The Voice of The Rain Class 11 Notes

Hello everyone, in this post, you will get notes on the poem 'The Voice of The Rain' NCERT Hornbill Class 11 English. Students must prepare these pointers and include these points in their answers to score maximum in their exams.

Name of the Poem: The Voice of The Rain

Name of the Poet: Walt Whitman

NCERT Notes of The Voice of The Rain Class 11

Stanza 1:

  • The poem, "The Voice of the Rain", presents a dialogue between the poet and the rain. So there are two voices in the poem. One of the poet and the other of the rain.
  • The phrase 'strange to tell' expresses the poet's surprise at the rain's ability to reply and use words.  The poet gets surprised when he gets an answer from the rain, as it is inanimate and cannot speak. The belief is that rain cannot speak like human beings. The poet believes that the readers will also find it surprising and strange that the rain should speak and answer the poet's question.
  • The rain in its own voice tells the poet that she is the poem of this Earth. The rain is trying to say that, as music or poetry gives pleasure to human beings, the rain gives happiness to mother Earth.

Stanza 2:

  • The word 'eternal' indicates the continual process of rain as a sequence of evaporation, condensation, and falling of rain on Earth.
  • The rain says that it rises to the sky in the form of vapor. There the vapor form clouds of different shapes. Hence, rain takes many forms but ultimately, they all are forms of water or rain and thus all are the same.
  • The words 'eternal' and 'impalpable' indicate that nature is not fully understood and some part of it always remain beyond our reach.
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Stanza 3:

  • The raindrops pour down from above to:
  1. wash away droughts and dust layers enveloping Earth,
  2. satisfy the thirst of the dry Earth
  3. heal everything that is degrading and is lying lifeless
  4. make Earth clean and green
  5. help in the germination of seeds that were lying dormant due to dry spells.

Stanza 4:

  • The last two lines of the poem have been put within brackets as they do not form a part of the conversation between the poet and the rain. The lines in the brackets indicate the reflections, observations, and thoughts of the poet about the life cycle of a song. In these lines, the poet draws a parallel between rain and music. The poet observes that the life-cycle of rain and a song are alike. The song originates from the singer and travels to reach others. It wanders and, whether heard and enjoyed or not, eventually returns to its creator with all due love. Similarly, rain originates from Earth, and after fulfilling its role of spreading beauty and purity, returns to its origin.

Watch the Detailed Explanation of this poem "The voice of the rain" here:

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