CBSE Class 10 English Board Exam 2025 Answer Key & Solution (Set-Wise)

CBSE Class 10 English Exam 2025 Answer Key | Download PDF

The CBSE Class 10 English Board Exam 2025 was conducted today, 15 February 2025, from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM. Students across India appeared for the exam, and now, the most awaited part is here – the complete CBSE Class 10 English Answer Key 2025 with detailed solutions. This post provides set-wise answers to the English exam, helping students analyze their performance and estimate their scores.

CBSE Class 10 English Answer Key 2025

Our expert teachers have solved the CBSE Class 10 English 2025 Board Exam and provided a detailed answer key. The solutions are based on the latest NCERT syllabus and marking scheme prescribed by CBSE.

📌 Exam Date: 15.02.2025
📌 Exam Time: 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM
📌 Subject: English (Language & Literature)
📌 Series: EFG6H; Set - 3
📌 Question Paper Code: 2/6/3
📌 Official CBSE Website:
📌 Unofficial Answer Key PDF: [Download Here] (Link will be updated soon)

CBSE Class 10 English Exam 2025 Answer Key (All Sections)

The CBSE Class 10 English exam consisted of three sections:

  1. Reading Section – Unseen passages with multiple-choice questions and subjective answers.
  2. Writing & Grammar Section – Letter writing, analytical paragraphs, and grammar-based questions.
  3. Literature Section – Extract-based questions and short/long answers from NCERT books.

Below, you will find the detailed answers for all sections:

ENGLISH (Language and Literature)
Time allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions:

  1. This question paper comprises 11 questions. All questions are compulsory.
  2. The question paper contains THREE sections:
    • Section – A: Reading Skills
    • Section – B: Grammar and Creative Writing Skills
    • Section – C: Literature Textbook
  3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.

    Section – A (20 Marks)

    Reading Skills

    1. Read the following text:

    (1) Creativity is our most precious resource and the most inexhaustible one. As anyone who has ever spent any time with children knows, every single human being is born creative; every human being is innately endowed with the ability to combine data and perceptions, materials and ideas and devise new ways of thinking and doing. What fosters creativity? More than anything else: the presence of other creative people, contrary to that creativity is the province of great individual geniuses. In fact, creativity is a social process. Our biggest creative breakthrough comes when people learn from, compete with, and collaborate with other people.

    (2) Cities are centres of creativity. With their diverse populations, dense social networks, and public spaces, people can meet spontaneously and spark or catalyse new ideas. With their infrastructure for finance, organization, and trade, they allow the idea to swiftly reach its destination.

    (3) A study tracking the decline of unconventional thinking ability as children age states that while 98 percent of 3 to 5-year-olds exhibited creative thinking, this dwindled to 10 percent among 13 to 15-year-olds and a mere 2 percent among 25-year-olds. Thus, adulthood witnesses the erosion of innate creativity. There is a variance in creative vitality across cities. Although all cities harbour creative individuals by default, some are saturated with leaders, institutions, and people that inhibit creativity.

    (4) Creativity (or the lack of it) follows the same general contours of the great socio-economic divide – our rising inequality – that plagues us. According to estimates, roughly one-third of people are able to do work which engages our creative faculties to some extent, whether as artists, musicians, writers, techies, innovators, entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers, journalists, or educators. That leaves a group termed “the other 66 percent”, in which their creativity is subjugated, ignored, or wasted.

    (5) Creativity itself is not in danger. It is flourishing all around us – in science and technology, arts and culture, in our rapidly revitalizing cities. But we still have a long way to go if we want to build a truly creative society that supports and rewards creativity for each one of us.

    (Created for academic usage / 410 words)

    Answer the following questions, based on the passage above:
    (i) The central idea of this passage is that:
    (A) social interaction is necessary to nurture creativity.
    (B) creativity and ideas are gradually declining in all societies.
    (C) the creativity divide is widening in societies in line with socioeconomic trends.
    (D) more people should work in jobs that engage their creative faculties.

