Class 10 English 2023 Topper's Answer Sheet

Inside the Mind of a Topper 🥇: Class 10 English 2023 Topper’s Answer Sheet 📜

Wanna score high in your English exam? Peek at a topper's secret weapon!

Stressed about the upcoming Class 10 English exam? Relax! We've got something amazing for you - the answer sheet of the 2023 CBSE Class 10 English topper!

No need to worry about fancy words or complicated stuff. This is all about understanding how toppers answer questions the RIGHT way. You'll see how they use simple language, structure their answers, and explain things clearly. It's like learning from a champion!

Plus, we're not just talking - we're giving you the actual answer sheet as a PDF download! Download it, analyze it, and learn their winning tricks.

Remember, the exam is on February 26th, 2024. Don't wait! Get insider tips from a topper and ace your English exam with confidence!

Ready to unlock the secrets of exam success? Read on and let's crack this English paper together!

SubjectEnglish (Language & Literature)
Exam Date26/02/2024
Content-Type2023 Topper's Answer Sheet
Official Website
Class 10 English 2023 Topper's Answer Sheet


Reading Skills (20 marks)

1. Read the following passage carefully:

1 Organic food is very popular these days. It can also be very expensive. Some organic food costs twice as much as non-organic food. Parents of young children and even some pet owners, will pay high prices for organic food if they think it is healthier. But many others think organic food is just a waste of money.

2 There is one main difference between organic and non-organic food. Organic farms do not use agricultural chemicals such as pesticides that stop insects from damaging crops. In many countries, foods that claim to be organic must have special labels that guarantee they're grown organically.

3 Some people think organic also means 'locally grown' and originally it was indeed true. But over a period of time organic farming has become a big business, with many organic foods now being grown by large agricultural companies that sell their products far from where they're grown. Processed food made with organic ingredients has also become more popular. At first, only small companies produced these products. But as demand overtook supply, big food companies that had been selling non-organic products for many years also began selling organic products.

4 Is organic food safer and more nutritious? This is an important part of the debate. Many farmers and consumers believe it is safer and more nutritious. They think agricultural chemicals can cause serious illnesses such as cancer, but there isn't much evidence proving this is true. However, recent studies have shown that eating organically-grown produce reduces your chances of developing heart diseases. Many doctors think it is more important to stop dangerous bacteria from contaminating foods. These bacteria can contaminate both organic and non-organic fruits and vegetables, and doctors recommend washing produce carefully before eating it. Meat, fish and chicken can also become contaminated so washing your hands before handling these foods is also very important.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below: 10x1=10

(i) People are willing to pay high prices for organic food because

(a) it is not easily available.

(b) it helps in weight loss.

(c) it is produced by small companies.

(d) it does not contain agricultural chemicals.

(ii) Select the option that displays what the writer projects with reference to the following:

Is organic food safer and more nutritious? This is an important part of the debate.

(a) denial

(b) confirmation

(c) caution

(d) acceptance

(iii) Complete the following with a phrase from paragraph 3.

Big food companies have started selling organic food products.

(iv) The writer contrasts organic food to non-organic food.

State one point of comparison between the two.

(v) Based on your reading of the text, list one benefit of eating organic food.

(vi) What connection does the writer draw between the contamination of food and washing hands?

(vii) The writer says that people believe that it is safer and more nutritious to eat organic food. Select the reason for his skeptical view.

(a) the price decides the popularity

(b) there is no confirmed evidence

(c) it is tastier

(d) it is marketed by big food companies

(viii) Supply one point to justify the following:

Some people think organic also means 'locally grown'.

(ix) Supply one method of how we can control the contamination of organic and non-organic food.

(x) List one factor that certifies food to be organic.


Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet
Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet
Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet

2. Read the following passage carefully:

1 According to a new study, a vast blanket of pollution stretching across South Asia is cutting down sunlight by 10 per cent over India, damaging agriculture, modifying rainfall patterns and putting hundreds of thousands of people at risk.

