Amanda! Class 10 MCQ Quiz – Test Your Understanding

Are you preparing for CBSE Class 10 English Poem "Amanda!"? This interactive MCQ quiz will help you revise key themes, poetic devices, and important concepts of the poem efficiently!

About the Quiz

  • Poem Name: Amanda!
  • Poet: Robin Klein
  • Book: First Flight (Class 10 English)
  • Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
  • Difficulty Level: Exam-Oriented & Concept-Based
  • Leaderboard: Yes (Check Your Rank!)

Why Take This Quiz?

✔ Covers themes, poetic devices, and symbolism
✔ Includes character-based & meaning-related MCQs
✔ Perfect for quick revision before CBSE board exams

Click Below to Start the Quiz!


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(I am an orphan, roaming the street.
I pattern soft dust with my hushed, bare feet.
The silence is golden, the freedom is sweet.)

A transferred epithet is a literary device where the modifier or epithet is transferred from the noun it is meant to describe to another noun in the sentence.

Based on the given definition of ‘transferred epithet’, choose the option that lists an example of a transferred epithet.

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(I am an orphan, roaming the street.
I pattern soft dust with my hushed, bare feet.
The silence is golden, the freedom is sweet.)

The tone of the given lines is

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(I am an orphan, roaming the street.
I pattern soft dust with my hushed, bare feet.
The silence is golden, the freedom is sweet.)

Which image corresponds to what Amanda, is doing in this extract?

amanda class 10 english important questions answers

4 / 15

(I am an orphan, roaming the street.
I pattern soft dust with my hushed, bare feet.
The silence is golden, the freedom is sweet.)

Pick the option that lists the usage of the word ‘pattern’, as in the extract above.

5 / 15

(I am Rapunzel, I have not a care;
Life in a tower is tranquil and rare;
I’ll certainly never let down my bright hair!)
Stop that sulking at once, Amanda!
You’re always so moody, Amanda!
Anyone would think that I nagged at you, Amanda!

Identify the reason Amanda says she will never let down her hair.

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Why does Amanda imagine herself as a mermaid?

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What is the central theme of the poem Amanda!?

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Don’t bite your nails, Amanda!
Don’t hunch your shoulders, Amanda!
Stop that slouching and sit up straight,

What does the repetition of “Amanda!” at the end of each line reflect?

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What does the poem suggest about the relationship between Amanda and her parents?

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How does Amanda's imagination serve as a coping mechanism?

12 / 15

Don’t bite your nails, Amanda!
Don’t hunch your shoulders, Amanda!
Stop that slouching and sit up straight,

The purpose of the speaker’s words in the given extract is to

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What does Amanda's desire to be an orphan signify?

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(I am an orphan, roaming the street.
I pattern soft dust with my hushed, bare feet.
The silence is golden, the freedom is sweet.)

The rhyme scheme ‘aaa’ in the above extract is followed in all other stanzas of the poem that are written in parenthesis, i.e. (). Why?

Read the reasons given below, and choose the option that lists the most accurate reasoning:

  1. It shows the simplicity of the child’s thoughts.
  2. It reflects the harmony and rhythm of the child’s inner world.
  3. It mirrors a child’s expression.
  4. It highlights the poet’s aesthetic sensibility.

15 / 15

(I am an orphan, roaming the street.
I pattern soft dust with my hushed, bare feet.
The silence is golden, the freedom is sweet.)

The golden silence is contrasted with the __________.