    (ii) Select the option that is true for the assertion and reason given below:
    Assertion: Creativity is the province of great individual genius is not true.
    Reason: Creativity is a social process.
    (A) Both the Assertion and Reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
    (B) Both the Assertion and Reason are true, but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
    (C) The Assertion is true, but the Reason is false.
    (D) The Assertion is false, but the Reason is true.

    (iii) Identify the word in paragraph 1 which means something that cannot be used up or depleted.

    (iv) What important trends does a study tracking the decline in creative thinking ability in children reveal? Answer in about 40 words.

    (v) Read the given prompt and select the correct option in the brackets to fill in the blank:
    Our biggest creative breakthrough comes when people learn from, compete with, and collaborate with other people.
    Creativity is thus a __ (economic, industrial, social) process.

    (vi) According to the passage, where does creativity thrive apart from arts and culture?

    (vii) Complete the following with a suitable reason:
    About thirty-three percent of citizens engage their creative faculties in tasks that use __.

    (viii) In the context of the last paragraph, explain how does the passage view the future of creativity in society.

    Ans. i. Option (A)

    ii. Option (A)

    iii. Inexhaustible

    iv. The study reveals that while 98% of children aged 3 to 5 display creative thinking, this percentage declines drastically to 10% in teenagers (13–15 years) and further drops to only 2% in adults (25 years). This suggests that creativity diminishes with age.

    v. Creativity is thus a social process.

    vi. Creativity also thrives in science, technology, revitalizing cities, and professions such as medicine, law, journalism, education, and entrepreneurship.

    vii. About thirty-three percent of citizens engage their creative faculties in tasks that use innovation, problem-solving, and originality in various fields such as technology, education, medicine, law, and journalism.

    viii. The passage suggests that creativity is thriving in various fields despite socio-economic inequalities. However, there is still a need to create a society that fully supports and rewards creativity for everyone, ensuring that all individuals can contribute creatively to their fields.

    2. Read the following text:

    (1) In today's contemporary online shopping landscape, a perfect storm of choice engulfs consumers. Research consistently indicates that individuals presented with a limited selection tend to make more confident and efficient decisions compared to those confronted with overwhelming choices.

    (2) Consequently, assisting consumers in navigating the vast expanse of options available online has evolved into a thriving industry on a global scale. Many brands and retailers now employ marketing strategies revolving around the aspects given in the table below:

    IndustryHelping consumers decide what to buy online.
    Marketing toolsSelecting, differentiation, and discovery.
    Data utilizationDigital advertising, cataloging people by gender, income level, personal interests, and more.
    Retail AssistanceAlgorithms, influencers, and ad tech.
    ChallengeChoice fatigue due to the overwhelming volume of consumer choices.
    SolutionLifestyle influencers on Instagram providing aspirational content and product recommendations.

    (3) For a relatively new breed of consumer product startups, a different approach emerges entirely. Rather than attempting to navigate the existing sea of products, these companies claim to revolutionize conventional consumer choices. Some brands offer limited, functional, mid-priced products, instilling customer confidence and breaking the cycle of consumerism.

    (4) The global product abundance could be more equitable. Unfortunately, creators often prioritize wealthier consumers.

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    (5) For startups promising accessible simplicity, their very structure may eventually lead them back to an overwhelming array of choices: Most of these companies rely on hundreds of millions of dollars in venture capital funding, and their inventors typically expect rapid growth. (Adapted for academic usage)

    Answer the following questions, based on the passage above:

    (i) What does the use of the phrase 'a perfect storm of choice', by the writer, in paragraph 1, tell us about their feelings?
    (A) The consumers are elated
    (B) The consumers are confused
    (C) The consumers are confident
    (D) The consumers are decisive

    (ii) Identify the word in paragraph 2 that indicates that the writer feels assisting consumers has become a profitable industry.