2 It is said, "Acids in the haze may, by falling as acid rain, have the potential to damage crops and trees. Ash falling on leaves can aggravate the impact of reduced sunlight on the Earth's surface. The pollution that is forming the haze could be leading to several hundreds of thousands of premature deaths as a result of higher levels of respiratory diseases."

3 "The haze can cut down sunlight over India by 10 percent (so far) - a huge amount! As a repercussion, the North-West of India is drying up," Prof. V. Ramanathan said when asked specifically about the impact of the haze over India. He said, "We are still in a early stage of understanding of the impact of the haze."

4 Prof. V. Ramanathan was asked whether the current droughts in most parts of India after over a decade of good monsoons was owing to the haze. He said, "It was too early to reach a conclusion. If the droughts persist for about four to five years, then we would start suspecting that it may be because of the haze." India, China, and Indonesia are the worst affected owing to their population density, economic growth and depleting forest cover.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below: 10x1=10

(i) Infer one reason for the following based on the information in paragraph 1:

In India rainfall patterns are changing.

(ii) The pollution spreading across South Asia is affecting India by ________.

Choose the correct option from the ones given below:

Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet

(a) I, II and III

(b) I, III and IV

(c) II, III and IV

(d) I, II and IV

(iii) Complete the following analogy correctly with a word/phrase from paragraph 2.

possibility : _________ : : suspecting : doubting

(iv) Select the correct option to complete the sentence.

___________ droughts were caused by the haze.

(a) Strong evidence suggested that

(b) Past surveys confirmed that

(c) There has not been enough time to determine that

(d) Superstitious people believe that

(v) From the following pie chart, identify one reason each which does and does not contribute to weather disruption:

Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet

(vi) Fill in the blank by selecting the correct option.

Ash falling on leaves can __________ the impact of reduced sunlight on the Earth's surface.

(a) worsen

(b) encourage

(c) diminish

(d) support

(vii) Substitute the word 'repercussion' with one word similar in meaning in the following sentence from paragraph 3.

The haze has cut down sunlight over India ... As a repercussion, the North-West of India is drying up.

(viii) List any two countries which are affected due to depleting forest cover.

(ix) Which of the following mean the same as 'persist' in 'droughts persist' as used in para 4?

(a) destroying

(b) halting

(c) continue

(d) blocking

(x) Select the option that titles paragraphs 1-4 appropriately with reference to information in the text.


  1. Impact of Pollution in South Asia
  2. Effects of Acid Rain
  3. Understanding Consequences of Haze
  4. Debate over Droughts


  1. Impact of Droughts
  2. Understanding Acid Rain
  3. Effect of Haze
  4. Debate over Pollution


  1. Impact of Pollution in South Asia
  2. Effects of Acid Rain
  3. Debate over Droughts
  4. Understanding Haze


  1. Impact of Haze
  2. Understanding Acid Rain
  3. Debate over Pollution
  4. Effect of Haze


Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet
Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet
Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet


Grammar and Creative Writing Skills (20 marks)

3. Attempt any ten of the following twelve questions: 10x1=10

(i) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option.

If I were attending the workshop, I _________ stay on till the end of the second session as well.

(a) would

(b) may

(c) can

(d) should

(ii) Read the conversation between a passenger and the clerk at the ticket counter.

Complete the sentence by reporting the reply correctly.

The clerk at the ticket counter: Where do you want to go?

Passenger: Please give me a ticket to Bhopal.

The clerk at the ticket counter enquired where the passenger wanted to go. The passenger requested the clerk ____________.

(iii) Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line:

As a true patriot, I ________ lay down my life for my motherland.

(a) might

(b) could

(c) will

(d) should

(iv) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line:

My sister lives at the ground floor of a two-storeyed apartment and hates living there.

Option No.ErrorCorrection

(v) Complete the given narrative by filling in the blank with the correct option :

When I was a very young girl, _________ grocery shopping was considered a major outing for me.

(a) to be going

(b) going

(c) having gone

(d) went

(vi) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the brackets :

The package _________ (arrive) at nine in the morning, the day after tomorrow.

