read the following instructions carefully and follow them:

  1. This question paper contains 30 questions. All questions are compulsory.
  2. The question paper is divided into five sections – Sections A, B, C, D, and E.
  3. Section A – Questions no. 1 to 17 are Multiple Choice Type questions. Each question carries 1 mark.
  4. Section B – Questions no. 18 and 19 are Source-based questions. Each question carries 3 marks.
  5. Section C – Questions no. 20 to 23 are Short Answer Type questions. Each question carries 3 marks. Answers to these questions shall be written in 80 to 100 words.
  6. Section D – Questions no. 24 to 28 are Long Answer Type questions. Each question carries 5 marks. Answers to these questions shall be written in 120 to 150 words.
  7. Section E – Questions no. 29 and 30 are Map-based questions. Each question carries 5 marks.
  8. In addition to this, a separate question has been provided for Visually Impaired candidates in lieu of questions having visual inputs, maps, etc. Such questions are to be attempted by Visually Impaired candidates only.
  9. There is no overall choice given in the question paper. However, an internal choice has been provided in a few questions in all sections other than Section A.


Questions no. 1 to 17 are Multiple Choice Type Questions

1. Read the following characteristics of tertiary activities carefully and choose the correct option. I. Tertiary activities include all types of services. II. Trade, transport and communication are parts of tertiary activities. III. Raw material is transformed into finished goods under tertiary activities. IV. Teachers, lawyers and traders are some of the examples of tertiary activities.

(A) Only I, II and III are correct.
(B) Only I, III and IV are correct.
(C) Only I, II and IV are correct.
(D) Only II, III and IV are correct.

Ans. (C) Only I, II and IV are correct.

2. Match Column I with Column II and choose the correct option.

Column-I (Pillars of Human Development)Column-II (Characteristics)
a. Equityi. Providing better health facilities to everyone
b. Sustainabilityii. Good governance and people-oriented policies
c. Productivityiii. Each generation must ensure the availability of choices and opportunities to its future generations
d. Empowermentiv. Equal access of opportunities for everyone

(A) a - iv, b - iii, c - ii, d - i
(B) a - iv, b - iii, c - i, d - ii
(C) a - iii, b - iv, c - i, d - ii
(D) a - iii, b - iv, c - ii, d - i

Ans. (A) a - iv, b - iii, c - ii, d - i

3. Which one of the following is an example of 'Gold Collar' professional?
(A) Policy Formulator
(B) Bank Clerk
(C) Teacher
(D) Insurance Provider

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Ans. (A) Policy Formulator

4. Which one of the following is correct about growth and development?
(A) Both growth and development are always positive.
(B) Growth may be positive or negative, but development is always positive.
(C) Development may be positive or negative, but growth is always positive.
(D) Both growth and development may be positive or negative.

Ans. (B) Growth may be positive or negative, but development is always positive.

5. Automatic vending machines and the internet are examples of which of the following types of trade?
(A) Rural Marketing Centres
(B) Wholesale Trading
(C) Urban Marketing Centres
(D) Retail Trading

Ans. (D) Retail Trading

6. Identify the sector concerned with the work of converting raw material into finished products.
(A) Primary
(B) Secondary
(C) Tertiary
(D) Quaternary

Ans. (B) Secondary

7. Identify the type of agriculture predominantly practised in the Australian Downs.
(A) Mixed Farming
(B) Plantation Agriculture
(C) Co-operative Farming
(D) Extensive Commercial Grain Cultivation

Ans. (D) Extensive Commercial Grain Cultivation

8. In which one of the following approaches of human development are human beings the targets of all developmental activities? Choose the most appropriate option.
(A) Income Approach
(B) Welfare Approach
(C) Basic Needs Approach
(D) Capability Approach

Ans. (D) Capability Approach

9. Identify the practical measure from the following to control air pollution in the metropolitan cities in India. Choose the most appropriate option.
(A) Public Transport with Ring Railway
(B) Carpooling with Metro Rail
(C) Metro Rail with CNG Buses
(D) Ring Railway with CNG Buses

Ans. (C) Metro Rail with CNG Buses

10. Two statements are given below. They are Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read both the statements carefully and choose the correct option.
Assertion (A): India has highly uneven pattern of population distribution. Reason (R): Population distribution is highly associated with physical, socio-economic and historical factors.

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.
(D) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct.

Ans. (B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

11. Identify the area where lift irrigation is available in the 'Indira Gandhi Canal Command Area'?

(A) Entire area to the right side of main canal
(B) Entire area to the left side of main canal
(C) Entire area south of Bikaner district
(D) Entire area north of Jaisalmer district

Ans. (C) Entire area south of Bikaner district

12. The road between Chandigarh - Manali was constructed by which of the following?

(A) Border Roads Organisation
(B) National Highways Authority of India
(C) Central Public Works Department
(D) State Public Works Department

Ans. (A) Border Roads Organisation

13. Two statements are given below. They are Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read both the statements carefully and choose the correct option.
Assertion (A): There is an inverse relationship between quality and quantity of minerals.
Reason (R): Good quality minerals are less in quantity as compared to low quality minerals.

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.
(D) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct.

Ans. (B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

14. Which of the following are branches of Dravidian language in India? Choose the correct option.
I. Central Dravidian
II. East Dravidian
III. South Dravidian
IV. North Dravidian
(A) Only I, II and III
(B) Only II, III and IV
(C) Only I, III and IV
(D) Only I, II and IV

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Ans. (A) Only I, II and III

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions no. 15 to 17.