    (iii) Based on the aspects mentioned in the table, mention the marketing approach that is primarily concerned with understanding consumers based on various factors.

    (iv) Complete the following analogy approximately, based on your understanding of the table:
    Cataloging people by gender, income level, personal interests, etc., is to Data utilization as Algorithms, influencers, and ad tech are to __.

    (v) Which aspect in the table pertains to presenting consumers with carefully selected choices to assist decision-making?
    (A) Challenge
    (B) Data utilization
    (C) Marketing trends
    (D) Retail assistance

    (vi) Based on your understanding, fill the blank with the appropriate option from those given in brackets:
    The solution to combat choice fatigue is to __ (follow / employ / recommend) lifestyle influencers on Instagram who provide self-improving content and product references.

    (vii) Complete the sentence suitably:
    The different approach to revolutionize consumer choices is to __.

    (viii) Complete the following with a suitable reason:
    The writer believes that the global product abundance cannot be equitable because __.

    (ix) In the context of the last paragraph, though the startups promise simplicity of access, what are the drawbacks of such a structure?

    Ans. i. (B) The consumers are confused.

    ii. Thriving

    iii. Data utilization

    iv. Cataloging people by gender, income level, personal interests, etc., is to Data utilization as Algorithms, influencers, and ad tech are to Retail assistance.

    v. (C) Marketing trends

    vi. The solution to combat choice fatigue is to employ lifestyle influencers on Instagram who provide self-improving content and product references.

    vii. The different approach to revolutionize consumer choices is to offer limited, functional, and mid-priced products that simplify decision-making.

    viii. The writer believes that the global product abundance cannot be equitable because creators primarily focus on wealthier consumers, leaving others with fewer choices or access to quality products.

    ix. The main drawback is that these startups depend on large venture capital investments and are pressured to grow rapidly, which may eventually lead them to expand their product range, thereby reintroducing overwhelming choices for consumers.

    Section – B (20 Marks)

    Grammar and Creative Writing Skills

    3. Complete any ten of twelve of the following tasks, as directed:

    (i) Read the given sentence from a story. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket:
    As I entered the room, the first thing that struck me as odd was the candle still _____ (burn) on the table. The curtains had been drawn back, and the room was bright.

    (ii) Identify and correct the error in the sentence taken from the article – ‘The Hidden Health Risks of Bread Consumption’:
    Health experts worldwide are concerning about the surge in health problems. Error Correction

    (iii) Complete the given statement by filling the blank with the correct option:
    A mask is used to hide the identity __ a person.
    (A) of
    (B) for
    (C) being
    (D) at

    (iv) Read the following conversation:
    Student: Hello. I’ve come to ask about the English courses you run for international students.
    Administrator: Are you a student at the university?
    Select the correct option to complete the reporting of the above dialogue:
    The student greeted and mentioned that she __ to inquire about the English courses for international students. The administrator enquired if she was a student at the university.
    (A) has come
    (B) has came
    (C) had came
    (D) had come

    (v) Identify the error and supply the correct word in the format given below:
    “Embrace change as an opportunity for personal growth and allowed it to improve your life.” Error Correction

    (vi) Report the dialogue between a shopkeeper and Ramesh:
    Shopkeeper: What book do you want?
    Ramesh: A reference book for Physics which I can use for my project work.
    The shopkeeper asked Ramesh which book did he want. Ramesh replied that __.

    (vii) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete an article published in a science magazine:
    There are many inventions of science __ (those / which / such) have benefitted human beings in many ways.

    (viii) Complete the statement made by a career counsellor by filling the blank with the correct option:
    In our country, __ universities offer a range of courses. That’s why foreign students prefer Indian universities.
    (A) more
    (B) each
    (C) many
    (D) few

    (ix) Report the dialogue between the residents and the city planner by completing the sentence:
    City planner: “The new park is a result of several months of research and planning.”
    Residents: “We don’t know who is more excited – we or our children!”
    The city planner said that the new park __ of several months of research and planning. The residents expressed their excitement, stating that they were unsure who was more excited – they or their children.