(a) will arrive

(b) would arrive

(c) can arrive

(d) cannot arrive

(vii) Report the dialogue between Tony and Sarita, by completing the sentence.

Tony: Why did you call me?

Sarita: Will you go to the museum with me?

Tony asked Sarita why she had called him. Sarita wanted to know whether Tony ___________.

(viii) Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction :

Do you know that slouching should cause many problems?

Use the given format for your response.


(ix) Roma asked Gopal to go by the metro. Report Gopal's question.

Which way is the metro station?

(x) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option.

Drivers _________ wear helmets for their safety.

(a) must

(b) can't

(c) don't

(d) ought

(xi) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option.

Economics _____________ difficult for the students of grade nine.

(a) is

(b) are

(c) has

(d) were

(xii) The father said, "I bought a watch." (Change the speech)

(a) The father said that I bought a watch.

(b) The father said that he bought a watch.

(c) The father said that he had bought a watch.

(d) The father said that he has bought a watch.


Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet
Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet

4. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below: 5

(A) You are Armaan/Anjali of C-63, Panvel. You recently read a magazine article which highlighted the condition of underage children working in hazardous conditions. Instead of going to school, they are working in dimly lit factories, tea stalls, in garages, etc. to supplement family incomes. Write a letter to the editor of 'The Times of India' in about 100-120 words, drawing attention to this national problem and suggesting solutions.


(B) You are Rohit/Riya of Hauz Khas, New Delhi. You bought a pair of shoes from M/s. Shoe Factory, GK-II, New Delhi. On unpacking them, you found to your amazement that both the shoes are meant for your left foot. Write a letter of complaint to the Manager of M/s. Shoe Factory asking for replacement at their cost. (Word limit: 100 120 words)

Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet
Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet
Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet

5. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below : 5

(A) Given below are the pollution figures for some major towns and cities in India:

Suspended Particulate MatterSulphur DioxideNitrogen Oxide
Permissible Limits2008080

Using the information given above along with your own ideas, write an analytical paragraph in 100 120 words.


(B) The given pie chart represents the amount of money spent by a family on different items in a month. Write an analytical paragraph in 100 120 words using the information given in the pie chart.

Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet


Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet
Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet
Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet


Literature (40 marks)

6. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below:

(A) Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: 5x1=5

I wrote the three pages Mr. Keesing had assigned me and was satisfied. I argued that talking is a student's trait and that I would do my best to keep it under control, but that I would never be able to cure myself of the habit since my mother talked as much as I did, if not more, and that there's not much one can do about inherited traits.

(i) Who was Mr. Keesing?

(a) English teacher

(b) Social Science teacher

(c) Warden

(d) Principal

(ii) According to the extract, the incorrigible habit possessed by the speaker was

  • I. making noise in class
  • II. talking too much
  • III. procrastinating
  • IV. coming late to class
  • V. asking irritating questions

Select the correct option :

(a) I and III

(b) Only II

(c) I, IV, and V

(d) Only III

(iii) Complete the analogy by selecting the suitable word from the extract.

routine : habit : : characteristic : _________

(iv) Select the reason why the narrator is unable to control her trait.

(a) She had deliberately practiced it.

(b) She wanted to be different from her brother.

(c) Her teacher had encouraged her to continue as she was.

(d) She had inherited it.

(v) Which of the following most nearly means the opposite of the phrase 'under control'?

(a) to spend less

(b) unable to take on the challenge

(c) find it difficult to manage

(d) being very stubborn


(B) Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: 5x1=5

His landlord disliked him and tried to eject him. In revenge, Griffin set fire to the house. To get away without being seen he had to remove his clothes. Thus it was that he became a homeless wanderer, without clothes, without money and quite invisible until - he happened to step in some mud, and left footprints as he walked!

(i) Griffin's landlord tried to eject him because

(a) he was a lawless person.

(b) he had set his house on fire.

(c) he didn't like him.

(d) he was a drug addict.

(ii) Fill in the blank with one word only.

Griffin deliberately removed his clothes because he wanted to become ________.