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The average score is 68%


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1Gg100 %49 seconds15
2Prakash100 %54 seconds15
3Prakash100 %57 seconds15
44r4r4100 %1 minutes 16 seconds15
5Vv100 %1 minutes 23 seconds15
6Anu100 %1 minutes 41 seconds15
7T100 %2 minutes 27 seconds15
8Aarav100 %2 minutes 43 seconds15
9Umang100 %2 minutes 45 seconds15
10Next100 %2 minutes 53 seconds15
11Aa93 %1 minutes 12 seconds14
12NxyzV93 %1 minutes 15 seconds14
13Prakasah93 %1 minutes 27 seconds14
14Hi93 %2 minutes 4 seconds14
15J93 %2 minutes 22 seconds14
16elsa93 %2 minutes 29 seconds14
17qwe93 %2 minutes 53 seconds14
18Kiara93 %3 minutes 5 seconds14
19k93 %3 minutes 21 seconds14
20Payal93 %3 minutes 39 seconds14
21k93 %4 minutes 6 seconds14
22*_*93 %4 minutes 37 seconds14
23Fv93 %4 minutes 42 seconds14
24mm93 %4 minutes 45 seconds14
25Nidhi93 %5 minutes 43 seconds14
261st93 %5 minutes 54 seconds14
27ruby93 %23 minutes 55 seconds14
28CBSE Guidance ki mermaid87 %1 minutes 54 seconds13
29...87 %1 minutes 54 seconds13
30MANAND87 %2 minutes 1 seconds13
31Student87 %2 minutes 33 seconds13
32Gopal87 %2 minutes 42 seconds13
33Areeba87 %2 minutes 48 seconds13
34Board87 %2 minutes 48 seconds13
35P87 %2 minutes 59 seconds13
36Sanu bold87 %3 minutes 9 seconds13
37stuti87 %3 minutes 17 seconds13
38K87 %3 minutes 27 seconds13
39alice87 %3 minutes 38 seconds13
40Nandini87 %3 minutes 40 seconds13
41AIR 1 Shalin87 %3 minutes 41 seconds13
42Class1087 %3 minutes 54 seconds13
43Bhoomi87 %4 minutes 6 seconds13
44Nrm87 %4 minutes 55 seconds13
45Idk87 %5 minutes 3 seconds13
46shalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa87 %5 minutes 6 seconds13
47Student87 %6 minutes 50 seconds13
48.87 %8 minutes 1 seconds13
49Satyam Mishra87 %8 minutes 37 seconds13
50Aarushi80 %1 minutes 27 seconds12
51Prakash80 %1 minutes 54 seconds12
52C80 %2 minutes 30 seconds12
53kk80 %2 minutes 45 seconds12
54aanya80 %2 minutes 48 seconds12
55Hh80 %2 minutes 56 seconds12
56cupcake80 %3 minutes 12
57vv80 %3 minutes 24 seconds12
58g80 %3 minutes 32 seconds12
59Prakash80 %3 minutes 36 seconds12
60Neta80 %3 minutes 52 seconds12
61ts pmo80 %4 minutes 8 seconds12
62avni80 %4 minutes 12 seconds12
63sparsh80 %4 minutes 52 seconds12
64sunshine80 %5 minutes 6 seconds12
65Lol80 %5 minutes 9 seconds12
66abc80 %5 minutes 25 seconds12
67Bhavya80 %5 minutes 44 seconds12
68Nikhaar80 %5 minutes 51 seconds12
69Saiauryaa. R80 %7 minutes 56 seconds12
70💘80 %8 minutes 20 seconds12
71Xyz80 %25 minutes 20 seconds12
72Ishita80 %52 minutes 12 seconds12
73Prakash73 %2 minutes 24 seconds11
74Nm73 %2 minutes 44 seconds11
7555573 %2 minutes 58 seconds11
76Ananya73 %3 minutes 14 seconds11
77Kriti lepcha73 %3 minutes 17 seconds11
78T73 %5 minutes 17 seconds11
79l73 %6 minutes 49 seconds11
80Parinita das73 %6 minutes 52 seconds11
81Rishika73 %6 minutes 58 seconds11
82Do73 %7 minutes 14 seconds11
83ann73 %7 minutes 56 seconds11
84sushmitha73 %7 minutes 59 seconds11
85unknown73 %8 minutes 58 seconds11
86Sania pradhan67 %1 minutes 39 seconds10
87Sania pradhan67 %1 minutes 58 seconds10
88Ananya67 %2 minutes 45 seconds10
89Arunima67 %2 minutes 53 seconds10
90Preeti67 %3 minutes 10
91nirun reddy67 %3 minutes 1 seconds10
92Tanu67 %3 minutes 41 seconds10
93S67 %3 minutes 41 seconds10