    (x) Choose the correct statement:
    (A) He sweared that he had not stolen the bag.
    (B) He swore that he had not stolen the bag.
    (C) He was swearing that he had not stolen the bag.
    (D) He swears that he had not stolen the bag.

    (xi) The following is an excerpt from a travelogue. There is an error in the statement. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction:
    Kanyakumari is popular for its beautiful beaches, unique Vivekananda Rock Memorial, and stunning sunrise and sunset view.

    (A) isare
    (B) forof
    (C) andalso
    (D) viewviews

    (xii) Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options to conclude the report:
    The report concludes that _____ learners have _____ knowledge of astrophysics.
    (A) very few / some
    (B) some / every
    (C) every / no
    (D) no / a lot of

    Ans. i. As I entered the room, the first thing that struck me as odd was the candle still burning on the table.



    (iii) A mask is used to hide the identity of a person.
    (A) of

    (iv) The student greeted and mentioned that she had come to inquire about the English courses for international students.
    (D) had come



    (vi) The shopkeeper asked Ramesh which book he wanted. Ramesh replied that he wanted a reference book for Physics which he could use for his project work.

    (vii) There are many inventions of science which have benefitted human beings in many ways.

    (viii) In our country, many universities offer a range of courses. That’s why foreign students prefer Indian universities.
    (C) many

    (ix) The city planner said that the new park was a result of several months of research and planning. The residents expressed their excitement, stating that they were unsure who was more excited – they or their children.

    (x) (B) He swore that he had not stolen the bag.



    (D) view → views

    (xii) The report concludes that very few learners have some knowledge of astrophysics.
    (A) very few / some

    4. (a) You are Mahima/Manoj, a resident of B/20, Shastri Road, Mumbai, and a volunteer with ‘Clean India’. As a concerned citizen, you have noticed that Marine Lines has become heavily polluted with plastic and garbage.

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    Write a letter to the editor of a prominent newspaper to raise awareness about this issue. In your letter, explain how environmental damage can be reduced through the help of NGOs, individuals, and government organizations.


    (b) You are Sapna/Samar, a resident of A-411, Vivek Vihar, Delhi. Write a letter to the Commissioner of the Municipal Corporation to highlight your concern about the street lights in your area that have been out of order for a long time. Emphasize the safety issues and inconvenience caused by the lack of proper street lighting and request prompt repairs.

    5. (a) The Pros and Cons of using the internet in everyday life are numerous. The internet is like a double-edged sword. Based on the information provided in the table below, write an analytical paragraph on the topic ‘Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet’ in not less than 120 words.

    Pros and Cons of Internet

    (1) Connectivity(1) Data Security
    (2) Communication speed and versatile working(2) Social Isolation
    (3) Learning Re-defined(3) Addiction towards it
    (4) Transfer of Data(4) Plagiarism and copyright


    (b) Read the following details:
    Students today are becoming victims of cybercrime and cyberbullying in schools, which is affecting the mental health of students. Write an analytical paragraph in 120 words on the problems and causes of cybercrime.

    -Misuse of Information Technology with the intention to trouble others.
    -It comes in various forms – hacking, negative comments, spreading rumours.
    Impact: Spoils image, self-doubt, results in insecurities and complexes.
    Causes: Desire for power, seeking entertainment, escapism, inadequate regulations.

    Section – C (40 Marks)

    Literature Textbook

    6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for any ONE of the two given:

    (a) It is from these comrades in the struggle that I learned the true meaning of courage. Time and again, I have seen men and women risk and give up their lives for an idea. I have seen men and women stand up to attacks and torture without breaking, showing a strength and resilience that defies the imagination. I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. (Nelson Mandela: A Long Walk to Freedom)

    (i) What effect does the experience as described in the lines below have on the speaker?
    Time and again, I have seen men and women risk their lives for an idea.