(iii) Select the option that correctly captures the application of the word 'fire' as used in this extract.

(a) Griffin said that he would fire the manager.

(b) The soldiers opened fire at the enemy.

(c) His remarks provoked heavy fire from the political opponents.

(d) The Amar Palace was completely destroyed by the fire.

(iv) Griffin's presence was felt when

(a) he jumped into the water with a splash.

(b) he wore clothes.

(c) he left muddy footprints.

(d) he stepped in mud.

(v) Which of the following is not true with reference to the given extract?

(a) Griffin had become penniless.

(b) Griffin promised to behave himself.

(c) Griffin revealed himself by his muddy footprints.

(d) No one could see Griffin when he took off his clothes.


Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet

7. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below:

(A) Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: 5x1=5

Or if sometime when roaming round,
A noble wild beast greets you,
With black stripes on a yellow ground,
Just notice if he eats you.
This simple rule may help you learn
The Bengal Tiger to discern.

(i) Who is the 'noble wild beast' in the above lines?

(a) zebra

(b) Asian Tiger

(c) Asian Lion

(d) Bengal Tiger

(ii) Complete the sentence appropriately.

It is clear that 'Alliteration' is the poetic device used for 'roaming round' because ______. (Clue: explain how alliteration applies here)

(iii) State whether the following statement is True or False :

The extract helps to identify a Royal Bengal Tiger.

(iv) In the given lines, what effect does the poet create?

'Just notice if he eats you.
This simple rule may help you learn
The Bengal Tiger to discern.'

(a) irony

(b) terror

(c) sympathy

(d) criticism

(v) Which word in the extract tells you that you have recognized the 'noble beast'?

(a) rule

(b) discern

(c) roaming

(d) notice


(B) Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: 5x1=5

He hears the last voice at night.
The patrolling cars,
And stares with his brilliant eyes
At the brilliant stars.
He stalks in his vivid stripes
A few steps of his cage.

(i) Whose is the last voice heard by the tiger?

(a) police jeep

(b) patrolling cars

(c) watchmen

(d) roar of lion

(ii) Complete the sentence appropriately.

It is clear that 'Repetition' is the poetic device used for 'his brilliant eyes at the brilliant stars' because ______. (Clue: explain how repetition applies here)

(iii) The main contrasting ideas in this extract are

(a) tiger and deer.

(b) cruelty and sympathy.

(c) confinement and freedom.

(d) master and slave.

(iv) The use of the word 'stalks' creates an image of

(a) cowardice.

(b) frustration.

(c) lethargy.

(d) purposefulness.

(v) State whether the following statement is True or False:

The poem uses 'staring at the sky' to symbolize the freedom 'he' yearns for.


Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet

8. Answer any four of the following questions in about 40-50 words each: 4x3=12

(a) Valour and hospitality are inherent in the people of Coorg. Explain.

(b) In what way would writing a letter to God help Lencho tide over his crisis?

(c) "I'll take the risk." What is the risk? Why does the narrator take it? (The Black Aeroplane)

(d) What impression do you form about Amanda in the poem?

(e) What did Siddhartha Gautama come across by chance when he was about twenty-five years old?


Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet
Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet
Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet

9. Answer any two of the following questions in about 40-50 words each: 2x3=6

(a) How did Hari Singh justify to himself his stealing Anil's money?

(b) How did Ebright's mother help him to become a scientist?

(c) Why was Mr Herriot shocked at Tricki's appearance?


Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet
Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet
Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet

10. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-120 words: 6

(a) The people and surroundings are a great book to learn from. Valli in the lesson 'Madam Rides the Bus' learns a lot from others. Mention the traits of her character which help her to learn from people and her surroundings.


(b) Mandela said, "People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love." Discuss.


Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet
Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet
Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet

11. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-120 words: 6

(a) Mme Loisel's disposition invites her doom. Elucidate with reference to the text.


(b) Bholi was believed to be a 'dumb cow'. What turned her into a fearless, bold, and confident girl?


Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet
Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet
Class 10 English 2023 Toppers Answer Sheet

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