94Govind67 %4 minutes 15 seconds10
95Priyanka. B67 %4 minutes 18 seconds10
96Kashish67 %4 minutes 18 seconds10
97Pearl67 %4 minutes 37 seconds10
98Archna67 %5 minutes 8 seconds10
99Yashika67 %5 minutes 22 seconds10
100Kiiimikimim67 %5 minutes 44 seconds10
101Shruti67 %5 minutes 51 seconds10
102hm67 %6 minutes 2 seconds10
103unknown67 %6 minutes 33 seconds10
104divyanshi67 %6 minutes 50 seconds10
105Sirjana Kaur Kalha67 %10 minutes 38 seconds10
106Dev67 %10 minutes 49 seconds10
107D67 %20 minutes 36 seconds10
108Aarushi60 %1 minutes 58 seconds9
109Manasvi60 %2 minutes 39 seconds9
110m60 %2 minutes 59 seconds9
111h60 %3 minutes 15 seconds9
112Faiz60 %3 minutes 21 seconds9
113missmeowww60 %3 minutes 58 seconds9
114Eshwar60 %4 minutes 32 seconds9
115Amanda60 %4 minutes 45 seconds9
116Atharv60 %5 minutes 5 seconds9
117Ananya60 %5 minutes 16 seconds9
118Naveen60 %5 minutes 33 seconds9
119Dv60 %6 minutes 6 seconds9
120Shag60 %6 minutes 7 seconds9
121Priya60 %6 minutes 45 seconds9
122lena60 %7 minutes 9 seconds9
123Pr60 %11 minutes 29 seconds9
124Suruchi60 %11 minutes 46 seconds9
125Shagun53 %1 minutes 24 seconds8
126Abb53 %4 minutes 17 seconds8
127Fug boy53 %4 minutes 34 seconds8
128Roshwin53 %4 minutes 37 seconds8
129Riya53 %4 minutes 41 seconds8
130tia53 %4 minutes 42 seconds8
131human53 %5 minutes 8
132Kashish53 %5 minutes 22 seconds8
133Mantsha53 %5 minutes 40 seconds8
134Riyahhh53 %6 minutes 3 seconds8
135Kriti53 %6 minutes 15 seconds8
136Aaradhya53 %6 minutes 29 seconds8
137Kriti53 %6 minutes 31 seconds8
138lakshita53 %7 minutes 15 seconds8
139Gajendra53 %8 minutes 12 seconds8
140Manoj Kumar Lodhi53 %9 minutes 31 seconds8
141Alok singh53 %9 minutes 45 seconds8
142Manoj Kumar Lodhi53 %12 minutes 15 seconds8
143Yash47 %2 minutes 52 seconds7
144Faiz47 %4 minutes 42 seconds7
145Suspicious47 %4 minutes 43 seconds7
146ABC47 %6 minutes 1 seconds7
147Govind goyal47 %6 minutes 23 seconds7
148Stanzin Angmo47 %6 minutes 40 seconds7
149ARYA47 %6 minutes 42 seconds7
150Gajemdra47 %7 minutes 32 seconds7
151Shreya47 %7 minutes 45 seconds7
152Cc47 %7 minutes 57 seconds7
153Sona47 %9 minutes 12 seconds7
154Sakshi47 %9 minutes 16 seconds7
155Class 1047 %9 minutes 59 seconds7
156Harsh47 %12 minutes 55 seconds7
157Nafiya47 %22 minutes 51 seconds7
158Kanchan40 %1 minutes 18 seconds6
159Sania pradhan40 %1 minutes 58 seconds6
160Aarushi40 %2 minutes 18 seconds6
161Ttwe40 %3 minutes 7 seconds6
162Kriti lepcha40 %4 minutes 3 seconds6
163Yashika40 %5 minutes 30 seconds6
1644Z40 %5 minutes 57 seconds6
165Ayushman Verma40 %6 minutes 21 seconds6
166Ananya40 %6 minutes 56 seconds6
167Laya40 %7 minutes 45 seconds6
168Karyi33 %2 minutes 41 seconds5
169.....33 %3 minutes 4 seconds5
170Dharani boro33 %4 minutes 57 seconds5
171Ee33 %6 minutes 3 seconds5
172Xyz33 %6 minutes 57 seconds5
173Kitty27 %2 minutes 36 seconds4
174Khushi27 %3 minutes 2 seconds4
175Sri Sristi Dewraja27 %4 minutes 20 seconds4
176Noorrrr27 %4 minutes 36 seconds4
177Meow20 %2 minutes 2 seconds3
178Amanatpreet20 %2 minutes 30 seconds3
179Kanchan13 %1 minutes 34 seconds2

Key Topics Covered in the Quiz

Amanda’s thoughts and imagination
Parenting & childhood restrictions
Poetic devices: Metaphor, Repetition, Alliteration
Exam-oriented competency-based MCQs

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