    (ii) Select one inference about the idea of courage from the given context:
    I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.
    (A) being fearless
    (B) absence of fear
    (C) feeding your fears
    (D) ability to overcome fear

    (iii) Answer in about 40 words, with reference to the extract:
    According to the author, what does true courage entail? How does this perspective differ from a common misconception about courage?

    (iv) Fill in the blank with the correct phrase from the bracket in the context of the given extract:
    Men stood up to torture showing strength and resilience that is _______ (impossible to understand / seeped in reality).


    (b) There was a fifty rupee note between his fingers. My heart sank. I thought I had been discovered. "I made some money yesterday," he explained. "Now you'll be paid regularly." My spirits rose. But when I took the note, I saw it was still wet from the night's rain. "Today we'll start writing sentences," he said.
    He knew. But neither his lips nor his eyes showed anything. (The Thief's Story)

    (i) In the context of the given extract, what was the feeling UNLIKELY to have been on seeing 'a fifty rupee note between his fingers'?
    (A) joyous
    (B) sad
    (C) unhappy
    (D) worried

    (ii) How does the prospect of being paid regularly affect the narrator's motivation and hope for the future? Answer in about 40 words.

    (iii) Fill in the blank with the correct word from the bracket:
    The person spoken about did not let the narrator realize that his act of stealing was caught. It reflects the _______ (nobility / dishonesty) of his character.

    (iv) Compare the meanings of the expressions:
    "My heart sank" and "My spirits rose".

    Ans. (a) i. The experience has a profound impact on the speaker, teaching him the true meaning of courage and inspiring him with the bravery and resilience of his comrades.

    ii. (D) ability to overcome fear.

    iii. According to the author, true courage entails the ability to overcome fear, not the absence of fear. This perspective differs from the common misconception that courage means being fearless.

    iv. impossible to understand.

    (b) i. (A) joyous

    ii. The prospect of being paid regularly boosts the narrator's motivation and hope for the future. It lifts his spirits and provide a sense of security.

    iii. nobility

    iv. The expressions "My heart sank" and "My spirits rose" convey opposite emotions. The first phrase indicates a feeling of sadness, disappointment, or despair, whereas the second phrase suggests a feeling of happiness, optimism, or joy.

    7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for any ONE of the two given:

    (a) My head is full of whispers
    which tomorrow will be silent.
    Listen. The glass is breaking.
    The trees are stumbling forward
    into the night. Winds rush to meet them.
    The moon is broken like a mirror,
    its pieces flash now in the crown
    of the tallest oak. (The Trees)

    (i) The metaphorical expression used by the poet to describe the movement of the trees is __.

    (ii) Based on the tone, discuss how Adrienne Rich presents the conflict between man and nature.

    (iii) What is the mood or atmosphere conveyed by the imagery in the passage?
    (A) Calm and tranquil
    (B) Eerie and foreboding
    (C) Joyful and celebratory
    (D) Melancholic and traumatic

    (iv) Why would the whispers be silent tomorrow?


    (b) (I am Rapunzel, I have not care;
    life in a tower is tranquil and rare;
    I'll certainly never let down my bright hair!)
    Stop that sulking at once, Amanda!
    You're always so moody, Amanda!
    Anyone would think that I nagged at you,

    Amanda! (Amanda)

    (i) Complete the following suitably:
    Amanda sulked and became moody because __.

    (ii) What does the girl constantly yearn for? What do you infer about Amanda from the poem?

    (iii) What kind of picture is painted by the poet through the line, "life in a tower is tranquil and rare"?