Case for Free Trade

The act of opening up economies for trading is known as free trade or trade liberalisation. This is done by bringing down trade barriers like tariffs. Trade liberalisation allows goods and services from everywhere to compete with domestic products and services.  

Globalisation along with free trade can adversely affect the economies of developing countries by not giving equal playing field by imposing conditions which are unfavourable. With the development of transport and communication systems, goods and services can travel faster and farther than ever before. But free trade should not only let rich countries enter the markets, but allow the developed countries to keep their own markets protected from foreign products.  

Countries also need to be cautious about dumped goods; as along with free trade dumped goods of cheaper prices can harm the domestic producers.  

15. Which one of the following is called 'free trade'?
(A) Trade liberalisation
(B) Trade restriction
(C) Trade value
(D) Trade quantity

Ans. (A) Trade liberalisation

16. The most adverse effect of 'free trade' is observed with which one of the following?
(A) Developed countries
(B) Developing countries
(C) Both under-developed and developed countries
(D) Both developed and developing countries

Ans. (B) Developing countries

17. Which one of the following is the impact of the development of transport and communication on trade?
(A) Goods and services travel faster
(B) Goods and services move farther
(C) Goods and services travel faster and move farther
(D) Better connectivity only in a region concerned

Ans. (C) Goods and services travel faster and move farther


Questions no. 18 and 19 are Source-based Questions. 2x3=6

18. Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Promoting Gender Sensitivity through 'Beti Bachao – Beti Padhao' Social Campaign

The division of the society into male, female and transgender is believed to be natural and biological. But, in reality, there are social constructs and roles assigned to individuals which are reinforced by social institutions. Consequently, these biological differences become the basis of social differentiations, discriminations and exclusions. The exclusion of over half of the population becomes a serious handicap to any developing and civilised society. It is a global challenge, which has been acknowledged by the UNDP when it mentioned that, "If development is not engendered it is endangered" (HDR UNDP 1995). Discrimination, in general, and gender discrimination, in particular, is a crime against humanity.

All efforts need to be made to address the denial of opportunities of education, employment, political representation, low wages for similar types of work, disregard to their entitlement to live a dignified life, etc. A society, which fails to acknowledge and take effective measures to remove such discriminations, cannot be treated as a civilised one. The Government of India has duly acknowledged the adverse impacts of these discriminations and launched a nationwide campaign called 'Beti Bachao – Beti Padhao'.

18.1 Describe any one ill-effect of gender discrimination on a society.

18.2 "If development is not engendered it is endangered." Explain the statement.

18.3 Explain the main objective of 'Beti Bachao – Beti Padhao' campaign.

Ans. 18.1. One significant ill-effect of gender discrimination on a society is the exclusion of over half of the population from contributing to the development and growth of the society. This exclusion leads to a serious handicap, as it deprives the society of the skills, talents, and perspectives of women and other marginalized genders.

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18.2 The statement "If development is not engendered it is endangered" means that if development initiatives do not take into account the needs and perspectives of all genders, they will be unsuccessful or even counterproductive. In other words, development that is not inclusive and equitable will ultimately fail or be threatened.

18.3 The main objective of the 'Beti Bachao – Beti Padhao' campaign is to promote gender sensitivity and address the issue of gender discrimination, particularly against girls and women. The campaign aims to create a more equitable society by ensuring that girls and women have access to education, employment, and other opportunities, and are treated with dignity and respect.

19. Study the given figure carefully and answer the questions that follow:

(19.1) Mention the methods of mining given in the picture.
(19.2) Differentiate between the two methods of mining given in the picture.
(19.3) Which mining method is more life threatening?

Ans. 19.1 The picture shows two methods of mining:

Shaft Mining: This is shown by the vertical shaft going deep into the ground.

Open-Cast Mining: This is indicated by the arrow pointing to the large, exposed pit.

19.2 Open-Cast Mining (also called Surface Mining):  

  • This method is used when the mineral deposit is close to the surface.  
  • It involves removing layers of soil and rock to expose the ore.  
  • It creates a large, open pit.  
  • It's generally less expensive than shaft mining.

Shaft Mining (also called Underground Mining):

  • It's more expensive and complex than open-cast mining.
  • This method is used when the mineral deposit is deep underground.
  • It involves digging a vertical shaft to access the ore.  
  • Tunnels are then dug horizontally from the shaft to extract the minerals.  

19.3 Shaft Mining is generally more life-threatening because:

  • Flooding: Mines can flood with water, posing a drowning risk.
  • Risk of Collapse: Tunnels can collapse, trapping miners.
  • Gas Explosions: Underground mines can accumulate dangerous gases like methane, leading to explosions.  

CBSE Class 12 Geography 2025 Exam Difficulty Level & Student Reactions

Based on student feedback, the CBSE Class 12 Geography Exam 2025 was Moderate.

✍️ Student Reactions:

  • "The map-based questions were easier than expected."
  • "Case study-based questions were a bit tricky."
  • "Overall, the paper was balanced with direct NCERT-based questions."

🔥 Expected Cut-Off Marks

  • Easy Paper: 75-80 marks
  • Moderate Paper: 65-75 marks
  • Difficult Paper: 50-65 marks

FAQs on CBSE Class 12 Geography Answer Key 2025

When will CBSE release the official answer key?

✔️ CBSE does not release official answer keys for subjective exams, but unofficial answer keys are available here.

Where can I download the CBSE Class 12 Geography Answer Key PDF?

✔️ You can download the CBSE Class 12 Geography Answer Key 2025 PDF from

How can I calculate my expected marks?

✔️ Compare your answers with our detailed CBSE Class 12 Geography Answer Key 2025 and follow the CBSE marking scheme.

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