    (iv) The tone of the speaker in the exclamation "Stop that sulking at once, Amanda!" is:

    1. uncertain
    2. aggressive
    3. dominating
    4. meek
    5. moody
      (A) 1, 2, 4
      (B) 2 and 3
      (C) 2, 4, and 5
      (D) 4 and 5

    Ans. (a) i. The metaphorical expression used by the poet to describe the movement of the trees is "The trees are stumbling forward".

    ii. Adrienne Rich presents the conflict between man and nature with a tone of urgency and disruption. The imagery of breaking glass, stumbling trees, and a broken moon creates a sense of chaos and disorder, suggesting that human actions have disrupted the natural world.

    iii. (D) Melancholic and traumatic

    iv. The whispers would be silent tomorrow because they are the sounds of nature's warnings or messages, which will be lost or silenced due to human destruction or neglect of the natural world.

    (b) i. Amanda sulked and became moody because she was being scolded and nagged by the speaker (her mother).

    ii. The girl constantly yearns for freedom and a life beyond her confined space. Amanda is inferred to be a sensitive and emotional person who is affected by the speaker's nagging.

    iii. The line paints a picture of a peaceful and serene life, but also one that is isolated and confined. The speaker is romanticizing life in the tower, which contrasts with Amanda's desire for freedom.

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    iv. (B) 2 and 3

    8. Answer any four of the following five questions in about 40-50 words:

    (i) Motivation influences our willingness to overcome challenges and eventually succeed. How does the young Seagull in 'Two Stories About Flying' demonstrate this? Discuss. (Two Stories about Flying)

    (ii) "The Fog comes on little feet." Highlight the significance of the metaphor employed in the poem 'Fog' by Carl Sandburg. (Fog)

    (iii) Mijbil the Otter is portrayed as an intelligent, friendly, and playful animal who thrives on affection. Discuss how these traits are depicted in the story 'Mijbil the Otter' by Gavin Maxwell. (Mijbil - The Otter

    (iv) Comment on the significance of the title 'The Proposal' in the play. Provide two examples from the play to support your explanation. (The Proposal)

    (v) How does the poet present the concept of beauty in the poem 'For Anne Gregory'? (For Anne Gregory)

    Ans. i. The young Seagull demonstrates motivation by persistently attempting to fly despite his initial fears and failures. His willingness to overcome challenges and eventually succeed is driven by his desire to fly and find food.

    ii. The metaphor "The Fog comes on little feet" signifies the quiet and subtle arrival of fog, which is often imperceptible. This metaphor highlights the mysterious and elusive nature of fog, emphasizing its ability to transform the environment unnoticed.

    iii. Mijbil's intelligence is depicted through his ability to learn and adapt, while his friendly nature is shown through his affectionate interactions with the narrator. His playful traits are evident in his love for games and mischief, showcasing his thriving spirit when showered with affection.

    iv. The title "The Proposal" is significant as it highlights the play's central theme of marriage proposal. Two examples supporting this are when Chubukov visits Lomov with the intention of proposing to Natalya, and when Lomov's proposal is met with a heated argument over the ownership of the meadows.

    v. The poet presents beauty as a subjective and fleeting concept in "For Anne Gregory". He suggests that beauty is not just physical, but also tied to personality and character, emphasizing that true beauty lies within and is not solely dependent on external appearances.

    9. Answer any two out of the three questions, in about 40-50 words:
    (i) Mrs. Hall's suspicion of Griffin for the theft grew stronger, and she confronted him. Describe Griffin's reaction. (Footprints without Feet)

    (ii) Why is Matilda unhappy with her life? (The Necklace)

    (iii) Explain why and how Horace Danby was mistakenly accused and caught for a theft he did not commit in the story 'A Question of Trust'. (A Question of Trust)

    Ans. i. Griffin's reaction was one of anger and defensiveness. He became agitated and hostile when confronted by Mrs. Hall, displaying a volatile temperament.

    ii. Matilda is unhappy with her life because she feels trapped in a mundane and poverty-stricken existence. She yearns for wealth, luxury, and excitement, which she believes is lacking in her current life.

    iii. Horace Danby was mistakenly accused and caught for a theft he did not commit because a clever lady tricked him. Posing as the house owner, she manipulated him into breaking open the safe and stealing jewels for her. Later, when the police found his fingerprints, he was arrested, while the real thief remained free.

    10. Answer any one of the following questions, in 100-120 words:

    (a) Examine the role of Nature in the poems 'The Dust of Snow' and 'Fog'.


    (b) The journeys of Anne Frank and Valli teach us the vital lesson that optimism and self-assurance empower women to rise above circumstances and overcome obstacles. Examine the similarities. (Diary of Anne Frank & Madam Rides the Bus)

    Ans. (a) In 'The Dust of Snow', Nature plays a significant role in transforming the poet's mood. The snowflakes and the crow's call have a profound impact on the poet, lifting his spirits and making him more receptive to life's experiences.

    In 'Fog', Nature is depicted as mysterious and elusive. The fog is personified, emphasizing its ability to transform the environment quietly. The poem highlights Nature's power to alter human perceptions and experiences.

    In both poems, Nature plays a transformative role, influencing the poet's mood and perspective. While 'The Dust of Snow' portrays Nature as uplifting and rejuvenating, 'Fog' depicts it as mysterious and transformative.

    (b) Anne Frank and Valli, though from different backgrounds, share a spirit of optimism and self-assurance. Anne, despite the hardships of living in hiding during World War II, remained hopeful and expressed her emotions through her diary, showcasing her strength and resilience. Similarly, Valli, a young girl with limited means, displayed determination and confidence in fulfilling her dream of riding a bus alone. Both faced societal and personal challenges—Anne against war and fear, and Valli against age restrictions and societal norms. Their stories teach us that courage, curiosity, and self-belief help women overcome obstacles and shape their destinies, inspiring others to pursue their dreams despite difficulties.

    11. Answer any one of the following two questions in about 100-120 words:
    (a) Ebright's journey of becoming a leading scientist conveys a strong message to us. His inquisitiveness and competency drove him to become a great scientist. In what manner does Richard Ebright's perseverance, dedication, and inquisitiveness inspire you to pursue your dreams? (The Making of a Scientist)


    (b) It is truly said that a good teacher is the light that helps one cross even the darkest of paths through honing their inherent qualities which enable them to shine bright and strong in life. In what ways does Sulekha's teacher epitomize this saying? How did she become the pillar of support and strength for Sulekha? (Bholi)

    Ans. (a) Richard Ebright's perseverance, dedication, and inquisitiveness inspire me to pursue my dreams by demonstrating the importance of hard work and determination. His journey shows that success is not solely based on innate talent, but rather on the effort and passion invested in one's pursuits. Ebright's story motivates me to stay curious, seek knowledge, and persist in the face of challenges, ultimately leading to the realization of my goals.

    (b) Sulekha's teacher epitomizes the saying by recognizing and nurturing Sulekha's inherent qualities, transforming her from a timid and uneducated girl to a confident and knowledgeable individual. The teacher becomes Sulekha's pillar of support and strength by providing guidance, encouragement, and empathy, helping her overcome her difficulties and reach her full potential. The teacher's selfless dedication and commitment to Sulekha's growth make her an exemplary educator.

    CBSE Class 10 English 2025 Answer Key PDF – Download Now!

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    CBSE Class 10 English Exam 2025: Student Reactions & Difficulty Level

    Based on initial student feedback, the CBSE Class 10 English 2025 exam was Easy. Many students found the Reading and Writing sections manageable, but some questions in the Literature section were tricky.

    ✍️ Student Feedback:

    • "The passage-based questions were easy."
    • "The literature section had some tricky extract-based questions."
    • "Grammar was straightforward and scoring."

    CBSE Class 10 English Exam 2025: Expected Cut-Off & Analysis

    • Easy Paper: Expected average score – 75-80 marks
    • Moderate Paper: Expected average score – 65-75 marks
    • Difficult Paper: Expected average score – 50-65 marks

    CBSE will soon release the official answer key and marking scheme. Stay tuned for updates!

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